You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

245 lines
8.1 KiB

var jsdom = require("jsdom").jsdom;
var chai = require("chai");
chai.config.includeStack = true;
var expect = chai.expect;
var readability = require("../index");
var Readability = readability.Readability;
var JSDOMParser = readability.JSDOMParser;
var testPages = require("./utils").getTestPages();
function reformatError(err) {
var formattedError = new Error(err.message);
formattedError.stack = err.stack;
return formattedError;
function inOrderTraverse(fromNode) {
if (fromNode.firstChild) {
return fromNode.firstChild;
while (fromNode && !fromNode.nextSibling) {
fromNode = fromNode.parentNode;
return fromNode ? fromNode.nextSibling : null;
function inOrderIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(fromNode) {
do {
fromNode = inOrderTraverse(fromNode);
} while (fromNode && fromNode.nodeType == 3 && !fromNode.textContent.trim());
return fromNode;
function traverseDOM(callback, expectedDOM, actualDOM) {
var actualNode = actualDOM.documentElement || actualDOM.childNodes[0];
var expectedNode = expectedDOM.documentElement || expectedDOM.childNodes[0];
while (actualNode) {
if (!callback(actualNode, expectedNode)) {
actualNode = inOrderIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(actualNode);
expectedNode = inOrderIgnoreEmptyTextNodes(expectedNode);
// Collapse subsequent whitespace like HTML:
function htmlTransform(str) {
return str.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
function runTestsWithItems(label, domGenerationFn, source, expectedContent, expectedMetadata) {
describe(label, function() {
var result;
before(function() {
try {
var doc = domGenerationFn(source);
// Provide one class name to preserve, which we know appears in a few
// of the test documents.
var myReader = new Readability(doc, { classesToPreserve: ["caption"] });
result = myReader.parse();
} catch (err) {
throw reformatError(err);
it("should return a result object", function() {
expect(result).to.include.keys("content", "title", "excerpt", "byline");
it("should extract expected content", function() {
function nodeStr(n) {
if (n.nodeType == 3) {
return "#text(" + htmlTransform(n.textContent) + ")";
if (n.nodeType != 1) {
return "some other node type: " + n.nodeType + " with data " +;
var rv = n.localName;
if ( {
rv += "#" +;
if (n.className) {
rv += ".(" + n.className + ")";
return rv;
function genPath(node) {
if ( {
return "#" +;
if (node.tagName == "BODY") {
return "body";
var parent = node.parentNode;
var parentPath = genPath(parent);
var index =, node) + 1;
return parentPath + " > " + nodeStr(node) + ":nth-child(" + index + ")";
function findableNodeDesc(node) {
return genPath(node) + "(in: ``" + node.parentNode.innerHTML + "``)";
function attributesForNode(node) {
return Array.from(node.attributes).map(function(attr) {
return + "=" + attr.value;
var actualDOM = domGenerationFn(result.content);
var expectedDOM = domGenerationFn(expectedContent);
traverseDOM(function(actualNode, expectedNode) {
if (actualNode && expectedNode) {
var actualDesc = nodeStr(actualNode);
var expectedDesc = nodeStr(expectedNode);
if (actualDesc != expectedDesc) {
expect(actualDesc, findableNodeDesc(actualNode)).eql(expectedDesc);
return false;
// Compare text for text nodes:
if (actualNode.nodeType == 3) {
var actualText = htmlTransform(actualNode.textContent);
var expectedText = htmlTransform(expectedNode.textContent);
expect(actualText, findableNodeDesc(actualNode)).eql(expectedText);
if (actualText != expectedText) {
return false;
// Compare attributes for element nodes:
} else if (actualNode.nodeType == 1) {
var actualNodeDesc = attributesForNode(actualNode);
var expectedNodeDesc = attributesForNode(expectedNode);
var desc = "node " + nodeStr(actualNode) + " attributes (" + actualNodeDesc + ") should match (" + expectedNodeDesc + ") ";
expect(actualNode.attributes.length, desc).eql(expectedNode.attributes.length);
for (var i = 0; i < actualNode.attributes.length; i++) {
var attr = actualNode.attributes[i].name;
var actualValue = actualNode.getAttribute(attr);
var expectedValue = expectedNode.getAttribute(attr);
expect(expectedValue, "node (" + findableNodeDesc(actualNode) + ") attribute " + attr + " should match").eql(actualValue);
} else {
return false;
return true;
}, actualDOM, expectedDOM);
it("should extract expected title", function() {
it("should extract expected byline", function() {
it("should extract expected excerpt", function() {
it("should extract expected site name", function() {
expectedMetadata.dir && it("should extract expected direction", function() {
function removeCommentNodesRecursively(node) {
for (var i = node.childNodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var child = node.childNodes[i];
if (child.nodeType === child.COMMENT_NODE) {
} else if (child.nodeType === child.ELEMENT_NODE) {
describe("Readability API", function() {
describe("#constructor", function() {
var doc = new JSDOMParser().parse("<html><div>yo</div></html>");
it("should accept a debug option", function() {
expect(new Readability(doc)._debug).eql(false);
expect(new Readability(doc, {debug: true})._debug).eql(true);
it("should accept a nbTopCandidates option", function() {
expect(new Readability(doc)._nbTopCandidates).eql(5);
expect(new Readability(doc, {nbTopCandidates: 42})._nbTopCandidates).eql(42);
it("should accept a maxElemsToParse option", function() {
expect(new Readability(doc)._maxElemsToParse).eql(0);
expect(new Readability(doc, {maxElemsToParse: 42})._maxElemsToParse).eql(42);
describe("#parse", function() {
it("shouldn't parse oversized documents as per configuration", function() {
var doc = new JSDOMParser().parse("<html><div>yo</div></html>");
expect(function() {
new Readability(doc, {maxElemsToParse: 1}).parse();
}).to.Throw("Aborting parsing document; 2 elements found");
describe("Test pages", function() {
testPages.forEach(function(testPage) {
describe(testPage.dir, function() {
var uri = "http://fakehost/test/page.html";
runTestsWithItems("jsdom", function(source) {
var doc = jsdom(source, {
url: uri,
features: {
FetchExternalResources: false,
ProcessExternalResources: false
return doc;
}, testPage.source, testPage.expectedContent, testPage.expectedMetadata);
runTestsWithItems("JSDOMParser", function(source) {
var parser = new JSDOMParser();
var doc = parser.parse(source, uri);
if (parser.errorState) {
console.error("Parsing this DOM caused errors:", parser.errorState);
return null;
return doc;
}, testPage.source, testPage.expectedContent, testPage.expectedMetadata);