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5 years ago
# Operating System development tutorials in Rust on the Raspberry Pi
7 years ago
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5 years ago
<img src="doc/header.jpg" height="379"> <img src="doc/minipush_demo_frontpage.gif" height="379">
5 years ago
## Introduction
5 years ago
5 years ago
This is a tutorial series for hobby OS developers who are new to ARM's 64 bit [ARMv8-A
architecture]. The tutorials will give a guided, step-by-step tour of how to write a [monolithic]
Operating System `kernel` for an `embedded system` from scratch. They cover implementation of common
Operating Systems tasks, like writing to the serial console, setting up virtual memory and handling
HW exceptions. All while leveraging `Rust`'s unique features to provide for safety and speed.
5 years ago
5 years ago
Have fun!
5 years ago
_Best regards,<br>Andre ([@andre-richter])_
P.S.: In the future, Chinese :cn: versions of the tutorials will be maintained as
[``]( by [@colachg] and [@readlnh].
[ARMv8-A architecture]:
5 years ago
## 📑 Organization
5 years ago
- Each tutorial contains a stand-alone, bootable `kernel` binary.
- Each new tutorial extends the previous one.
5 years ago
- Each tutorial `README` will have a short `tl;dr` section giving a brief overview of the additions,
and show the source code `diff` to the previous tutorial, so that you can conveniently inspect the
- Some tutorials have a full-fledged, detailed text in addition to the `tl;dr` section. The
long-term plan is that all tutorials get a full text, but for now this is exclusive to
tutorials where I think that `tl;dr` and `diff` are not enough to get the idea.
5 years ago
- The code written in these tutorials supports and runs on the **Raspberry Pi 3** and the
**Raspberry Pi 4**.
- Tutorials 1 till 5 are groundwork code which only makes sense to run in `QEMU`.
- Starting with [tutorial 6](06_drivers_gpio_uart), you can load and run the kernel on the real
Raspberrys and observe output over `UART`.
- Although the Raspberry Pi 3 and 4 are the main target boards, the code is written in a modular
fashion which allows for easy porting to other CPU architectures and/or boards.
- I would really love if someone takes a shot at a **RISC-V** implementation!
- For editing, I recommend [Visual Studio Code] with [Rust Analyzer].
5 years ago
- In addition to the tutorial text, also check out the `make doc` command in each tutorial. It lets
you browse the extensively documented code in a convenient way.
### Output of `make doc`
4 years ago
![make doc](doc/make_doc.png)
5 years ago
[Visual Studio Code]:
[Rust Analyzer]:
5 years ago
5 years ago
## 🛠 System Requirements
5 years ago
5 years ago
The tutorials are primarily targeted at **Linux**-based distributions. Most stuff will also work on
other Unix flavors such as **macOS**, but this is only _experimental_.
5 years ago
5 years ago
### 🚀 The tl;dr Version
5 years ago
5 years ago
1. [Install Docker][install_docker].
1. Ensure your user account is in the [docker group].
1. Install a suitable `Rust` toolchain:
1. If you already have a version of Rust installed:
4 years ago
rustup toolchain add nightly-2020-10-04
rustup default nightly-2020-10-04
4 years ago
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
rustup target add aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
cargo install cargo-binutils
2. If you need a fresh install:
4 years ago
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- \
--default-toolchain nightly-2020-10-04 \
4 years ago
--component llvm-tools-preview
4 years ago
source $HOME/.cargo/env
rustup target add aarch64-unknown-none-softfloat
cargo install cargo-binutils
7 years ago
5 years ago
3. In case you use `Visual Studio Code`, I strongly recommend installing the [Rust Analyzer extension].
4. If you are **NOT** running Linux, some `Ruby` gems are needed as well:
4 years ago
sudo gem install bundler
bundle config set path '.vendor/bundle'
bundle install
4 years ago
[docker group]:
[Rust Analyzer extension]:
5 years ago
### 🧰 The Long Version: Eliminating Toolchain Hassle
This series tries to put a strong focus on user friendliness. Therefore, efforts were made to
eliminate the biggest painpoint in embedded development as much as possible: Toolchain hassle.
Rust itself is already helping a lot in that regard, because it has built-in support for
cross-compilation. All that we need for cross-compiling from an `x86` host to the Raspberry Pi's
`AArch64` architecture is to install the respective target through `rustup`. However, besides the
Rust compiler, we will use some more tools. Among others:
- `QEMU` to emulate our kernel on the host system.
- A self-made tool called `Minipush` to load a kernel onto the Raspberry Pi on-demand over `UART`.
- `OpenOCD` and `GDB` for debugging on the target.
There is a lot that can go wrong while installing and/or compiling the correct version of each tool
on your host machine. For example, your distribution might not provide the latest version that is
needed. Or you are missing some hard-to-get dependencies for the compilation of one of these tools.
This is why we will make use of [Docker][install_docker] whenever possible. We are providing an
accompanying container that has all the needed tools or dependencies pre-installed, and it gets
pulled in automagically once it is needed. If you want to know more about Docker and peek at the
provided container, please refer to the repository's [docker](docker) folder.
5 years ago
5 years ago
## 📟 USB Serial Output
5 years ago
Since the kernel developed in the tutorials runs on the real hardware, it is highly recommended to
get a USB serial debug cable to get the full experience. The cable also powers the Raspberry once
you connect it, so you don't need extra power over the dedicated power-USB.
5 years ago
- You can find USB-to-serial cables that should work right away at [\[1\]] [\[2\]].
5 years ago
- You connect it to the GPIO pins `14/15` as shown below.
5 years ago
- [Tutorial 6](06_drivers_gpio_uart) is the first where you can use it. Check it out for
instructions on how to prepare the SD card to boot your self-made kernel from it.
- Starting with [tutorial 7](07_uart_chainloader), booting kernels on your Raspberry is getting
_really_ comfortable. In this tutorial, a so-called `chainloader` is developed, which will be the
last file you need to manually copy on the SD card for a while. It will enable you to load the
tutorial kernels during boot on demand over `UART`.
7 years ago
5 years ago
![UART wiring diagram](doc/wiring.png)
7 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
## 🙌 Acknowledgements
5 years ago
The original version of the tutorials started out as a fork of [Zoltan
5 years ago
Baldaszti]('s awesome [tutorials on bare metal programming on
RPi3]( in `C`. Thanks for giving me a head start!
5 years ago
## License
Licensed under either of
5 years ago
- Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
at your option.
### Contribution
5 years ago
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the
work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any
additional terms or conditions.