# How to Create Releases with goreleaser Before you can use goreleaser you first need to install it: https://goreleaser.com/install/ In case you want to create a test release just create a snapshot build with: `goreleaser release --snapshot --rm-dist` This will only create a release version locally. One can only build all the target or only one specific target: `GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 goreleaser build --rm-dist` Currently the CHANGE.LOG of the goreleaser is enabled to remove it go to the `.goreleaser.yaml` and change the setting. If you verified that the snapshot version is good to go than you can create a final release First you need to get a github token with at least the privilige of write:packages `export GITHUB_TOKEN="YOUR_GH_TOKEN"` detailed information how to create a release with a speicific tag can be found here: https://goreleaser.com/quick-start/ ``` git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "Release Comment" goreleaser release ``` Currently Docker Releases are turned off, but can be decided otherwise