{ // This file follows the JSON schema defined below. // If you use an editor that supports JSON schema (e.g. VS Code), // you should be getting IntelliSense and validation. "$schema": "./config.v1.schema.json", // The default config and schema will be regenerated if they are missing // https://github.com/phiresky/ripgrep-all/blob/master/doc/config.default.jsonc // The config options are the same as the command line options, // but with --rga- prefix removed and - and . replaced with _. // e.g. --rga-no-cache becomes `"no_cache": true. // The only exception is the `custom_adapters` option, which can only be set in this file. "custom_adapters": [ // See https://github.com/phiresky/ripgrep-all/wiki for more information // to verify if your custom adapters are picked up correctly, run `rga --rga-list-adapters` ] }