#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'io/console' require 'colorize' require 'serialport' class ConnectionError < StandardError; end # The main class class MiniTerm def initialize(serial_name) @name_short = 'MT' @target_serial_name = serial_name @target_serial = nil @host_console = IO.console end private def serial_connected? File.exist?(@target_serial_name) end def wait_for_serial loop do break if serial_connected? print "\r[#{@name_short}] ⏳ Waiting for #{@target_serial_name}" sleep(1) end end def open_serial wait_for_serial @target_serial = SerialPort.new(@target_serial_name, 230_400, 8, 1, SerialPort::NONE) # Ensure all output is immediately flushed to the device. @target_serial.sync = true rescue Errno::EACCES => e puts puts "[#{@name_short}] 🚫 #{e.message} - Maybe try with 'sudo'" exit else puts puts "[#{@name_short}] ✅ Connected" end def terminal @host_console.raw! Thread.abort_on_exception = true Thread.report_on_exception = false # Receive from target and print on host console. target_to_host = Thread.new do loop do char = @target_serial.getc raise ConnectionError if char.nil? # Translate incoming newline to newline + carriage return. @host_console.putc("\r") if char == "\n" @host_console.putc(char) end end # Transmit host console input to target. loop do c = @host_console.getc # CTRL + C in raw mode was pressed. if c == "\u{3}" target_to_host.kill break end @target_serial.putc(c) end end def connetion_reset @target_serial&.close @target_serial = nil @host_console.cooked! end # When the serial lost power or was removed during R/W operation. def handle_reconnect connetion_reset puts puts "[#{@name_short}] ⚡ #{'Connection Error: Reinsert the USB serial again'.light_red}" end def handle_unexpected(error) connetion_reset puts puts "[#{@name_short}] ⚡ #{"Unexpected Error: #{error.inspect}".light_red}" end public def run open_serial terminal rescue ConnectionError, EOFError, Errno::EIO handle_reconnect retry rescue StandardError => e handle_unexpected(e) ensure connetion_reset puts puts "[#{@name_short}] Bye 👋" end end if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME puts 'Miniterm 1.0'.cyan puts # CTRL + C handler. Only here to suppress Ruby's default exception print. trap('INT') do # The `ensure` block from `MiniTerm::run` will run after exit, restoring console state. exit end MiniTerm.new(ARGV[0]).run end