import os import sys import openai import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from bs4.element import Comment from env_history import EnvironmentHistory from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] WEBSHOP_URL = "" ACTION_TO_TEMPLATE = { 'Description': 'description_page.html', 'Features': 'features_page.html', 'Reviews': 'review_page.html', 'Attributes': 'attributes_page.html', } with open("./base_prompt.txt", 'r') as f: BASE_PROMPT = def llm(prompt, stop=["\n"]): try: cur_try = 0 while cur_try < 6: response = openai.Completion.create( model="text-davinci-002", prompt=prompt, temperature=cur_try * 0.2, max_tokens=100, top_p=1, frequency_penalty=0.0, presence_penalty=0.0, stop=stop ) text = response["choices"][0]["text"] # dumb way to do this if len(text.strip()) >= 5: return response["choices"][0]["text"] cur_try += 1 return "" except Exception as e: print(prompt) import sys sys.exit(1) def clean_str(p): return p.encode().decode("unicode-escape").encode("latin1").decode("utf-8") def tag_visible(element): ignore = {'style', 'script', 'head', 'title', 'meta', '[document]'} return ( not in ignore and not isinstance(element, Comment) ) def webshop_text(session, page_type, query_string='', page_num=1, asin='', options={}, subpage='', **kwargs): if page_type == 'init': url = ( f'{WEBSHOP_URL}/{session}' ) if page_type == 'search': url = ( f'{WEBSHOP_URL}/search_results/{session}/' f'{query_string}/{page_num}' ) elif page_type == 'item': url = ( f'{WEBSHOP_URL}/item_page/{session}/' f'{asin}/{query_string}/{page_num}/{options}' ) elif page_type == 'item_sub': url = ( f'{WEBSHOP_URL}/item_sub_page/{session}/' f'{asin}/{query_string}/{page_num}/{subpage}/{options}' ) elif page_type == 'end': url = ( f'{WEBSHOP_URL}/done/{session}/' f'{asin}/{options}' ) # print(url) html = requests.get(url).text # type: ignore html_obj = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') texts = html_obj.findAll(text=True) visible_texts = list(filter(tag_visible, texts)) # visible_texts = [str(text).strip().strip('\\n') for text in visible_texts] # if page_type == 'end': import pdb; pdb.set_trace() if False: # For `simple` mode, return just [SEP] separators return ' [SEP] '.join(t.strip() for t in visible_texts if t != '\n') else: # Otherwise, return an observation with tags mapped to specific, unique separators observation = '' option_type = '' options = {} asins = [] cnt = 0 prod_cnt = 0 just_prod = 0 for t in visible_texts: if t == '\n': continue if t.replace('\n', '').replace('\\n', '').replace(' ', '') == '': continue # if t.startswith('Instruction:') and page_type != 'init': continue # print(, t) if == 'button': # button processed_t = f'\n[{t}] ' elif == 'label': # options if f"'{t}'" in url: # type: ignore processed_t = f'[[{t}]]' # observation = f'You have clicked {t}.\n' + observation else: processed_t = f'[{t}]' options[str(t)] = option_type # options[option_type] = options.get(option_type, []) + [str(t)] elif t.parent.get('class') == ["product-link"]: # product asins processed_t = f'\n[{t}] ' if prod_cnt >= 3: processed_t = '' prod_cnt += 1 asins.append(str(t)) just_prod = 0 else: # regular, unclickable text processed_t = '\n' + str(t) + ' ' if cnt < 2 and page_type != 'init': processed_t = '' if just_prod <= 2 and prod_cnt >= 4: processed_t = '' option_type = str(t) cnt += 1 just_prod += 1 observation += processed_t info = {} if options: info['option_types'] = options if asins: info['asins'] = asins if 'Your score (min 0.0, max 1.0)' in visible_texts: idx = visible_texts.index('Your score (min 0.0, max 1.0)') info['reward'] = float(visible_texts[idx + 1]) observation = 'Your score (min 0.0, max 1.0): ' + (visible_texts[idx + 1]) return clean_str(observation), info class webshopEnv: def __init__(self): self.sessions = {} def step(self, session, action): done = False observation_ = None if action == 'reset': self.sessions[session] = {'session': session, 'page_type': 'init'} elif action.startswith('think['): observation = 'OK.' elif action.startswith('search['): assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'init' query = action[7:-1] self.sessions[session] = {'session': session, 'page_type': 'search', 'query_string': query, 'page_num': 1} elif action.startswith('click['): button = action[6:-1] if button == 'Buy Now': assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item' self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'end' done = True elif button == 'Back to Search': assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] in ['search', 'item_sub', 'item'] self.sessions[session] = {'session': session, 'page_type': 'init'} elif button == 'Next >': assert False # ad hoc page limitation assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'search' self.sessions[session]['page_num'] += 