dofile("urlcode.lua") dofile("table_show.lua") local url_count = 0 local tries = 0 local item_type = os.getenv('item_type') local item_value = os.getenv('item_value') local downloaded = {} local addedtolist = {} read_file = function(file) if file then local f = assert( local data = f:read("*all") f:close() return data else return "" end end wget.callbacks.download_child_p = function(urlpos, parent, depth, start_url_parsed, iri, verdict, reason) local url = urlpos["url"]["url"] local html = urlpos["link_expect_html"] if downloaded[url] == true or addedtolist[url] == true then return false end if (downloaded[url] ~= true or addedtolist[url] ~= true) then if (string.match(url, "[^a-z0-9]"..item_value.."[0-9a-z]") and not string.match(url, "[^a-z0-9]"..item_value.."[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]")) or html == 0 then return true else return false end end end wget.callbacks.get_urls = function(file, url, is_css, iri) local urls = {} local html = nil if downloaded[url] ~= true then downloaded[url] = true end local function check(url) if (downloaded[url] ~= true and addedtolist[url] ~= true) and (string.match(url, "[^a-z0-9]"..item_value.."[0-9a-z]") or string.match(url, "")) and not string.match(url, "[^a-z0-9]"..item_value.."[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]") then if string.match(url, "&") then table.insert(urls, { url=string.gsub(url, "&", "&") }) addedtolist[url] = true addedtolist[string.gsub(url, "&", "&")] = true elseif string.match(url, "#") then table.insert(urls, { url=string.match(url, "(https?:[^#]+)#") }) addedtolist[url] = true addedtolist[string.match(url, "(https?:[^#]+)#")] = true else table.insert(urls, { url=url }) addedtolist[url] = true end end end if string.match(url, "[^a-z0-9]"..item_value.."[0-9a-z]") and not string.match(url, "[^a-z0-9]"..item_value.."[0-9a-z][0-9a-z]") then html = read_file(file) for newurl in string.gmatch(html, '"(https?://[^"]+)"') do check(newurl) end for newurl in string.gmatch(html, "'(https?://[^']+)'") do check(newurl) end for newurl in string.gmatch(html, '("/[^"]+)"') do if string.match(newurl, '"//') then check(string.gsub(newurl, '"//', 'http://')) elseif not string.match(newurl, '"//') then check(string.match(url, "(https?://[^/]+)/")..string.match(newurl, '"(/.+)')) end end for newurl in string.gmatch(html, "('/[^']+)'") do if string.match(newurl, "'//") then check(string.gsub(newurl, "'//", "http://")) elseif not string.match(newurl, "'//") then check(string.match(url, '(https?://[^/]+)/')..string.match(newurl, "'(/.+)")) end end end return urls end wget.callbacks.httploop_result = function(url, err, http_stat) -- NEW for 2014: Slightly more verbose messages because people keep -- complaining that it's not moving or not working status_code = http_stat["statcode"] url_count = url_count + 1 io.stdout:write(url_count .. "=" .. status_code .. " " .. url["url"] .. ". \n") io.stdout:flush() if (status_code >= 200 and status_code <= 399) then if string.match(url.url, "https://") then local newurl = string.gsub(url.url, "https://", "http://") downloaded[newurl] = true else downloaded[url.url] = true end end if status_code >= 500 or (status_code >= 400 and status_code ~= 404 and status_code ~= 403) then io.stdout:write("\nServer returned "..http_stat.statcode..". Sleeping.\n") io.stdout:flush() os.execute("sleep 10") tries = tries + 1 if tries >= 6 then io.stdout:write("\nI give up...\n") io.stdout:flush() tries = 0 return wget.actions.ABORT else return wget.actions.CONTINUE end elseif status_code == 0 then io.stdout:write("\nServer returned "..http_stat.statcode..". Sleeping.\n") io.stdout:flush() os.execute("sleep 10") tries = tries + 1 if tries >= 6 then io.stdout:write("\nI give up...\n") io.stdout:flush() tries = 0 return wget.actions.ABORT else return wget.actions.CONTINUE end end tries = 0 local sleep_time = 0 if sleep_time > 0.001 then os.execute("sleep " .. sleep_time) end return wget.actions.NOTHING end