You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

181 lines
6.1 KiB

use failure::Fallible;
use log::*;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::ffi::OsString;
use std::iter::IntoIterator;
use structopt::StructOpt;
fn is_default<T: Default + PartialEq>(t: &T) -> bool {
t == &T::default()
// ugly, but serde and structopt use different methods to define defaults
macro_rules! set_default {
($name:ident, $val:expr, $type:ty) => {
paste::item! {
fn [<def_ $name>]() -> $type {
fn [<def_ $name _if>](e: &$type) -> bool {
e == &[<def_ $name>]()
set_default!(cache_compression_level, 12, u32);
set_default!(cache_max_blob_len, 2000000, u32);
set_default!(max_archive_recursion, 4, i32);
#[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[structopt(rename_all = "kebab-case", set_term_width = 80)]
pub struct RgaArgs {
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "is_default")]
#[structopt(long = "--rga-no-cache")]
/// Disable caching of results
/// By default, rga caches the extracted text to a database in ~/.cache/rga if it is small enough.
/// This way, repeated searches on the same set of files will be much faster.
/// If you pass this flag, all caching will be disabled.
pub no_cache: bool,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "is_default")]
#[structopt(long = "--rga-accurate")]
/// Use more accurate but slower matching by mime type
/// By default, rga will match files using file extensions.
/// Some programs, such as sqlite3, don't care about the file extension at all,
/// so users sometimes use any or no extension at all. With this flag, rga
/// will try to detect the mime type of input files using the magic bytes
/// (similar to the `file` utility), and use that to choose the adapter.
/// Detection is only done on the first 8KiB of the file, since we can't always seek on the input (in archives).
pub accurate: bool,
#[serde(default, skip_serializing_if = "is_default")]
long = "--rga-adapters",
require_equals = true,
require_delimiter = true
/// Change which adapters to use and in which priority order (descending)
/// "foo,bar" means use only adapters foo and bar.
/// "-bar,baz" means use all default adapters except for bar and baz.
/// "+bar,baz" means use all default adapters and also bar and baz.
pub adapters: Vec<String>,
default = "def_cache_max_blob_len",
skip_serializing_if = "def_cache_max_blob_len_if"
#[structopt(long = "--rga-cache-max-blob-len", default_value = "2000000")]
/// Max compressed size to cache
/// Longest byte length (after compression) to store in cache. Longer adapter outputs will not be cached and recomputed every time.
pub cache_max_blob_len: u32,
default = "def_cache_compression_level",
skip_serializing_if = "def_cache_compression_level_if"
long = "--rga-cache-compression-level",
hidden_short_help = true,
default_value = "12",
require_equals = true,
help = ""
/// ZSTD compression level to apply to adapter outputs before storing in cache db
pub cache_compression_level: u32,
default = "def_max_archive_recursion",
skip_serializing_if = "def_max_archive_recursion_if"
long = "--rga-max-archive-recursion",
default_value = "4",
require_equals = true,
help = "Maximum nestedness of archives to recurse into"
pub max_archive_recursion: i32,
// these arguments stop the process, so don't serialize them
#[structopt(long = "--rga-list-adapters", help = "List all known adapters")]
pub list_adapters: bool,
#[structopt(long, help = "Show help for ripgrep itself")]
pub rg_help: bool,
#[structopt(long, help = "Show version of ripgrep itself")]
pub rg_version: bool,
static RGA_CONFIG: &str = "RGA_CONFIG";
pub fn parse_args<I>(args: I) -> Fallible<RgaArgs>
I: IntoIterator,
I::Item: Into<OsString> + Clone,
match std::env::var(RGA_CONFIG) {
Ok(val) => {
"Loading args from env {}={}, ignoring cmd args",
Err(_) => {
let matches = RgaArgs::from_iter(args);
let serialized_config = serde_json::to_string(&matches)?;
std::env::set_var(RGA_CONFIG, &serialized_config);
debug!("{}={}", RGA_CONFIG, serialized_config);
/// Split arguments into the ones we care about and the ones rg cares about
pub fn split_args() -> Fallible<(RgaArgs, Vec<OsString>)> {
let mut app = RgaArgs::clap();
let mut firstarg = true;
// debug!("{:#?}", app.p.flags);
let (our_args, mut passthrough_args): (Vec<OsString>, Vec<OsString>) = std::env::args_os()
.partition(|os_arg| {
if firstarg {
// hacky, but .enumerate() would be ugly because partition is too simplistic
firstarg = false;
return true;
if let Some(arg) = os_arg.to_str() {
|| arg.starts_with("--rg-")
|| arg == "--help"
|| arg == "-h"
|| arg == "--version"
|| arg == "-V"
} else {
// args that are not unicode can only be filenames, pass them to rg
debug!("our_args: {:?}", our_args);
let matches = parse_args(our_args)?;
if matches.rg_help {
passthrough_args.insert(0, "--help".into());
if matches.rg_version {
passthrough_args.insert(0, "--version".into());
debug!("passthrough_args: {:?}", passthrough_args);
Ok((matches, passthrough_args))