#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Andre Richter require 'English' require 'pty' # Test base class. class Test INDENT = ' ' def print_border(status) puts puts "#{INDENT}-------------------------------------------------------------------" puts status puts "#{INDENT}-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n\n" end def print_error(error) puts print_border("#{INDENT}❌ Failure: #{error}: #{@test_name}") end def print_success print_border("#{INDENT}✅ Success: #{@test_name}") end def print_output puts "#{INDENT}-------------------------------------------------------------------" print INDENT print '🦀 ' print @output.join('').gsub("\n", "\n#{INDENT}") end def finish(error) print_output exit_code = if error print_error(error) false else print_success true end exit(exit_code) end end # Executes tests with console I/O. class ConsoleTest < Test def initialize(binary, qemu_cmd, test_name, console_subtests) super() @binary = binary @qemu_cmd = qemu_cmd @test_name = test_name @console_subtests = console_subtests @cur_subtest = 1 @output = ["Running #{@console_subtests.length} console-based tests\n", "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"] end def format_test_name(number, name) formatted_name = "#{number.to_s.rjust(3)}. #{name}" formatted_name.ljust(63, '.') end def run_subtest(subtest, qemu_out, qemu_in) @output << format_test_name(@cur_subtest, subtest.name) subtest.run(qemu_out, qemu_in) @output << "[ok]\n" @cur_subtest += 1 end def exec error = false PTY.spawn(@qemu_cmd) do |qemu_out, qemu_in| begin @console_subtests.each { |t| run_subtest(t, qemu_out, qemu_in) } rescue StandardError => e error = e.message end finish(error) end end end # A wrapper around the bare QEMU invocation. class RawTest < Test MAX_WAIT_SECS = 5 def initialize(binary, qemu_cmd, test_name) super() @binary = binary @qemu_cmd = qemu_cmd @test_name = test_name @output = [] end def exec error = 'Timed out waiting for test' io = IO.popen(@qemu_cmd) while IO.select([io], nil, nil, MAX_WAIT_SECS) begin @output << io.read_nonblock(1024) rescue EOFError io.close error = $CHILD_STATUS.to_i != 0 break end end finish(error) end end ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Script entry point ##-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- binary = ARGV.last test_name = binary.gsub(%r{.*deps/}, '').split('-')[0] console_test_file = "tests/#{test_name}.rb" qemu_cmd = ARGV.join(' ') test_runner = if File.exist?(console_test_file) load console_test_file # subtest_collection is provided by console_test_file ConsoleTest.new(binary, qemu_cmd, test_name, subtest_collection) else RawTest.new(binary, qemu_cmd, test_name) end test_runner.exec