package main import ( "context" "log" "math/rand" "os" "time" "" "" "" "" ) var params struct { Connect string `short:"c" long:"connect" description:"connect to lnd using host:port" default:""` TLSCert string `short:"t" long:"tlscert" description:"path to tls.cert to connect" default:"tls.cert"` MacaroonDir string `long:"macaroon.dir" description:"path to the macaroon directory" required:"false"` MacaroonFilename string `long:"macaroon.filename" description:"macaroon filename" default:"admin.macaroon"` Network string `short:"n" long:"network" description:"bitcoin network to use" default:"mainnet"` FromPerc int64 `long:"pfrom" description:"channels with less than this inbound liquidity percentage will be considered as source channels" default:"50"` ToPerc int64 `long:"pto" description:"channels with less than this outbound liquidity percentage will be considered as target channels" default:"50"` Perc int64 `short:"p" long:"perc" description:"use this value as both pfrom and pto from above" default:"0"` Amount int64 `short:"a" long:"amount" description:"amount to rebalance" default:"0"` EconRatio float64 `long:"econ-ratio" description:"economical ratio for fee limit calculation as a multiple of target channel fee (for example, 0.5 means you want to pay at max half the fee you might earn for routing out of the target channel)" default:"1"` } type regolancer struct { lnClient lnrpc.LightningClient routerClient routerrpc.RouterClient myPK string channels []*lnrpc.Channel fromChannels []*lnrpc.Channel toChannels []*lnrpc.Channel nodeCache map[string]*lnrpc.NodeInfo chanCache map[uint64]*lnrpc.ChannelEdge } func main() { _, err := flags.Parse(¶ms) if err != nil { os.Exit(1) } rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) if params.Perc > 0 { params.FromPerc = params.Perc params.ToPerc = params.Perc } conn, err := lndclient.NewBasicConn(params.Connect, params.TLSCert, params.MacaroonDir, params.Network, lndclient.MacFilename(params.MacaroonFilename)) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } r := regolancer{nodeCache: map[string]*lnrpc.NodeInfo{}, chanCache: map[uint64]*lnrpc.ChannelEdge{}} r.lnClient = lnrpc.NewLightningClient(conn) r.routerClient = routerrpc.NewRouterClient(conn) info, err := r.lnClient.GetInfo(context.Background(), &lnrpc.GetInfoRequest{}) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } r.myPK = info.IdentityPubkey err = r.getChannels() if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error listing own channels: ", err) } err = r.getChannelCandidates(params.FromPerc, params.ToPerc, params.Amount) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error choosing channels: ", err) } if len(r.fromChannels) == 0 { log.Fatal("No source channels selected") } if len(r.toChannels) == 0 { log.Fatal("No target channels selected") } var invoice *lnrpc.AddInvoiceResponse attempt := 1 for { from, to, amt := r.pickChannelPair(params.Amount) if params.Amount == 0 || invoice == nil { invoice, err = r.createInvoice(from, to, amt) if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error creating invoice: ", err) } } routes, fee, err := r.getRoutes(from, to, amt*1000, params.EconRatio) if err != nil { continue } for _, route := range routes { log.Printf("Attempt %s, amount: %s (max fee: %s)", hiWhiteColorF("#%d", attempt), hiWhiteColor(amt), hiWhiteColor(fee/1000)) r.printRoute(route) err =, amt, route) if err == nil { return } attempt++ } } }