You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

377 lines
13 KiB

use super::*;
use super::{AdaptInfo, AdapterMeta, FileAdapter, GetMetadata};
use crate::adapted_iter::one_file;
use crate::{
matching::{FastFileMatcher, FileMatcher},
use crate::{join_handle_to_stream, to_io_err};
use anyhow::Result;
use async_stream::stream;
use bytes::Bytes;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use log::debug;
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::path::Path;
use std::process::Stdio;
use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
use tokio::process::Child;
use tokio::process::Command;
use tokio_util::io::StreamReader;
// mostly the same as AdapterMeta + SpawningFileAdapter
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize, JsonSchema, Default, PartialEq, Clone)]
pub struct CustomAdapterConfig {
/// the unique identifier and name of this adapter. Must only include a-z, 0-9, _
pub name: String,
/// a description of this adapter. shown in help
pub description: String,
/// if true, the adapter will be disabled by default
pub disabled_by_default: Option<bool>,
/// version identifier. used to key cache entries, change if the configuration or program changes
pub version: i32,
/// the file extensions this adapter supports. For example ["epub", "mobi"]
pub extensions: Vec<String>,
/// if not null and --rga-accurate is enabled, mime type matching is used instead of file name matching
pub mimetypes: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// if --rga-accurate, only match by mime types, ignore extensions completely
pub match_only_by_mime: Option<bool>,
/// the name or path of the binary to run
pub binary: String,
/// The arguments to run the program with. Placeholders:
/// - $input_file_extension: the file extension (without dot). e.g. foo.tar.gz -> gz
/// - $input_file_stem, the file name without the last extension. e.g. foo.tar.gz -> foo.tar
/// - $input_virtual_path: the full input file path. Note that this path may not actually exist on disk because it is the result of another adapter
/// stdin of the program will be connected to the input file, and stdout is assumed to be the converted file
pub args: Vec<String>,
/// The output path hint. The placeholders are the same as for `.args`
/// If not set, defaults to "${input_virtual_path}.txt"
/// Setting this is useful if the output format is not plain text (.txt) but instead some other format that should be passed to another adapter
pub output_path_hint: Option<String>,
fn strs(arr: &[&str]) -> Vec<String> {
lazy_static! {
pub static ref BUILTIN_SPAWNING_ADAPTERS: Vec<CustomAdapterConfig> = vec![
// from
// excluding formats that could cause problems (.db ?= sqlite) or that are already text formats (e.g. xml-based)
//"db" -> Just "docbook"
//"adoc" -> Just "asciidoc"
//"asciidoc" -> Just "asciidoc"
//"context" -> Just "context"
//"ctx" -> Just "context"
//"dokuwiki" -> Just "dokuwiki"
//"htm" -> Just "html"
//"html" -> Just "html"
//"json" -> Just "json"
//"latex" -> Just "latex"
//"lhs" -> Just "markdown+lhs"
//"ltx" -> Just "latex"
//"markdown" -> Just "markdown"
//"md" -> Just "markdown"
//"ms" -> Just "ms"
//"muse" -> Just "muse"
//"native" -> Just "native"
//"opml" -> Just "opml"
//"org" -> Just "org"
//"roff" -> Just "ms"
//"rst" -> Just "rst"
//"s5" -> Just "s5"
//"t2t" -> Just "t2t"
//"tei" -> Just "tei"
//"tei.xml" -> Just "tei"
//"tex" -> Just "latex"
//"texi" -> Just "texinfo"
//"texinfo" -> Just "texinfo"
//"textile" -> Just "textile"
//"text" -> Just "markdown"
//"txt" -> Just "markdown"
//"xhtml" -> Just "html"
//"wiki" -> Just "mediawiki"
CustomAdapterConfig {
name: "pandoc".to_string(),
description: "Uses pandoc to convert binary/unreadable text documents to plain markdown-like text".to_string(),
version: 3,
extensions: strs(&["epub", "odt", "docx", "fb2", "ipynb", "html", "htm"]),
binary: "pandoc".to_string(),
mimetypes: None,
// simpler markown (with more information loss but plainer text)
args: strs(&[
disabled_by_default: None,
match_only_by_mime: None,
output_path_hint: None
CustomAdapterConfig {
name: "poppler".to_owned(),
version: 1,
description: "Uses pdftotext (from poppler-utils) to extract plain text from PDF files"
extensions: strs(&["pdf"]),
mimetypes: Some(strs(&["application/pdf"])),
binary: "pdftotext".to_string(),
args: strs(&["-", "-"]),
disabled_by_default: None,
match_only_by_mime: None,
output_path_hint: Some("${input_virtual_path}.txt.asciipagebreaks".into())
/// replace a Command.spawn() error "File not found" with a more readable error
/// to indicate some program is not installed
pub fn map_exe_error(err: std::io::Error, exe_name: &str, help: &str) -> anyhow::Error {
use std::io::ErrorKind::*;
match err.kind() {
NotFound => format_err!("Could not find executable \"{}\". {}", exe_name, help),
