Fix lost profit description, closes #40

rkfg 2 years ago
parent 7794c979fa
commit fbaf4c6bd6

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type configParams struct {
EconRatio float64 `short:"r" long:"econ-ratio" description:"economical ratio for fee limit calculation as a multiple of target channel fee (for example, 0.5 means you want to pay at max half the fee you might earn for routing out of the target channel)" json:"econ_ratio" toml:"econ_ratio"`
EconRatioMaxPPM int64 `long:"econ-ratio-max-ppm" description:"limits the max fee ppm for a rebalance when using econ ratio" json:"econ_ratio_max_ppm" toml:"econ_ratio_max_ppm"`
FeeLimitPPM int64 `short:"F" long:"fee-limit-ppm" description:"don't consider the target channel fee and use this max fee ppm instead (can rebalance at a loss, be careful)" json:"fee_limit_ppm" toml:"fee_limit_ppm"`
LostProfit bool `short:"l" long:"lost-profit" description:"also consider the outbound channel fees when looking for profitable routes so that outbound_fee+inbound_fee < route_fee" json:"lost_profit" toml:"lost_profit"`
LostProfit bool `short:"l" long:"lost-profit" description:"also consider the source channel fee when looking for profitable routes so that route_fee < target_fee * econ_ratio - source_fee" json:"lost_profit" toml:"lost_profit"`
NodeCacheFilename string `rego-grouping:"Node Cache" long:"node-cache-filename" description:"save and load other nodes information to this file, improves cold start performance" json:"node_cache_filename" toml:"node_cache_filename"`
NodeCacheLifetime int `long:"node-cache-lifetime" description:"nodes with last update older than this time (in minutes) will be removed from cache after loading it" json:"node_cache_lifetime" toml:"node_cache_lifetime"`
NodeCacheInfo bool `long:"node-cache-info" description:"show red and cyan 'x' characters in routes to indicate node cache misses and hits respectively" json:"node_cache_info" toml:"node_cache_info"`
