# encoding=utf8 import datetime from distutils.version import StrictVersion import hashlib import os.path import random from seesaw.config import realize, NumberConfigValue from seesaw.item import ItemInterpolation, ItemValue from seesaw.task import SimpleTask, LimitConcurrent from seesaw.tracker import GetItemFromTracker, PrepareStatsForTracker, \ UploadWithTracker, SendDoneToTracker import shutil import socket import subprocess import sys import time import string import requests import re import seesaw from seesaw.externalprocess import WgetDownload from seesaw.pipeline import Pipeline from seesaw.project import Project from seesaw.util import find_executable # check the seesaw version if StrictVersion(seesaw.__version__) < StrictVersion("0.8.5"): raise Exception("This pipeline needs seesaw version 0.8.5 or higher.") ########################################################################### # Find a useful Wget+Lua executable. # # WGET_LUA will be set to the first path that # 1. does not crash with --version, and # 2. prints the required version string WGET_LUA = find_executable( "Wget+Lua", ["GNU Wget 1.14.lua.20130523-9a5c"], [ "./wget-lua", "./wget-lua-warrior", "./wget-lua-local", "../wget-lua", "../../wget-lua", "/home/warrior/wget-lua", "/usr/bin/wget-lua" ] ) if not WGET_LUA: raise Exception("No usable Wget+Lua found.") ########################################################################### # The version number of this pipeline definition. # # Update this each time you make a non-cosmetic change. # It will be added to the WARC files and reported to the tracker. VERSION = "20150620.02" USER_AGENT = 'ArchiveTeam' TRACKER_ID = 'reddit' TRACKER_HOST = 'tracker.archiveteam.org' ########################################################################### # This section defines project-specific tasks. # # Simple tasks (tasks that do not need any concurrency) are based on the # SimpleTask class and have a process(item) method that is called for # each item. class CheckIP(SimpleTask): def __init__(self): SimpleTask.__init__(self, "CheckIP") self._counter = 0 def process(self, item): # NEW for 2014! Check if we are behind firewall/proxy if self._counter <= 0: item.log_output('Checking IP address.') ip_set = set() ip_set.add(socket.gethostbyname('twitter.com')) ip_set.add(socket.gethostbyname('facebook.com')) ip_set.add(socket.gethostbyname('youtube.com')) ip_set.add(socket.gethostbyname('microsoft.com')) ip_set.add(socket.gethostbyname('icanhas.cheezburger.com')) ip_set.add(socket.gethostbyname('archiveteam.org')) if len(ip_set) != 6: item.log_output('Got IP addresses: {0}'.format(ip_set)) item.log_output( 'Are you behind a firewall/proxy? That is a big no-no!') raise Exception( 'Are you behind a firewall/proxy? That is a big no-no!') # Check only occasionally if self._counter <= 0: self._counter = 10 else: self._counter -= 1 class PrepareDirectories(SimpleTask): def __init__(self, warc_prefix): SimpleTask.__init__(self, "PrepareDirectories") self.warc_prefix = warc_prefix def process(self, item): item_name = item["item_name"] escaped_item_name = item_name.replace(':', '_').replace('/', '_').replace('~', '_') dirname = "/".join((item["data_dir"], escaped_item_name)) if os.path.isdir(dirname): shutil.rmtree(dirname) os.makedirs(dirname) item["item_dir"] = dirname item["warc_file_base"] = "%s-%s-%s" % (self.warc_prefix, escaped_item_name, time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")) open("%(item_dir)s/%(warc_file_base)s.warc.gz" % item, "w").close() class MoveFiles(SimpleTask): def __init__(self): SimpleTask.__init__(self, "MoveFiles") def process(self, item): # NEW for 2014! Check if wget was compiled with zlib support if os.path.exists("%(item_dir)s/%(warc_file_base)s.warc" % item): raise Exception('Please compile wget with zlib support!') os.rename("%(item_dir)s/%(warc_file_base)s.warc.gz" % item, "%(data_dir)s/%(warc_file_base)s.warc.gz" % item) shutil.rmtree("%(item_dir)s" % item) def get_hash(filename): with open(filename, 'rb') as in_file: return hashlib.sha1(in_file.read()).hexdigest() CWD = os.getcwd() PIPELINE_SHA1 = get_hash(os.path.join(CWD, 'pipeline.py')) LUA_SHA1 = get_hash(os.path.join(CWD, 'reddit.lua')) def stats_id_function(item): # NEW for 2014! Some accountability hashes and stats. d = { 'pipeline_hash': PIPELINE_SHA1, 'lua_hash': LUA_SHA1, 'python_version': sys.version, } return d class WgetArgs(object): def realize(self, item): wget_args = [ WGET_LUA, "-U", USER_AGENT, "-nv", "--lua-script", "reddit.lua", "-o", ItemInterpolation("%(item_dir)s/wget.log"), "--no-check-certificate", "--output-document", ItemInterpolation("%(item_dir)s/wget.tmp"), "--truncate-output", "-e", "robots=off", "--rotate-dns", "--recursive", "--level=inf", "--no-parent", "--page-requisites", "--timeout", "30", "--tries", "inf", "--domains", "reddit.com,redditmedia.com", "--span-hosts", "--waitretry", "30", "--warc-file", ItemInterpolation("%(item_dir)s/%(warc_file_base)s"), "--warc-header", "operator: Archive Team", "--warc-header", "reddit-dld-script-version: " + VERSION, "--warc-header", ItemInterpolation("reddit-user: %(item_name)s"), ] item_name = item['item_name'] assert ':' in item_name item_type, item_value = item_name.split(':', 1) item['item_type'] = item_type item['item_value'] = item_value assert item_type in ('36comments') if item_type == '36comments': suffixes = string.digits + string.ascii_lowercase for url in ['http://redd.it/{0}{1}'.format(item_value, a) for a in suffixes]: wget_args.append(url) # for suffix in suffixes: # commenturl = 'https://www.reddit.com/comments/{0}{1}/'.format(item_value, suffix) # html = requests.get(commenturl, headers={'User-Agent': 'ArchiveTeam'}) # print('Downloaded', html.status_code, getattr(html, 'reason')) # sys.stdout.flush() # if html.status_code == 200: # if not html.text: # raise Exception('Something went wrong during the download. ({0})'.format(html.status_code)) # else: # for origurl in re.findall(r'href="(https?:\/\/www\.reddit\.com\/r\/[^/]+\/comments\/{0}{1}\/[^"]+)"'.format(item_value, suffix), html.text): # if (re.search(r'https?:\/\/www\.reddit\.com\/r\/[^/]+\/comments\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\/', origurl) or re.search(r'https?:\/\/www\.reddit\.com\/r\/[^/]+\/comments\/[^/]+\/', origurl)) and not re.search(r'https?:\/\/www\.reddit\.com\/r\/[^/]+\/comments\/[^/]+\/[^/]+\/.', origurl): # wget_args.append(origurl) # elif html.status_code == 404: # print('This url is 404.') # else: # raise Exception('Something went wrong during the download. ({0})'.format(html.status_code)) else: raise Exception('Unknown item') if 'bind_address' in globals(): wget_args.extend(['--bind-address', globals()['bind_address']]) print('') print('*** Wget will bind address at {0} ***'.format( globals()['bind_address'])) print('') return realize(wget_args, item) ########################################################################### # Initialize the project. # # This will be shown in the warrior management panel. The logo should not # be too big. The deadline is optional. project = Project( title="reddit", project_html="""