1 elif button == '< Prev': assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] in ['search', 'item_sub', 'item'] if self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'search': assert False self.sessions[session]['page_num'] -= 1 elif self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item_sub': self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'item' elif self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item': self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'search' self.sessions[session]['options'] = {} elif button in ACTION_TO_TEMPLATE: assert self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item' self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'item_sub' self.sessions[session]['subpage'] = button else: if self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'search': assert button in self.sessions[session].get('asins', []) # must be asins self.sessions[session]['page_type'] = 'item' self.sessions[session]['asin'] = button elif self.sessions[session]['page_type'] == 'item': assert 'option_types' in self.sessions[session] assert button in self.sessions[session]['option_types'], (button, self.sessions[session]['option_types']) # must be options option_type = self.sessions[session]['option_types'][button] if not 'options' in self.sessions[session]: self.sessions[session]['options'] = {} self.sessions[session]['options'][option_type] = button observation_ = f'You have clicked {button}.' else: assert False observation, info = webshop_text(**self.sessions[session]) if observation_: observation = observation_ self.sessions[session].update(info) reward = info.get('reward', 0.0) return observation, reward, done def webshop_run(idx, env, base_prompt, memory: List[str], to_print=True) -> Tuple[EnvironmentHistory, bool]: action = 'reset' init_prompt = base_prompt prompt = '' res = env.step(idx, action) observation = res[0] if len(memory) > 3: env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, observation, memory[-3:], []) else: env_history = EnvironmentHistory(base_prompt, observation, memory, []) env_history.reset() for i in range(15): env_history.add("action", action) try: res = env.step(idx, action) observation = res[0] except AssertionError: observation = 'Invalid action!' if action.startswith('think'): observation = 'OK.' if to_print: print(f'Action: {action}\nObservation: {observation}\n') sys.stdout.flush() if i: prompt += f' {action}\nObservation: {observation}\n\nAction:' else: prompt += f'{observation}\n\nAction:' env_history.add("observation", observation) # if done, check if reward is complete value if res[2]: print(res) return env_history, res[1] == 1.0 action = llm(init_prompt + prompt[-(6400-len(init_prompt)):], stop=['\n']).lstrip(' ') return env_history, False def run_trial( trial_log_path: str, world_log_path: str, trial_idx: int, env_configs: List[Dict[str, Any]], use_memory: bool ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: env = webshopEnv() num_successes: int = 0 num_additional_successes: int = 0 num_envs: int = len(env_configs) for z, env_config in enumerate(env_configs): if env_config["is_success"]: num_successes += 1 # log to world log with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf: wf.write(f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS\n') with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf: wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}: Success\n\n#####\n') continue try: final_env_history, is_success = webshop_run(f'fixed_{z}', env, BASE_PROMPT, env_config["memory"] if use_memory else [], to_print=True) if is_success: status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: SUCCESS' env_configs[z]["is_success"] = True num_successes += 1 num_additional_successes += 1 else: status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: FAIL' # log env results to trial log with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf: wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}:\n{str(final_env_history)}\n\nSTATUS: {"OK" if is_success else "FAIL"}\n\n#####\n') except AssertionError: status_str: str = f'Environment #{z} Trial #{trial_idx}: FAIL' # log env results to trial log with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf: wf.write(f'\n#####\n\nEnvironment #{z}:\nAssertion Error\n\nSTATUS: FAIL\n\n#####\n') # log to world log with open(world_log_path, 'a') as f: f.write(status_str + '\n') # log trial results to trial and world logs log_str: str = f""" ----- SUCCESS: {num_successes} ADDITIONAL SUCCESS: {num_additional_successes} FAIL: {num_envs - num_successes} TOTAL: {num_envs} ACCURACY: {round(num_successes / num_envs, 2)} -----""" with open(trial_log_path, 'a') as wf: wf.write(log_str) with open(world_log_path, 'a') as wf: wf.write(log_str + '\n') return env_configs