You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

184 lines
4.6 KiB

package main
import (
func formatChannelPair(a, b uint64) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", a, b)
func (r *regolancer) getChannels(ctx context.Context) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*30)
defer cancel()
channels, err := r.lnClient.ListChannels(ctx, &lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest{ActiveOnly: true, PublicOnly: true})
if err != nil {
return err
r.channels = channels.Channels
return nil
func makeChanSet(chanIds []uint64) (result map[uint64]struct{}) {
result = map[uint64]struct{}{}
for _, cid := range chanIds {
result[cid] = struct{}{}
func (r *regolancer) getChannelCandidates(fromPerc, toPerc, amount int64) error {
for _, c := range r.channels {
if _, ok := r.excludeBoth[c.ChanId]; ok {
if c.LocalBalance < c.Capacity*toPerc/100 && (params.AllowUnbalanceTo ||
c.LocalBalance+amount < c.Capacity/2) {
if _, ok := r.excludeIn[c.ChanId]; ok {
if _, ok := r.toChannelId[c.ChanId]; ok || len(r.toChannelId) == 0 {
r.toChannels = append(r.toChannels, c)
if c.RemoteBalance < c.Capacity*fromPerc/100 &&
(params.AllowUnbalanceFrom ||
c.RemoteBalance+amount < c.Capacity/2) {
if _, ok := r.excludeOut[c.ChanId]; ok {
if _, ok := r.fromChannelId[c.ChanId]; ok || len(r.fromChannelId) == 0 {
r.fromChannels = append(r.fromChannels, c)
for _, fc := range r.fromChannels {
for _, tc := range r.toChannels {
if fc.RemotePubkey != tc.RemotePubkey {
pair := [2]*lnrpc.Channel{fc, tc}
r.channelPairs[formatChannelPair(pair[0].ChanId, pair[1].ChanId)] = pair
return nil
func min(args ...int64) (result int64) {
result = math.MaxInt64
for _, a := range args {
if a < result {
result = a
func (r *regolancer) pickChannelPair(amount, minAmount int64,
relFromAmount, relToAmount float64) (from uint64, to uint64, maxAmount int64, err error) {
if len(r.channelPairs) == 0 {
if !r.routeFound || len(r.failureCache) == 0 {
return 0, 0, 0, errors.New("no routes")
log.Print(errColor("No channel pairs left, expiring all failed routes"))
// expire all failed routes
for k, v := range r.failureCache {
r.channelPairs[k] = v.channelPair
delete(r.failureCache, k)
r.routeFound = false
var fromChan, toChan *lnrpc.Channel
idx := rand.Int31n(int32(len(r.channelPairs)))
var pair [2]*lnrpc.Channel
for _, pair = range r.channelPairs {
if idx == 0 {
fromChan = pair[0]
toChan = pair[1]
maxFrom := fromChan.Capacity/2 - fromChan.RemoteBalance
if params.AllowUnbalanceFrom {
maxFrom = fromChan.LocalBalance
if relFromAmount > 0 {
maxFrom = min(maxFrom, int64(float64(fromChan.Capacity)*relFromAmount)-fromChan.RemoteBalance)
maxTo := toChan.Capacity/2 - toChan.LocalBalance
if params.AllowUnbalanceTo {
maxTo = toChan.RemoteBalance
if relToAmount > 0 {
maxTo = min(maxTo, int64(float64(toChan.Capacity)*relToAmount)-toChan.LocalBalance)
if amount == 0 {
maxAmount = min(maxFrom, maxTo)
} else {
maxAmount = min(maxFrom, maxTo, amount)
if maxAmount < minAmount {
r.addFailedRoute(fromChan.ChanId, toChan.ChanId)
return r.pickChannelPair(amount, minAmount, relFromAmount, relToAmount)
for k, v := range r.failureCache {
if v.expiration.Before(time.Now()) {
r.channelPairs[k] = v.channelPair
delete(r.failureCache, k)
return fromChan.ChanId, toChan.ChanId, maxAmount, nil
func (r *regolancer) addFailedRoute(from, to uint64) {
t := time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 5)
k := formatChannelPair(from, to)
r.failureCache[k] = failedRoute{channelPair: r.channelPairs[k], expiration: &t}
delete(r.channelPairs, k)
func parseScid(chanId string) int64 {
elements := strings.Split(strings.ToLower(chanId), "x")
blockHeight, err := strconv.ParseInt(elements[0], 10, 24)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: not able to parse Blockheight of ShortChannelID %s, %s ", chanId, err)
txIndex, err := strconv.ParseInt(elements[1], 10, 24)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: not able to parse TxIndex of ShortChannelID %s, %s ", chanId, err)
txPosition, err := strconv.ParseInt(elements[2], 10, 32)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: not able to parse txPosition of ShortChannelID %s, %s ", chanId, err)
var scId lnwire.ShortChannelID
scId.BlockHeight = uint32(blockHeight)
scId.TxIndex = uint32(txIndex)
scId.TxPosition = uint16(txPosition)
return int64(scId.ToUint64())