// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 // // Copyright (c) 2022 Andre Richter //! Test if backtracing code detects an invalid frame pointer. #![feature(format_args_nl)] #![no_main] #![no_std] /// Console tests should time out on the I/O harness in case of panic. mod panic_wait_forever; use libkernel::{backtrace, bsp, cpu, exception, memory}; #[inline(never)] fn nested() { unsafe { backtrace::corrupt_previous_frame_addr() }; panic!() } #[no_mangle] unsafe fn kernel_init() -> ! { exception::handling_init(); memory::init(); bsp::driver::qemu_bring_up_console(); nested(); // The QEMU process running this test will be closed by the I/O test harness. cpu::wait_forever() }