You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

416 lines
14 KiB

//trait RunFnAdapter: GetMetadata {}
//impl<T> FileAdapter for T where T: RunFnAdapter {}
use anyhow::Result;
use async_stream::stream;
use async_trait::async_trait;
use bytes::Bytes;
use encoding_rs::Encoding;
use encoding_rs_io::DecodeReaderBytesBuilder;
use tokio_util::io::SyncIoBridge;
2 years ago
use std::io::Cursor;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::pin::Pin;
use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncReadExt};
use tokio_util::io::ReaderStream;
use tokio_util::io::StreamReader;
use crate::adapted_iter::one_file;
use crate::adapted_iter::AdaptedFilesIterBox;
use crate::matching::FastFileMatcher;
use super::{AdaptInfo, AdapterMeta, FileAdapter, GetMetadata};
fn add_newline(ar: impl AsyncRead + Send) -> impl AsyncRead + Send {
pub struct PostprocPrefix {}
impl GetMetadata for PostprocPrefix {
fn metadata(&self) -> &super::AdapterMeta {
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref METADATA: AdapterMeta = AdapterMeta {
name: "postprocprefix".to_owned(),
version: 1,
description: "Adds the line prefix to each line (e.g. the filename within a zip)".to_owned(),
recurses: false,
fast_matchers: vec![],
slow_matchers: None,
keep_fast_matchers_if_accurate: false,
disabled_by_default: false
impl FileAdapter for PostprocPrefix {
async fn adapt(
a: super::AdaptInfo,
_detection_reason: &crate::matching::FileMatcher,
) -> Result<AdaptedFilesIterBox> {
let read = add_newline(postproc_prefix(
postproc_encoding(&a.line_prefix, a.inp).await?,
// keep adapt info (filename etc) except replace inp
let ai = AdaptInfo {
inp: Box::pin(read),
postprocess: false,
/*struct ReadErr {
err: Fn() -> std::io::Error,
impl Read for ReadErr {
fn read(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> std::io::Result<usize> {
* Detects and converts encodings other than utf-8 to utf-8.
* If the input stream does not contain valid text, returns the string `[rga: binary data]` instead
async fn postproc_encoding(
2 years ago
_line_prefix: &str,
inp: Pin<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send>>,
) -> Result<Pin<Box<dyn AsyncRead + Send>>> {
// check for binary content in first 8kB
// read the first 8kB into a buffer, check for null bytes, then return the buffer concatenated with the rest of the file
let mut fourk = Vec::with_capacity(1 << 13);
let mut beginning = inp.take(1 << 13);
beginning.read_to_end(&mut fourk).await?;
let has_binary = fourk.contains(&0u8);
let enc = Encoding::for_bom(&fourk);
let inp = Cursor::new(fourk).chain(beginning.into_inner());
match enc {
Some((enc, _)) if enc != encoding_rs::UTF_8 => {
// detected UTF16LE or UTF16BE, convert to UTF8 in separate thread
// TODO: parse these options from ripgrep's configuration
let encoding = None; // detect bom but usually assume utf8
let bom_sniffing = true;
let mut decode_builder = DecodeReaderBytesBuilder::new();
// this detects utf-16 BOMs and transcodes to utf-8 if they are present
// it does not detect any other char encodings. that would require or similar but then binary detection is hard (?)
let mut inp = decode_builder
let oup = tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut oup = Vec::new();
std::io::Read::read_to_end(&mut inp, &mut oup)?;
_ => {
if has_binary {
log::debug!("detected binary");
return Ok(Box::pin(Cursor::new("[rga: binary data]")));
/// Adds the given prefix to each line in an `AsyncRead`.
