package main import ( "context" "encoding/hex" "fmt" "log" "math/rand" "time" "" "" ) const ( COIN = 1e8 ) func (r *regolancer) getChanInfo(ctx context.Context, chanId uint64) (*lnrpc.ChannelEdge, error) { if c, ok := r.chanCache[chanId]; ok { return c, nil } c, err := r.lnClient.GetChanInfo(ctx, &lnrpc.ChanInfoRequest{ChanId: chanId}) if err != nil { return nil, err } r.chanCache[chanId] = c return c, nil } func (r *regolancer) calcFeeLimitMsat(ctx context.Context, to uint64, amtMsat int64, ppm int64) (feeMsat int64, lastPKstr string, err error) { cTo, err := r.getChanInfo(ctx, to) if err != nil { return 0, "", err } lastPKstr = cTo.Node1Pub if lastPKstr == r.myPK { lastPKstr = cTo.Node2Pub } feeMsat = amtMsat * ppm / 1e6 return } func (r *regolancer) calcEconFeeMsat(ctx context.Context, from, to uint64, amtMsat int64, ratio float64) (feeMsat int64, lastPKstr string, err error) { cTo, err := r.getChanInfo(ctx, to) if err != nil { return 0, "", err } lastPKstr = cTo.Node1Pub policyTo := cTo.Node2Policy if lastPKstr == r.myPK { lastPKstr = cTo.Node2Pub policyTo = cTo.Node1Policy } lostProfitMsat := int64(0) if params.LostProfit { cFrom, err := r.getChanInfo(ctx, from) if err != nil { return 0, "", err } policyFrom := cFrom.Node1Policy if cFrom.Node2Pub == r.myPK { policyFrom = cFrom.Node2Policy } lostProfitMsat = int64(float64(policyFrom.FeeBaseMsat+ amtMsat*policyFrom.FeeRateMilliMsat) / 1e6) } feeMsat = int64(float64(policyTo.FeeBaseMsat+amtMsat* policyTo.FeeRateMilliMsat)*ratio/1e6) - lostProfitMsat if params.EconRatioMaxPPM != 0 && int64(float64(feeMsat)/float64(amtMsat)*1e6) > params.EconRatioMaxPPM { feeMsat = params.EconRatioMaxPPM * amtMsat / 1e6 } if feeMsat < 0 { return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("max fee less than zero") } return } func (r *regolancer) calcFeeMsat(ctx context.Context, from, to uint64, amtMsat int64) (feeMsat int64, lastPKstr string, err error) { if params.FeeLimitPPM > 0 { return r.calcFeeLimitMsat(ctx, to, amtMsat, params.FeeLimitPPM) } else { return r.calcEconFeeMsat(ctx, from, to, amtMsat, params.EconRatio) } } func (r *regolancer) getRoutes(ctx context.Context, from, to uint64, amtMsat int64) ([]*lnrpc.Route, int64, error) { routeCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*time.Duration(params.TimeoutRoute)) defer cancel() feeMsat, lastPKstr, err := r.calcFeeMsat(routeCtx, from, to, amtMsat) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } lastPK, err := hex.DecodeString(lastPKstr) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } routes, err := r.lnClient.QueryRoutes(routeCtx, &lnrpc.QueryRoutesRequest{ PubKey: r.myPK, OutgoingChanId: from, LastHopPubkey: lastPK, AmtMsat: amtMsat, UseMissionControl: true, FeeLimit: &lnrpc.FeeLimit{Limit: &lnrpc.FeeLimit_FixedMsat{FixedMsat: feeMsat}}, IgnoredNodes: r.excludeNodes, IgnoredPairs: r.failedPairs, }) if err != nil { return nil, 0, err } result := []*lnrpc.Route{} for i := range routes.Routes { // lnd always returns 1 route for now but just in case it changes if err := r.validateRoute(routes.Routes[i]); err == nil { result = append(result, routes.Routes[i]) } else { log.Print(err) } } if len(result) == 0 { return r.getRoutes(ctx, from, to, amtMsat) } r.routeFound = true return result, feeMsat, nil } func (r *regolancer) getNodeInfo(ctx context.Context, pk string) (*lnrpc.NodeInfo, error) { if nodeInfo, ok := r.nodeCache[pk]; ok { return nodeInfo.NodeInfo, nil } nodeInfo, err := r.lnClient.GetNodeInfo(ctx, &lnrpc.NodeInfoRequest{PubKey: pk}) if err == nil { r.nodeCache[pk] = cachedNodeInfo{ NodeInfo: nodeInfo, Timestamp: time.Now(), } } return nodeInfo, err } func (r *regolancer) printRoute(ctx context.Context, route *lnrpc.Route) { if len(route.Hops) == 0 { return } errs := "" fmt.Printf("%s %s sat | %s ppm\n", faintWhiteColor("Total fee:"), formatFee(route.TotalFeesMsat), formatFeePPM(route.TotalAmtMsat-route.TotalFeesMsat, route.TotalFeesMsat)) for i, hop := range route.Hops { cached := "" if params.NodeCacheInfo { cached = errColor("x") if _, ok := r.nodeCache[hop.PubKey]; ok { cached = cyanColor("x") } cached += "|" } nodeInfo, err := r.getNodeInfo(ctx, hop.PubKey) if err != nil { errs = errs + err.Error() + "\n" continue } fee := hiWhiteColorF("%-6s", "") if i > 0 { fee = hiWhiteColorF("%-6d", route.Hops[i-1].FeeMsat) } fmt.Printf("%s %s [%s%s|%sch|%ssat|%s]\n", faintWhiteColor(hop.ChanId), fee, cached, cyanColor(nodeInfo.Node.Alias), infoColor(nodeInfo.NumChannels), formatAmt(nodeInfo.TotalCapacity), infoColor(nodeInfo.Node.PubKey)) } if