#!/usr/bin/env ruby # frozen_string_literal: true # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Andre Richter require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' require 'colorize' require 'fileutils' require_relative 'devtool/copyright' # Actions for tutorial folders. class TutorialCrate attr_reader :folder def initialize(folder) @folder = folder end def tutorial? /[0-9]/.match?(@folder[0]) end def clean puts 'Cleaning '.light_blue + @folder # No output needed. Dir.chdir(@folder) { `make clean` } end def update puts "\n\n" puts 'Updating '.light_blue + @folder Dir.chdir(@folder) { system('cargo update') } end def clippy(bsp) puts "\n\n" puts "Clippy #{@folder} - BSP: #{bsp}".light_blue Dir.chdir(@folder) { exit(1) unless system("BSP=#{bsp} make clippy") } end def fmt_cargo_rust(args) Dir.chdir(@folder) { exit(1) unless system("cargo fmt #{args}") } end def make(bsp) puts "\n\n" puts "Make #{@folder} - BSP: #{bsp}".light_blue Dir.chdir(@folder) { exit(1) unless system("BSP=#{bsp} make") } end def test(bsp) return unless boot_test? puts "\n\n" puts "Test #{@folder} - BSP: #{bsp}".light_blue Dir.chdir(@folder) { exit(1) unless system("BSP=#{bsp} make test") } end def test_boot(bsp) return unless boot_test? puts "\n\n" puts "Test Boot #{@folder} - BSP: #{bsp}".light_blue Dir.chdir(@folder) { exit(1) unless system("BSP=#{bsp} make test_boot") } end def test_unit(bsp) return unless unit_integration_tests? puts "\n\n" puts "Test Unit #{@folder} - BSP: #{bsp}".light_blue Dir.chdir(@folder) { exit(1) unless system("BSP=#{bsp} make test_unit") } end def test_integration(bsp) return unless unit_integration_tests? puts "\n\n" puts "Test Integration #{@folder} - BSP: #{bsp}".light_blue Dir.chdir(@folder) { exit(1) unless system("BSP=#{bsp} make test_integration") } end private def boot_test? Dir.exist?("#{@folder}/tests") || Dir.exist?("#{@folder}/kernel/tests") end def unit_integration_tests? !Dir.glob("#{@folder}/kernel/tests/00_*.rs").empty? end end # Forks commands to all applicable receivers. class DevTool def initialize @user_has_supplied_crates = false @bsp = bsp_from_env || SUPPORTED_BSPS.first cl = user_supplied_crate_list || Dir['*/Cargo.toml'] @crates = cl.map { |c| TutorialCrate.new(c.delete_suffix('/Cargo.toml')) } end def clean @crates.each(&:clean) end def update @crates.each(&:update) end def clippy(bsp = nil) bsp ||= @bsp @crates.each { |c| c.clippy(bsp) } end def diff tuts = tutorials.map(&:folder) padding = tuts.map(&:length).max tuts[0..-2].each_with_index do |original, i| update = tuts[i + 1] diff_pair(original, update, padding) end end def fmt fmt_cargo_rust(check: false) puts fmt_prettier(check: false) end def fmt_check fmt_cargo_rust(check: true) puts fmt_prettier(check: true) end def make(bsp = nil) bsp ||= @bsp @crates.each { |c| c.make(bsp) } end def make_xtra return if @user_has_supplied_crates puts "\n\n" puts 'Make Xtra stuff'.light_blue system('cd *_uart_chainloader && bash update.sh') system('cd X1_JTAG_boot && bash update.sh') end def test(bsp = nil) bsp ||= @bsp @crates.each { |c| c.test(bsp) } end def test_boot(bsp = nil) bsp ||= @bsp @crates.each { |c| c.test_boot(bsp) } end def test_unit(bsp = nil) bsp ||= @bsp @crates.each { |c| c.test_unit(bsp) } end def test_integration(bsp = nil) bsp ||= @bsp @crates.each { |c| c.test_integration(bsp) } end def copyright exit(1) unless copyright_check_files(copyright_source_files) end def misspell puts 'Misspell'.light_blue translations = ['README.CN.md', 'README.ES.md'] files = tracked_files.reject { |f| translations.include?(File.basename(f)) } files = files.join(' ') exit(1) unless system(".vendor/misspell -error #{files}") end def rubocop puts 'Rubocop'.light_blue exit(1) unless system('bundle exec rubocop') end def ready_for_publish_no_rust clean fmt rubocop copyright diff misspell clean end def ready_for_publish ready_for_publish_no_rust make_xtra clippy('rpi4') clippy('rpi3') test_boot('rpi3') test_unit('rpi3') test_integration('rpi3') clean end private SUPPORTED_BSPS = %w[rpi3 rpi4].freeze def bsp_from_env bsp = ENV.fetch('BSP', nil) return bsp if SUPPORTED_BSPS.include?(bsp) nil end def fmt_cargo_rust(check: false) args = '-- --check' if check @crates.each do |c| print 'Rust cargo fmt '.light_blue print "#{args} ".light_blue unless args.nil? puts c.folder Process.fork { c.fmt_cargo_rust(args) } end Process.waitall end def fmt_prettier(check: false) args = if check '--check' else '--write' end args += if @user_has_supplied_crates " #{@crates.map(&:folder).join(' ')}" else ' .' end puts 'Prettier:'.light_blue exit(1) unless system("./node_modules/.bin/prettier #{args}") end def user_supplied_crate_list folders = ARGV.drop(1) return nil if folders.empty? crates = folders.map { |d| "#{d}/Cargo.toml" }.sort crates.each do |c| unless File.exist?(c) puts "Crate not found: #{c}" exit(1) end end @user_has_supplied_crates = true crates end def tutorials @crates.select(&:tutorial?) end def tracked_files crate_list = @crates.map(&:folder).join(' ') if @user_has_supplied_crates `git ls-files #{crate_list}`.split("\n") # crates_list == nil means all files end def diff_pair(original, update, padding) # Only diff adjacent tutorials. This checks the numbers of the tutorial folders. return unless original[0..1].to_i + 1 == update[0..1].to_i # Skip for tutorial 11. Due to the change to virtual manifest, the diff is rather # unreadable. if original[0..1].to_i == 11 puts 'Skipping '.light_yellow + "#{original}: Too noisy due to change to virtual manifest" return end puts 'Diffing '.light_blue + original.ljust(padding) + " -> #{update}" system("bash utils/diff_tut_folders.bash #{original} #{update}") end def copyright_source_files extensions = ['.S', '.rs', '.rb'] # NOTE: The selection result is the return value of the function. tracked_files.select do |f| next unless File.exist?(f) next if f.include?('build.rs') next if f.include?('boot_test_string.rb') f.include?('Makefile') || f.include?('Dockerfile') || extensions.include?(File.extname(f)) end end end ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Execution starts here ## ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tool = DevTool.new cmd = ARGV[0] commands = tool.public_methods(false).sort if commands.include?(cmd&.to_sym) tool.public_send(cmd) else puts "Usage: ./#{__FILE__.split('/').last} COMMAND [optional list of folders]" puts puts 'Commands:' commands.each { |m| puts " #{m}" } exit(1) end