import warnings from lazzzy.ucs import ucs from utils import enumerate_resume, write_jsonl from executors import executor_factory from generators import generator_factory from typing import List, Set, Tuple DEBUG = True def debug_print(*args): if DEBUG: print(*args, flush=True) class State: def __init__(self, code: str, feedback: str, reflection: str, state: Tuple[bool]): self.code = code = feedback self.reflection = reflection self.state = state def __repr__(self): return f"State(code={self.code}, feedback={}, reflection={self.reflection}, state={self.state})" def is_goal(self): return all(self.state) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.code,, self.reflection)) def get_unique_id(self): res = 0 for i in range(len(self.state)): res += self.state[i] * (2**i) return res def run_reflexion_ucs( dataset: List[dict], model: str, language: str, max_iters: int, pass_at_k: int, log_path: str, verbose: bool, expansion_factor: int, is_leetcode: bool = False ) -> None: exe = executor_factory(language, is_leet=is_leetcode) gen = generator_factory(language) num_items = len(dataset) num_success = 0 for i, item in enumerate_resume(dataset, log_path): cur_pass = 0 is_solved = False reflections = [] cur_func_impl = "" while cur_pass < pass_at_k and not is_solved: debug_print(f"item {i} pass {cur_pass}") tests_i = gen.internal_tests(item["prompt"], model, 1) if len(tests_i) == 0: warnings.warn(f"no internal tests generated for item {i}") # first attempt debug_print("first attempt") cur_func_impl = gen.func_impl(item["prompt"], model, "simple") assert isinstance(cur_func_impl, str) # num_comps of 1 is_passing, feedback, state = exe.execute(cur_func_impl, tests_i) debug_print(f"first attempt: \n{cur_func_impl}\n{feedback}\n{state}") # if solved, exit--pass_at_k 1 early if is_passing: debug_print("solved at first attempt") is_solved = exe.evaluate(item["entry_point"], cur_func_impl, item["test"]) num_success += 1 if is_solved else 0 break reflection = gen.self_reflection( cur_func_impl, feedback, model) reflections.append(reflection) start = State(cur_func_impl, feedback, reflection, state) def expand(state: State) -> Set[Tuple[State, float]]: nonlocal max_iters nonlocal expansion_factor nonlocal item nonlocal model nonlocal tests_i nonlocal reflections new_states: Set[Tuple[State, float]] = set() debug_print(f"start expansion of: {state.state}") new_funcs = gen.func_impl( func_sig=item["prompt"], model=model, strategy="reflexion", prev_func_impl=state.code,, self_reflection=state.reflection, num_comps=expansion_factor, temperature=0.75 ) assert isinstance(new_funcs, list) debug_print(f"generated num of funcs: {len(new_funcs)}") already_seen = set() for new_func in new_funcs: if new_func in already_seen: debug_print(f"skipping a func because already seen.") continue already_seen.add(new_func) is_passing, feedback, new_state = exe.execute(new_func, tests_i) debug_print(f"expanding: \n{new_func}\n{feedback}\n{new_state}") if is_passing: # return immediately if solved return set([(State(new_func, feedback, "", new_state), 0)]) new_reflection = gen.self_reflection(new_func, feedback, model) reflections.append(new_reflection) num_failing = len([x for x in new_state if not x]) new_states.add( (State(new_func, feedback, new_reflection, new_state), num_failing)) debug_print(f"returning new states: {new_states}") return new_states def when_none(l: List[State]) -> State: debug_print(f"when_none called on: {l}") return min(l, key=lambda x: len([y for y in x.state if not y])) # this is either the goal state, or if not found, the current best state (lowest failed tests) best = ucs( start=start, expand=expand, is_goal=lambda x: x.is_goal(), # NOTE: this way we reduce our search space significantly # the maximum number of nodes is 2^num_tests, # which is 2^5 = 32 get_unique_id=lambda x: x.get_unique_id(), when_none=when_none ) assert best is not None # impossible due to our when_none debug_print("BEST CODE:\n\n\n") debug_print(best.code) is_passing = exe.evaluate( item["entry_point"], best.code, item["test"], timeout=5) if is_passing: item["solution"] = best.code is_solved = True num_success += 1 break # breaking pass@k loop cur_pass += 1 item["is_solved"] = is_solved item["reflections"] = reflections item["solution"] = cur_func_impl write_jsonl(log_path, [item], append=True) if verbose: print( f'completed {i+1}/{num_items}: acc = {round(num_success/(i+1), 2)}')