// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 // // Copyright (c) 2020 Andre Richter //! A record of mapped pages. use super::{ AccessPermissions, Address, AttributeFields, MMIODescriptor, MemAttributes, PageSliceDescriptor, Physical, Virtual, }; use crate::{info, synchronization, synchronization::InitStateLock, warn}; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Definitions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// Type describing a virtual memory mapping. #[allow(missing_docs)] #[derive(Copy, Clone)] struct MappingRecordEntry { pub users: [Option<&'static str>; 5], pub phys_pages: PageSliceDescriptor, pub virt_start_addr: Address, pub attribute_fields: AttributeFields, } struct MappingRecord { inner: [Option; 12], } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global instances //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static KERNEL_MAPPING_RECORD: InitStateLock = InitStateLock::new(MappingRecord::new()); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Private Code //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- impl MappingRecordEntry { pub fn new( name: &'static str, phys_pages: &PageSliceDescriptor, virt_pages: &PageSliceDescriptor, attr: &AttributeFields, ) -> Self { Self { users: [Some(name), None, None, None, None], phys_pages: *phys_pages, virt_start_addr: virt_pages.start_addr(), attribute_fields: *attr, } } fn find_next_free_user(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Option<&'static str>, &'static str> { if let Some(x) = self.users.iter_mut().find(|x| x.is_none()) { return Ok(x); }; Err("Storage for user info exhausted") } pub fn add_user(&mut self, user: &'static str) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let x = self.find_next_free_user()?; *x = Some(user); Ok(()) } } impl MappingRecord { pub const fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: [None; 12] } } fn find_next_free(&mut self) -> Result<&mut Option, &'static str> { if let Some(x) = self.inner.iter_mut().find(|x| x.is_none()) { return Ok(x); } Err("Storage for mapping info exhausted") } fn find_duplicate( &mut self, phys_pages: &PageSliceDescriptor, ) -> Option<&mut MappingRecordEntry> { self.inner .iter_mut() .filter(|x| x.is_some()) .map(|x| x.as_mut().unwrap()) .filter(|x| x.attribute_fields.mem_attributes == MemAttributes::Device) .find(|x| x.phys_pages == *phys_pages) } pub fn add( &mut self, name: &'static str, phys_pages: &PageSliceDescriptor, virt_pages: &PageSliceDescriptor, attr: &AttributeFields, ) -> Result<(), &'static str> { let x = self.find_next_free()?; *x = Some(MappingRecordEntry::new(name, phys_pages, virt_pages, attr)); Ok(()) } pub fn print(&self) { const KIB_RSHIFT: u32 = 10; // log2(1024). const MIB_RSHIFT: u32 = 20; // log2(1024 * 1024). info!(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); info!( " {:^24} {:^24} {:^7} {:^9} {:^35}", "Virtual", "Physical", "Size", "Attr", "Entity" ); info!(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for i in self .inner .iter() .filter(|x| x.is_some()) .map(|x| x.unwrap()) { let virt_start = i.virt_start_addr.into_usize(); let virt_end_inclusive = virt_start + i.phys_pages.size() - 1; let phys_start = i.phys_pages.start_addr().into_usize(); let phys_end_inclusive = i.phys_pages.end_addr_inclusive().into_usize(); let size = i.phys_pages.size(); let (size, unit) = if (size >> MIB_RSHIFT) > 0 { (size >> MIB_RSHIFT, "MiB") } else if (size >> KIB_RSHIFT) > 0 { (size >> KIB_RSHIFT, "KiB") } else { (size, "Byte") }; let attr = match i.attribute_fields.mem_attributes { MemAttributes::CacheableDRAM => "C", MemAttributes::Device => "Dev", }; let acc_p = match i.attribute_fields.acc_perms { AccessPermissions::ReadOnly => "RO", AccessPermissions::ReadWrite => "RW", }; let xn = if i.attribute_fields.execute_never { "XN" } else { "X" }; info!( " {:#011X}..{:#011X} --> {:#011X}..{:#011X} | \ {: >3} {} | {: <3} {} {: <2} | {}", virt_start, virt_end_inclusive, phys_start, phys_end_inclusive, size, unit, attr, acc_p, xn, i.users[0].unwrap() ); for k in i.users[1..].iter() { if let Some(additional_user) = *k { info!( " | {}", additional_user ); } } } info!(" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Public Code //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use synchronization::interface::ReadWriteEx; /// Add an entry to the mapping info record. pub fn kernel_add( name: &'static str, phys_pages: &PageSliceDescriptor, virt_pages: &PageSliceDescriptor, attr: &AttributeFields, ) -> Result<(), &'static str> { KERNEL_MAPPING_RECORD.write(|mr| mr.add(name, phys_pages, virt_pages, attr)) } pub fn kernel_find_and_insert_mmio_duplicate( phys_mmio_descriptor: &MMIODescriptor, new_user: &'static str, ) -> Option> { let phys_pages: PageSliceDescriptor = phys_mmio_descriptor.clone().into(); KERNEL_MAPPING_RECORD.write(|mr| { let dup = mr.find_duplicate(&phys_pages)?; if let Err(x) = dup.add_user(new_user) { warn!("{}", x); } Some(dup.virt_start_addr) }) } /// Human-readable print of all recorded kernel mappings. pub fn kernel_print() { KERNEL_MAPPING_RECORD.read(|mr| mr.print()); }