www.reddit.com Website · Leaderboard

Grabbing reddit.

""" ) pipeline = Pipeline( CheckIP(), GetItemFromTracker("http://%s/%s" % (TRACKER_HOST, TRACKER_ID), downloader, VERSION), PrepareDirectories(warc_prefix="reddit"), WgetDownload( WgetArgs(), max_tries=2, accept_on_exit_code=[0, 8], env={ "item_dir": ItemValue("item_dir"), "item_value": ItemValue("item_value"), "item_type": ItemValue("item_type"), } ), PrepareStatsForTracker( defaults={"downloader": downloader, "version": VERSION}, file_groups={ "data": [ ItemInterpolation("%(item_dir)s/%(warc_file_base)s.warc.gz") ] }, id_function=stats_id_function, ), MoveFiles(), LimitConcurrent(NumberConfigValue(min=1, max=4, default="1", name="shared:rsync_threads", title="Rsync threads", description="The maximum number of concurrent uploads."), UploadWithTracker( "http://%s/%s" % (TRACKER_HOST, TRACKER_ID), downloader=downloader, version=VERSION, files=[ ItemInterpolation("%(data_dir)s/%(warc_file_base)s.warc.gz") ], rsync_target_source_path=ItemInterpolation("%(data_dir)s/"), rsync_extra_args=[ "--recursive", "--partial", "--partial-dir", ".rsync-tmp", ] ), ), SendDoneToTracker( tracker_url="http://%s/%s" % (TRACKER_HOST, TRACKER_ID), stats=ItemValue("stats") ) )