pub fn postproc_prefix(line_prefix: &str, inp: impl AsyncRead + Send) -> impl AsyncRead + Send {
2 years ago
let line_prefix_n = format!("\n{line_prefix}"); // clone since we need it later
let line_prefix_o = Bytes::copy_from_slice(line_prefix.as_bytes());
let regex = regex::bytes::Regex::new("\n").unwrap();
let inp_stream = ReaderStream::new(inp);
let oup_stream = stream! {
yield Ok(line_prefix_o);
for await chunk in inp_stream {
match chunk {
Err(e) => yield Err(e),
Ok(chunk) => {
if chunk.contains(&b'\n') {
yield Ok(Bytes::copy_from_slice(&regex.replace_all(&chunk, line_prefix_n.as_bytes())));
} else {
yield Ok(chunk);
2 years ago
pub struct PostprocPageBreaks {}
2 years ago
impl GetMetadata for PostprocPageBreaks {
fn metadata(&self) -> &super::AdapterMeta {
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref METADATA: AdapterMeta = AdapterMeta {
name: "postprocpagebreaks".to_owned(),
version: 1,
description: "Adds the page number to each line for an input file that specifies page breaks as ascii page break character.\nMainly to be used internally by the poppler adapter.".to_owned(),
recurses: false,
fast_matchers: vec![FastFileMatcher::FileExtension("asciipagebreaks".to_string())],
slow_matchers: None,
keep_fast_matchers_if_accurate: false,
disabled_by_default: false
impl FileAdapter for PostprocPageBreaks {
async fn adapt(
a: super::AdaptInfo,
_detection_reason: &crate::matching::FileMatcher,
) -> Result<AdaptedFilesIterBox> {
let read = postproc_pagebreaks(postproc_encoding(&a.line_prefix, a.inp).await?);
// keep adapt info (filename etc) except replace inp
let ai = AdaptInfo {
inp: Box::pin(read),
2 years ago
postprocess: true,
archive_recursion_depth: a.archive_recursion_depth + 1,
filepath_hint: a
2 years ago
/// Adds the prefix "Page N: " to each line,
/// where N starts at one and is incremented for each ASCII Form Feed character in the input stream.
/// ASCII form feeds are the page delimiters output by `pdftotext`.
pub fn postproc_pagebreaks(input: impl AsyncRead + Send) -> impl AsyncRead + Send {
let regex_linefeed = regex::bytes::Regex::new(r"\x0c").unwrap();
let regex_newline = regex::bytes::Regex::new("\n").unwrap();
let mut page_count: i32 = 1;
let mut page_prefix: String = format!("\nPage {page_count}: ");
let input_stream = ReaderStream::new(input);
let output_stream = stream! {
yield std::io::Result::Ok(Bytes::copy_from_slice(format!("Page {page_count}: ").as_bytes()));
// store Page X: line prefixes in pending and only write it to the output when there is more text to be written
// this is needed since pdftotext outputs a \x0c at the end of the last page
let mut pending: Option<Bytes> = None;
for await read_chunk in input_stream {
let read_chunk = read_chunk?;
let page_chunks = regex_linefeed.split(&read_chunk);
for (chunk_idx, page_chunk) in page_chunks.enumerate() {
if chunk_idx != 0 {
page_count += 1;
page_prefix = format!("\nPage {page_count}: ");
if let Some(p) = pending.take() {
yield Ok(p);
pending = Some(Bytes::copy_from_slice(page_prefix.as_bytes()));
if !page_chunk.is_empty() {
if let Some(p) = pending.take() {
yield Ok(p);
yield Ok(Bytes::copy_from_slice(&regex_newline.replace_all(page_chunk, page_prefix.as_bytes())));
mod tests {
use crate::preproc::loop_adapt;
use crate::test_utils::*;
use super::*;
use anyhow::Result;
use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;
use tokio::fs::File;
use tokio::pin;
use tokio_test::io::Builder;
use tokio_test::io::Mock;
async fn test_with_pagebreaks() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mock: Mock = Builder::new()
.read(b"Hello\nWorld\x0cFoo Bar\n\x0cTest\x0c")
let res = postproc_pagebreaks(mock).read_to_end(&mut output).await;
