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34 lines
811 B

use failure::{format_err, Error};
use rga::adapters::*;
use rga::preproc::*;
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
let path = {
let filepath = std::env::args_os()
.ok_or(format_err!("No filename specified"))?;
eprintln!("inp fname: {:?}", filepath);
eprintln!("abs path: {:?}", path);
let ai = AdaptInfo {
inp: &mut File::open(&path)?,
filepath_hint: &path,
oup: &mut std::io::stdout(),
line_prefix: "",
let cache_db = match env::var("RGA_NO_CACHE") {
Ok(ref s) if s.len() > 0 => Some(open_cache_db()?),
Ok(_) => None,
Err(_) => None,
rga_preproc(ai, cache_db)