errs != "" { fmt.Println(errColor(errs)) } } func (r *regolancer) rebuildRoute(ctx context.Context, route *lnrpc.Route, amount int64) (*lnrpc.Route, error) { pks := [][]byte{} for _, h := range route.Hops { pk, _ := hex.DecodeString(h.PubKey) pks = append(pks, pk) } resultRoute, err := r.routerClient.BuildRoute(ctx, &routerrpc.BuildRouteRequest{ AmtMsat: amount * 1000, OutgoingChanId: route.Hops[0].ChanId, HopPubkeys: pks, FinalCltvDelta: 144, }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return resultRoute.Route, err } func (r *regolancer) probeRoute(ctx context.Context, route *lnrpc.Route, goodAmount, badAmount, amount int64, steps int) (maxAmount int64, err error) { defer func() { if ctx.Err() == context.DeadlineExceeded && goodAmount > 0 { maxAmount = goodAmount log.Printf("Probing timed out with value %s", hiWhiteColor(maxAmount)) } }() if absoluteDeltaPPM(badAmount, amount) <= params.FailTolerance || absoluteDeltaPPM(amount, goodAmount) <= params.FailTolerance || amount == -goodAmount { bestAmount := hiWhiteColor(goodAmount) maxAmount = goodAmount if goodAmount <= 0 { bestAmount = hiWhiteColor("unknown") maxAmount = 0 } log.Printf("Best amount is %s", bestAmount) return } probedRoute, err := r.rebuildRoute(ctx, route, amount) if err != nil { return } maxFeeMsat, _, err := r.calcFeeMsat(ctx, probedRoute.Hops[0].ChanId, probedRoute.Hops[len(probedRoute.Hops)-1].ChanId, amount*1000) if err != nil { return } if probedRoute.TotalFeesMsat > maxFeeMsat { nextAmount := amount + (badAmount-amount)/2 log.Printf("%s requires too high fee %s (max allowed is %s), increasing amount to %s", hiWhiteColor(amount), formatFee(probedRoute.TotalFeesMsat), formatFee(maxFeeMsat), hiWhiteColor(nextAmount)) // returning negative amount as "good", it's a special case which means // this is rather the lower bound and the actual good amount is still // unknown return r.probeRoute(ctx, route, -amount, badAmount, nextAmount, steps) } fakeHash := make([]byte, 32) rand.Read(fakeHash) result, err := r.routerClient.SendToRouteV2(ctx, &routerrpc.SendToRouteRequest{ PaymentHash: fakeHash, Route: probedRoute, }) if err != nil { return } if result.Status == lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_SUCCEEDED { return 0, fmt.Errorf("this should never happen") } if result.Status == lnrpc.HTLCAttempt_FAILED { if result.Failure.Code == lnrpc.Failure_INCORRECT_OR_UNKNOWN_PAYMENT_DETAILS { // payment can succeed if steps == 1 { log.Printf("best amount is %s", hiWhiteColor(amount)) maxAmount = amount return } nextAmount := amount + (badAmount-amount)/2 log.Printf("%s is good enough, trying amount %s, %s steps left", hiWhiteColor(amount), hiWhiteColor(nextAmount), hiWhiteColor(steps-1)) return r.probeRoute(ctx, route, amount, badAmount, nextAmount, steps-1) } if result.Failure.Code == lnrpc.Failure_TEMPORARY_CHANNEL_FAILURE { if steps == 1 { maxAmount = goodAmount bestAmount := hiWhiteColor(goodAmount) if goodAmount <= 0 { bestAmount = hiWhiteColor("unknown") maxAmount = 0 } log.Printf("%s is too much, best amount is %s", hiWhiteColor(amount), bestAmount) return } var nextAmount int64 if goodAmount >= 0 { nextAmount = amount + (goodAmount-amount)/2 } else { nextAmount = amount - (goodAmount+amount)/2 } log.Printf("%s is too much, lowering amount to %s, %s steps left", hiWhiteColor(amount), hiWhiteColor(nextAmount), hiWhiteColor(steps-1)) return r.probeRoute(ctx, route, goodAmount, amount, nextAmount, steps-1) } if result.Failure.Code == lnrpc.Failure_FEE_INSUFFICIENT { log.Printf("Fee insufficient, retrying...") return r.probeRoute(ctx, route, goodAmount, badAmount, amount, steps) } } return 0, fmt.Errorf("unknown error: %+v", result) } func (r *regolancer) makeNodeList(nodes []string) error { for _, nid := range nodes { if len(nid) != 66 { return fmt.Errorf("invalid node id (%s) length, expected 66 characters, got %d", nid, len(nid)) } pk, err := hex.DecodeString(nid) if err != nil { return err } r.excludeNodes = append(r.excludeNodes, pk) } return nil } func getSource(route *lnrpc.Route) uint64 { if len(route.Hops) > 0 { return route.Hops[0].ChanId } return 0 } func getTarget(route *lnrpc.Route) uint64 { if len(route.Hops) > 0 { return route.Hops[len(route.Hops)-1].ChanId } return 0 } func compareHops(hop1 *lnrpc.Hop, hop2 *lnrpc.Hop) bool { return hop1.ChanId == hop2.ChanId && hop1.FeeMsat == hop2.FeeMsat && hop1.Expiry == hop2.Expiry }