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output));
"Page 1: Hello\nPage 1: World\nPage 2: Foo Bar\nPage 2: \nPage 3: Test"
async fn test_with_pagebreaks_chunks() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mock: Mock = Builder::new()
.read(b"Foo Bar\n")
let res = postproc_pagebreaks(mock).read_to_end(&mut output).await;
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output));
"Page 1: Hello\nPage 1: World\nPage 2: Foo Bar\nPage 2: \nPage 3: Test"
async fn test_pdf_twoblank() -> Result<()> {
let adapter = poppler_adapter();
let fname = test_data_dir().join("twoblankpages.pdf");
let rd = File::open(&fname).await?;
let (a, d) = simple_adapt_info(&fname, Box::pin(rd));
let res = loop_adapt(&adapter, d, a).await?;
let buf = adapted_to_vec(res).await?;
"PREFIX:Page 1:
PREFIX:Page 2:
PREFIX:Page 3: HelloWorld
PREFIX:Page 3:
PREFIX:Page 3:
async fn test_postproc_prefix() {
let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mock: Mock = Builder::new().read(b"Hello\nWorld").build();
let res = postproc_prefix("prefix: ", mock)
.read_to_end(&mut output)
println!("{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output));
assert_eq!(output, b"prefix: Hello\nprefix: World");
async fn test_from_strs(
pagebreaks: bool,
line_prefix: &str,
a: &'static str,
b: &str,
) -> Result<()> {
test_from_bytes(pagebreaks, line_prefix, a.as_bytes(), b).await
async fn test_from_bytes(
pagebreaks: bool,
line_prefix: &str,
a: &'static [u8],
b: &str,
) -> Result<()> {
let mut oup = Vec::new();
let inp = Box::pin(Cursor::new(a));
let inp = postproc_encoding("", inp).await?;
if pagebreaks {
postproc_pagebreaks(inp).read_to_end(&mut oup).await?;
} else {
let x = postproc_prefix(line_prefix, inp);
x.read_to_end(&mut oup).await?;
let c = String::from_utf8_lossy(&oup);
assert_eq!(c, b, "source: {}", String::from_utf8_lossy(a));
async fn test_utf16() -> Result<()> {
let utf16lebom: &[u8] = &[
0xff, 0xfe, 0x68, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00,
0x77, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x20, 0x00, 0x3d, 0xd8,
0xa9, 0xdc, 0x0a, 0x00,
let utf16bebom: &[u8] = &[
0xfe, 0xff, 0x00, 0x68, 0x00, 0x65, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x20,
0x00, 0x77, 0x00, 0x6f, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x6c, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00, 0x20, 0xd8, 0x3d,
0xdc, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x0a,
test_from_bytes(false, "", utf16lebom, "hello world 💩\n").await?;
test_from_bytes(false, "", utf16bebom, "hello world 💩\n").await?;
async fn post1() -> Result<()> {
let inp = "What is this\nThis is a test\nFoo";
let oup = "Page 1: What is this\nPage 1: This is a test\nPage 1: Foo";
test_from_strs(true, "", inp, oup).await?;
let inp = "What is this\nThis is a test\nFoo\x0c\nHelloooo\nHow are you?\x0c\nGreat!";
let oup = "Page 1: What is this\nPage 1: This is a test\nPage 1: Foo\nPage 2: \nPage 2: Helloooo\nPage 2: How are you?\nPage 3: \nPage 3: Great!";
test_from_strs(true, "", inp, oup).await?;
let inp = "What is this\nThis is a test\nFoo\x0c\nHelloooo\nHow are you?\x0c\nGreat!";
let oup = "foo.pdf:What is this\nfoo.pdf:This is a test\nfoo.pdf:Foo\x0c\nfoo.pdf:Helloooo\nfoo.pdf:How are you?\x0c\nfoo.pdf:Great!";
test_from_strs(false, "foo.pdf:", inp, oup).await?;
async fn test_binary_content() -> Result<()> {
"this is a test \n\n \0 foo",
"foo:[rga: binary data]",
test_from_strs(false, "foo:", "\0", "foo:[rga: binary data]").await?;
fn chardet() -> Result<()> {
let mut d = chardetng::EncodingDetector::new();
let mut v = Vec::new();
std::fs::File::open("/home/phire/passwords-2018.kdbx.old").unwrap().read_to_end(&mut v).unwrap();
d.feed(&v, false);
println!("foo {:?}", d.guess(None, true));