use super::*; use crate::print_bytes; use anyhow::*; use async_stream::stream; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use log::*; static EXTENSIONS: &[&str] = &["zip", "jar", "xpi"]; lazy_static! { static ref METADATA: AdapterMeta = AdapterMeta { name: "zip".to_owned(), version: 1, description: "Reads a zip file as a stream and recurses down into its contents".to_owned(), recurses: true, fast_matchers: EXTENSIONS .iter() .map(|s| FastFileMatcher::FileExtension(s.to_string())) .collect(), slow_matchers: Some(vec![FileMatcher::MimeType("application/zip".to_owned())]), keep_fast_matchers_if_accurate: false, disabled_by_default: false }; } #[derive(Default, Clone)] pub struct ZipAdapter; impl ZipAdapter { pub fn new() -> ZipAdapter { ZipAdapter } } impl GetMetadata for ZipAdapter { fn metadata(&self) -> &AdapterMeta { &METADATA } } #[async_trait] impl FileAdapter for ZipAdapter { async fn adapt( &self, ai: AdaptInfo, _detection_reason: &FileMatcher, ) -> Result { // let (s, r) = mpsc::channel(1); let AdaptInfo { inp, filepath_hint, archive_recursion_depth, postprocess, line_prefix, config, is_real_file, .. } = ai; if is_real_file { use async_zip::read::fs::ZipFileReader; let zip = ZipFileReader::new(&filepath_hint).await?; let s = stream! { for i in { let file = zip.get_entry(i)?; let reader = zip.entry(i).await?; if file.filename().ends_with('/') { continue; } debug!( "{}{}|{}: {} ({} packed)", line_prefix, filepath_hint.display(), file.filename(), print_bytes(file.uncompressed_size() as f64), print_bytes(file.compressed_size() as f64) ); let new_line_prefix = format!("{}{}: ", line_prefix, file.filename()); let fname = PathBuf::from(file.filename()); tokio::pin!(reader); // SAFETY: this should be solvable without unsafe but idk how :( // the issue is that ZipEntryReader borrows from ZipFileReader, but we need to yield it here into the stream // but then it can't borrow from the ZipFile let reader2 = unsafe { std::intrinsics::transmute::< Pin<&mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send)>, Pin<&'static mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send)>, >(reader) }; yield Ok(AdaptInfo { filepath_hint: fname, is_real_file: false, inp: Box::pin(reader2), line_prefix: new_line_prefix, archive_recursion_depth: archive_recursion_depth + 1, postprocess, config: config.clone(), }); } }; Ok(Box::pin(s)) } else { use async_zip::read::stream::ZipFileReader; let mut zip = ZipFileReader::new(inp); let s = stream! { trace!("begin zip"); while let Some(mut entry) = zip.next_entry().await? { trace!("zip next entry"); let file = entry.entry(); if file.filename().ends_with('/') { zip = entry.skip().await?; continue; } debug!( "{}{}|{}: {} ({} packed)", line_prefix, filepath_hint.display(), file.filename(), print_bytes(file.uncompressed_size() as f64), print_bytes(file.compressed_size() as f64) ); let new_line_prefix = format!("{}{}: ", line_prefix, file.filename()); let fname = PathBuf::from(file.filename()); let reader = entry.reader(); tokio::pin!(reader); // SAFETY: this should be solvable without unsafe but idk how :( // the issue is that ZipEntryReader borrows from ZipFileReader, but we need to yield it here into the stream // but then it can't borrow from the ZipFile let reader2 = unsafe { std::intrinsics::transmute::< Pin<&mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send)>, Pin<&'static mut (dyn AsyncRead + Send)>, >(reader) }; yield Ok(AdaptInfo { filepath_hint: fname, is_real_file: false, inp: Box::pin(reader2), line_prefix: new_line_prefix, archive_recursion_depth: archive_recursion_depth + 1, postprocess, config: config.clone(), }); zip = entry.done().await.context("going to next file in zip but entry was not read fully")?; } trace!("zip over"); }; Ok(Box::pin(s)) } } } /*struct ZipAdaptIter { inp: AdaptInfo, } impl<'a> AdaptedFilesIter for ZipAdaptIter<'a> { fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option> { let line_prefix = &self.inp.line_prefix; let filepath_hint = &self.inp.filepath_hint; let archive_recursion_depth = &self.inp.archive_recursion_depth; let postprocess = self.inp.postprocess; ::zip::read::read_zipfile_from_stream(&mut self.inp.inp) .unwrap() .and_then(|file| { if file.is_dir() { return None; } debug!( "{}{}|{}: {} ({} packed)", line_prefix, filepath_hint.to_string_lossy(),, print_bytes(file.size() as f64), print_bytes(file.compressed_size() as f64) ); let line_prefix = format!("{}{}: ", line_prefix,; Some(AdaptInfo { filepath_hint: PathBuf::from(, is_real_file: false, inp: Box::new(file), line_prefix, archive_recursion_depth: archive_recursion_depth + 1, postprocess, config: RgaConfig::default(), //config.clone(), }) }) } }*/ #[cfg(test)] mod test { use async_zip::{write::ZipFileWriter, Compression, ZipEntryBuilder}; use super::*; use crate::{preproc::loop_adapt, test_utils::*}; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; #[async_recursion::async_recursion] async fn create_zip(fname: &str, content: &str, add_inner: bool) -> Result> { let v = Vec::new(); let mut cursor = std::io::Cursor::new(v); let mut zip = ZipFileWriter::new(&mut cursor); let options = ZipEntryBuilder::new(fname.to_string(), Compression::Stored); zip.write_entry_whole(options, content.as_bytes()).await?; if add_inner { let opts = ZipEntryBuilder::new("".to_string(), Compression::Stored); zip.write_entry_whole( opts, &create_zip("inner.txt", "inner text file", false).await?, ) .await?; } zip.close().await?; Ok(cursor.into_inner()) } #[tokio::test] async fn only_seek_zip_fs() -> Result<()> { let zip = test_data_dir().join(""); let (a, d) = simple_fs_adapt_info(&zip).await?; let _v = adapted_to_vec(loop_adapt(&ZipAdapter::new(), d, a).await?).await?; // assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(v)?, ""); Ok(()) } /*#[tokio::test] async fn only_seek_zip_mem() -> Result<()> { let zip = test_data_dir().join(""); let (a, d) = simple_adapt_info(&zip, Box::pin(File::open(&zip).await?)); let v = adapted_to_vec(loop_adapt(&ZipAdapter::new(), d, a)?).await?; // assert_eq!(String::from_utf8(v)?, ""); Ok(()) }*/ #[tokio::test] async fn recurse() -> Result<()> { let zipfile = create_zip("outer.txt", "outer text file", true).await?; let adapter = ZipAdapter::new(); let (a, d) = simple_adapt_info( &PathBuf::from(""), Box::pin(std::io::Cursor::new(zipfile)), ); let buf = adapted_to_vec(loop_adapt(&adapter, d, a).await?).await?; assert_eq!( String::from_utf8(buf)?, "PREFIX:outer.txt: outer text file\ inner.txt: inner text file\n", ); Ok(()) } }