_ => anyhow::Error::from(err),
fn proc_wait(mut child: Child, context: impl FnOnce() -> String) -> impl AsyncRead {
let s = stream! {
let res = child.wait().await?;
if res.success() {
yield std::io::Result::Ok(Bytes::new());
} else {
Err(format_err!("{:?}", res)).with_context(context).map_err(to_io_err)?;
pub fn pipe_output(
_line_prefix: &str,
mut cmd: Command,
inp: ReadBox,
exe_name: &str,
help: &str,
) -> Result<ReadBox> {
let cmd_log = format!("{:?}", cmd); // todo: perf
let mut cmd = cmd
.map_err(|e| map_exe_error(e, exe_name, help))?;
let mut stdi = cmd.stdin.take().expect("is piped");
let stdo = cmd.stdout.take().expect("is piped");
let join = tokio::spawn(async move {
let mut z = inp;
tokio::io::copy(&mut z, &mut stdi).await?;
proc_wait(cmd, move || format!("subprocess: {cmd_log}")).chain(join_handle_to_stream(join)),
pub struct CustomSpawningFileAdapter {
binary: String,
args: Vec<String>,
meta: AdapterMeta,
output_path_hint: Option<String>,
impl GetMetadata for CustomSpawningFileAdapter {
fn metadata(&self) -> &AdapterMeta {
fn arg_replacer(arg: &str, filepath_hint: &Path) -> Result<String> {
expand_str_ez(arg, |s| match s {
"input_virtual_path" => Ok(filepath_hint.to_string_lossy()),
"input_file_stem" => Ok(filepath_hint
"input_file_extension" => Ok(filepath_hint
e => Err(anyhow::format_err!("unknown replacer ${{{e}}}")),
impl CustomSpawningFileAdapter {
fn command(
filepath_hint: &std::path::Path,
mut command: tokio::process::Command,
) -> Result<tokio::process::Command> {
.map(|arg| arg_replacer(arg, filepath_hint))
log::debug!("running command {:?}", command);
impl FileAdapter for CustomSpawningFileAdapter {
async fn adapt(
ai: AdaptInfo,
_detection_reason: &FileMatcher,
) -> Result<AdaptedFilesIterBox> {
let AdaptInfo {
} = ai;
let cmd = Command::new(&self.binary);
let cmd = self
.command(&filepath_hint, cmd)
.with_context(|| format!("Could not set cmd arguments for {}", self.binary))?;
debug!("executing {:?}", cmd);
let output = pipe_output(&line_prefix, cmd, inp, &self.binary, "")?;
Ok(one_file(AdaptInfo {
filepath_hint: PathBuf::from(arg_replacer(
inp: output,
is_real_file: false,
archive_recursion_depth: archive_recursion_depth + 1,
impl CustomAdapterConfig {
pub fn to_adapter(&self) -> CustomSpawningFileAdapter {
CustomSpawningFileAdapter {
binary: self.binary.clone(),
args: self.args.clone(),
output_path_hint: self.output_path_hint.clone(),
meta: AdapterMeta {
version: self.version,
description: format!(
"{}\nRuns: {} {}",
self.args.join(" ")
recurses: true,
fast_matchers: self
.map(|s| FastFileMatcher::FileExtension(s.to_string()))
slow_matchers: self.mimetypes.as_ref().map(|mimetypes| {
.map(|s| FileMatcher::MimeType(s.to_string()))
keep_fast_matchers_if_accurate: !self.match_only_by_mime.unwrap_or(false),
disabled_by_default: self.disabled_by_default.unwrap_or(false),
mod test {
use super::super::FileAdapter;
use super::*;
use crate::preproc::loop_adapt;
use crate::test_utils::*;
use anyhow::Result;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use tokio::fs::File;
async fn poppler() -> Result<()> {
let adapter = poppler_adapter();
let filepath = test_data_dir().join("short.pdf");
let (a, d) = simple_adapt_info(&filepath, Box::pin(File::open(&filepath).await?));
// let r = adapter.adapt(a, &d)?;
let r = loop_adapt(&adapter, d, a).await?;
let o = adapted_to_vec(r).await?;
"PREFIX:Page 1: hello world
PREFIX:Page 1: this is just a test.
PREFIX:Page 1:
PREFIX:Page 1: 1
PREFIX:Page 1:
PREFIX:Page 1:
use crate::{
test_utils::{adapted_to_vec, simple_adapt_info},
use std::io::Cursor;
async fn streaming() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
// an adapter that converts input line by line (deadlocks if the parent process tries to write everything and only then read it)
let adapter = CustomAdapterConfig {
name: "simple text replacer".to_string(),
description: "oo".to_string(),
disabled_by_default: None,
version: 1,
extensions: vec!["txt".to_string()],
mimetypes: None,
match_only_by_mime: None,
binary: "sed".to_string(),
args: vec!["s/e/u/g".to_string()],
output_path_hint: None,
let adapter = adapter.to_adapter();
let input = r#"
This is the story of a
very strange lorry
with a long dead crew
and a witch with the flu
let input = format!("{input}{input}{input}{input}");
let input = format!("{input}{input}{input}{input}");
let input = format!("{input}{input}{input}{input}");
let input = format!("{input}{input}{input}{input}");
let input = format!("{input}{input}{input}{input}");
let input = format!("{input}{input}{input}{input}");
let (a, d) = simple_adapt_info(
let output = adapter.adapt(a, &d).await.unwrap();
let oup = adapted_to_vec(output).await?;
println!("output: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&oup));