# Before we start The following text is a 1:1 copy of the documentation that can be found at the top of the kernel's main source code file in each tutorial. It describes the general structure of the source code, and tries to convey the philosophy behind the respective approach. Please read it to make yourself familiar with what you will encounter during the tutorials. It will help you to navigate the code better and understand the differences and additions between the separate tutorials. Please also note that the following text will reference source code files (e.g. `**/memory.rs`) or functions that won't exist yet in the first bunch of the tutorials. They will be added gradually as the tutorials advance. Have fun! ## Code organization and architecture The code is divided into different *modules*, each representing a typical **subsystem** of the `kernel`. Top-level module files of subsystems reside directly in the `src` folder. For example, `src/memory.rs` contains code that is concerned with all things memory management. ## Visibility of processor architecture code Some of the `kernel`'s subsystems depend on low-level code that is specific to the target processor architecture. For each supported processor architecture, there exists a subfolder in `src/_arch`, for example, `src/_arch/aarch64`. The architecture folders mirror the subsystem modules laid out in `src`. For example, architectural code that belongs to the `kernel`'s memory subsystem (`src/memory.rs`) would go into `src/_arch/aarch64/memory.rs`. The latter file is directly included and re-exported in `src/memory.rs`, so that the architectural code parts are transparent with respect to the code's module organization. That means a public function `foo()` defined in `src/_arch/aarch64/memory.rs` would be reachable as `crate::memory::foo()` only. The `_` in `_arch` denotes that this folder is not part of the standard module hierarchy. Rather, it's contents are conditionally pulled into respective files using the `#[path = "_arch/xxx/yyy.rs"]` attribute. ## BSP code `BSP` stands for Board Support Package. `BSP` code is organized under `src/bsp.rs` and contains target board specific definitions and functions. These are things such as the board's memory map or instances of drivers for devices that are featured on the respective board. Just like processor architecture code, the `BSP` code's module structure tries to mirror the `kernel`'s subsystem modules, but there is no transparent re-exporting this time. That means whatever is provided must be called starting from the `bsp` namespace, e.g. `bsp::driver::driver_manager()`. ## Kernel interfaces Both `arch` and `bsp` contain code that is conditionally compiled depending on the actual target and board for which the kernel is compiled. For example, the `interrupt controller` hardware of the `Raspberry Pi 3` and the `Raspberry Pi 4` is different, but we want the rest of the `kernel` code to play nicely with any of the two without much hassle. In order to provide a clean abstraction between `arch`, `bsp` and `generic kernel code`, `interface` traits are provided *whenever possible* and *where it makes sense*. They are defined in the respective subsystem module and help to enforce the idiom of *program to an interface, not an implementation*. For example, there will be a common IRQ handling interface which the two different interrupt controller `drivers` of both Raspberrys will implement, and only export the interface to the rest of the `kernel`. ``` +-------------------+ | Interface (Trait) | | | +--+-------------+--+ ^ ^ | | | | +----------+--+ +--+----------+ | kernel code | | bsp code | | | | arch code | +-------------+ +-------------+ ``` # Summary For a logical `kernel` subsystem, corresponding code can be distributed over several physical locations. Here is an example for the **memory** subsystem: - `src/memory.rs` and `src/memory/**/*` - Common code that is agnostic of target processor architecture and `BSP` characteristics. - Example: A function to zero a chunk of memory. - Interfaces for the memory subsystem that are implemented by `arch` or `BSP` code. - Example: An `MMU` interface that defines `MMU` function prototypes. - `src/bsp/__board_name__/memory.rs` and `src/bsp/__board_name__/memory/**/*` - `BSP` specific code. - Example: The board's memory map (physical addresses of DRAM and MMIO devices). - `src/_arch/__arch_name__/memory.rs` and `src/_arch/__arch_name__/memory/**/*` - Processor architecture specific code. - Example: Implementation of the `MMU` interface for the `__arch_name__` processor architecture. From a namespace perspective, **memory** subsystem code lives in: - `crate::memory::*` - `crate::bsp::memory::*`