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72 lines
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use std::pin::Pin;
use anyhow::Result;
use async_compression::tokio::write::ZstdEncoder;
use async_stream::stream;
use log::*;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncWriteExt};
use tokio_stream::StreamExt;
use tokio_util::io::{ReaderStream, StreamReader};
type FinishHandler = dyn FnOnce((u64, Option<Vec<u8>>)) -> Result<()> + Send;
* wrap a AsyncRead so that it is passthrough,
* but also the written data is compressed and written into a buffer,
* unless more than max_cache_size bytes is written, then the cache is dropped and it is pure passthrough.
pub fn async_read_and_write_to_cache<'a>(
inp: impl AsyncRead + Send + 'a,
max_cache_size: usize,
compression_level: i32,
on_finish: Box<FinishHandler>,
) -> Result<Pin<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send + 'a>>> {
let inp = Box::pin(inp);
let mut zstd_writer = Some(ZstdEncoder::with_quality(
async_compression::Level::Precise(compression_level as u32),
let mut bytes_written = 0;
let s = stream! {
let mut stream = ReaderStream::new(inp);
while let Some(bytes) = {
if let Ok(bytes) = &bytes {
if let Some(writer) = zstd_writer.as_mut() {
bytes_written += bytes.len() as u64;
let compressed_len = writer.get_ref().len();
trace!("wrote {} to zstd, len now {}", bytes.len(), compressed_len);
if compressed_len > max_cache_size {
debug!("cache longer than max, dropping");
yield bytes;
// EOF, call on_finish
let finish = {
if let Some(mut writer) = zstd_writer.take() {
let res = writer.into_inner();
if res.len() <= max_cache_size {
(bytes_written, Some(res))
} else {
(bytes_written, None)
} else {
(bytes_written, None)
// EOF, finish!
.map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e))?;