use crate::adapted_iter::{AdaptedFilesIter, AdaptedFilesIterBox}; use crate::adapters::*; use crate::caching_writer::async_read_and_write_to_cache; use crate::config::RgaConfig; use crate::matching::*; use crate::recurse::concat_read_streams; use crate::{ preproc_cache::{LmdbCache, PreprocCache}, print_bytes, }; use anyhow::*; use async_compression::tokio::bufread::ZstdDecoder; use async_stream::stream; use log::*; use path_clean::PathClean; use postproc::PostprocPrefix; use std::convert::TryInto; use std::io::Cursor; use std::path::Path; use std::sync::Arc; use tokio::io::AsyncBufRead; use tokio::io::AsyncBufReadExt; use tokio::io::BufReader; type ActiveAdapters = Vec>; async fn choose_adapter( config: &RgaConfig, filepath_hint: &Path, archive_recursion_depth: i32, inp: &mut (impl AsyncBufRead + Unpin), ) -> Result, FileMatcher, ActiveAdapters)>> { let active_adapters = get_adapters_filtered(config.custom_adapters.clone(), &config.adapters)?; let adapters = adapter_matcher(&active_adapters, config.accurate)?; let filename = filepath_hint .file_name() .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Empty filename"))?; debug!("Archive recursion depth: {}", archive_recursion_depth); let mimetype = if config.accurate { let buf = inp.fill_buf().await?; // fill but do not consume! let mimetype = tree_magic::from_u8(buf); debug!("mimetype: {:?}", mimetype); Some(mimetype) } else { None }; let adapter = adapters(FileMeta { mimetype, lossy_filename: filename.to_string_lossy().to_string(), }); Ok(|e| (e.0, e.1, active_adapters))) } enum Ret { Recurse(AdaptInfo, Arc, FileMatcher, ActiveAdapters), Passthrough(AdaptInfo), } async fn buf_choose_adapter(ai: AdaptInfo) -> Result { let mut inp = BufReader::with_capacity(1 << 16, ai.inp); let adapter = choose_adapter( &ai.config, &ai.filepath_hint, ai.archive_recursion_depth, &mut inp, ) .await?; let ai = AdaptInfo { inp: Box::pin(inp), }; let (a, b, c) = match adapter { Some(x) => x, None => { // allow passthrough if the file is in an archive or accurate matching is enabled // otherwise it should have been filtered out by rg pre-glob since rg can handle those better than us let allow_cat = !ai.is_real_file || ai.config.accurate; if allow_cat { if ai.postprocess { ( Arc::new(PostprocPrefix {}) as Arc, FileMatcher::Fast(FastFileMatcher::FileExtension("default".to_string())), Vec::new(), ) } else { return Ok(Ret::Passthrough(ai)); } } else { return Err(format_err!( "No adapter found for file {:?}, passthrough disabled.", ai.filepath_hint .file_name() .ok_or_else(|| format_err!("Empty filename"))? )); } } }; Ok(Ret::Recurse(ai, a, b, c)) } /** * preprocess a file as defined in `ai`. * * If a cache is passed, read/write to it. * */ pub async fn rga_preproc(ai: AdaptInfo) -> Result { debug!("path (hint) to preprocess: {:?}", ai.filepath_hint); /*todo: move if archive_recursion_depth >= config.max_archive_recursion.0 { let s = format!("{}[rga: max archive recursion reached]", line_prefix).into_bytes(); return Ok(Box::new(std::io::Cursor::new(s))); }*/ // todo: figure out when using a bufreader is a good idea and when it is not // seems to be good for File::open() reads, but not sure about within archives (tar, zip) let (ai, adapter, detection_reason, active_adapters) = match buf_choose_adapter(ai).await? { Ret::Recurse(ai, a, b, c) => (ai, a, b, c), Ret::Passthrough(ai) => { return Ok(ai.inp); } }; let path_hint_copy = ai.filepath_hint.clone(); adapt_caching(ai, adapter, detection_reason, active_adapters) .await .with_context(|| format!("run_adapter({})", &path_hint_copy.to_string_lossy())) } fn compute_cache_key( filepath_hint: &Path, adapter: &dyn FileAdapter, active_adapters: ActiveAdapters, ) -> Result> { let clean_path = filepath_hint.to_owned().clean(); let meta = std::fs::metadata(&filepath_hint) .with_context(|| format!("reading metadata for {}", filepath_hint.to_string_lossy()))?; let modified = meta.modified().expect("weird OS that can't into mtime"); if adapter.metadata().recurses { let active_adapters_cache_key = active_adapters .iter() .map(|a| (a.metadata().name.clone(), a.metadata().version)) .collect::>(); let key = (active_adapters_cache_key, clean_path, modified); debug!("Cache key (with recursion): {:?}", key); bincode::serialize(&key).context("could not serialize path") } else { let key = ( adapter.metadata().name.clone(), adapter.metadata().version, clean_path, modified, ); debug!("Cache key (no recursion): {:?}", key); bincode::serialize(&key).context("could not serialize path") } } async fn adapt_caching( ai: AdaptInfo, adapter: Arc, detection_reason: FileMatcher, active_adapters: ActiveAdapters, ) -> Result { let meta = adapter.metadata(); debug!( "Chose adapter '{}' because of matcher {:?}", &, &detection_reason ); eprintln!( "{} adapter: {}", ai.filepath_hint.to_string_lossy(), & ); let db_name = format!("{}.v{}",, meta.version); let cache_compression_level = ai.config.cache.compression_level; let cache_max_blob_len = ai.config.cache.max_blob_len; let cache = if ai.is_real_file { LmdbCache::open(&ai.config.cache)? } else { None }; let mut cache = cache.context("No cache?")?; let cache_key: Vec = compute_cache_key(&ai.filepath_hint, adapter.as_ref(), active_adapters)?; // let dbg_ctx = format!("adapter {}", &adapter.metadata().name); let cached = cache.get(&db_name, &cache_key)?; match cached { Some(cached) => Ok(Box::pin(ZstdDecoder::new(Cursor::new(cached)))), None => { debug!("cache MISS, running adapter"); debug!("adapting with caching..."); let inp = loop_adapt(adapter.as_ref(), detection_reason, ai)?; let inp = concat_read_streams(inp); let inp = async_read_and_write_to_cache( inp, cache_max_blob_len.0.try_into().unwrap(), cache_compression_level.0.try_into().unwrap(), Box::new(move |(uncompressed_size, compressed)| { debug!( "uncompressed output: {}", print_bytes(uncompressed_size as f64) ); if let Some(cached) = compressed { debug!("compressed output: {}", print_bytes(cached.len() as f64)); cache.set(&db_name, &cache_key, &cached)? } Ok(()) }), )?; Ok(Box::pin(inp)) } } } pub fn loop_adapt( adapter: &dyn FileAdapter, detection_reason: FileMatcher, ai: AdaptInfo, ) -> anyhow::Result { let fph = ai.filepath_hint.clone(); let inp = adapter.adapt(ai, &detection_reason).with_context(|| { format!( "adapting {} via {} failed", fph.to_string_lossy(), adapter.metadata().name ) })?; let s = stream! { for await file in inp { match buf_choose_adapter(file).await.expect("todo: handle") { Ret::Recurse(ai, adapter, detection_reason, active_adapters) => { for await ifile in loop_adapt(adapter.as_ref(), detection_reason, ai).expect("todo: handle") { yield ifile; } } Ret::Passthrough(ai) => { yield ai; } } } }; Ok(Box::pin(s)) }