Merge pull request #51 from gijsk/fix-medium-title

Fix the title to not update when we already have one
Gijs 10 years ago
commit f7c0e4713f

@ -1008,7 +1008,10 @@
if (localName === "title") {
// Only use the first title, because SVG might have other
// title elements which we don't care about (
// does this, at least).
if (localName === "title" && !this.doc.title) {
this.doc.title = node.textContent.trim();
} else if (localName === "head") {
this.doc.head = node;

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"title": "On Behalf of “Literally” — Medium",
"byline": "Courtney Kirchoff",
"excerpt": "In defense of the word “literally” and why you or someone you know should stop misusing the word, lest they drive us fig…"

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
<div id="readability-page-1" class="page">
<figure name="4924" id="4924" class="graf--figure graf--first">
<div class="aspectRatioPlaceholder is-locked">
<img class="graf-image" data-image-id="1*eR_J8DurqygbhrwDg-WPnQ.png" data-width="1891"
data-height="1280" data-action="zoom" data-action-value="1*eR_J8DurqygbhrwDg-WPnQ.png"
<figcaption class="imageCaption">Words need defenders.</figcaption>
<h3 name="b098" id="b098" class="graf--h3">On Behalf of “Literally”</h3>
<p name="1a73" id="1a73" class="graf--p">You either are a “literally” abuser or know of one. If youre anything
like me, hearing the word “literally” used incorrectly causes a little
piece of your soul to whither and die. Of course I do not mean that literally,
I mean that figuratively. An abuser would have said: “Every time a person
uses that word, a piece of my soul literally withers and dies.” Which is
terribly, horribly wrong.</p>
<p name="104a" id="104a" class="graf--p">For whatever bizarre reason, people feel the need to use literally as
a sort of verbal crutch. They use it to emphasize a point, which is silly
because theyre already using an analogy or a metaphor to illustrate said
point. For example: “Ugh, I literally tore the house apart looking for
my remote control!” No, you literally did not tear apart your house, because
its still standing. If youd just told me you “tore your house apart”
searching for your remote, I wouldve understood what you meant. No need
to add “literally” to the sentence.</p>
<p name="c2c0" id="c2c0" class="graf--p">Maybe I should define literally.</p>
<blockquote name="b239" id="b239"
class="graf--pullquote pullquote">Literally means actually. When you say something literally happened, youre
describing the scene or situation as it actually happened.</blockquote>
name="a8fd" id="a8fd" class="graf--p">So you should only use literally when you mean it. It should not be used
in hyperbole. Example: “That was so funny I literally cried.” Which is
possible. Some things are funny enough to elicit tears. Note the example
stops with “literally cried.” You cannot <em class="markup--em markup--p-em">literally cry your eyes out</em>.
The joke wasnt so funny your eyes popped out of their sockets.</p>
name="165a" id="165a" class="graf--h4">When in Doubt, Leave it Out</h4>
<p name="e434" id="e434" class="graf--p graf--startsWithDoubleQuote">“Im so hungry I could eat a horse,” means youre hungry. You dont need
to say “Im so hungry I could literally eat a horse.” Because you cant
do that in one sitting, I dont care how big your stomach is.</p>
<p name="d88f"
id="d88f" class="graf--p graf--startsWithDoubleQuote">“That play was so funny I laughed my head off,” illustrates the play was
amusing. You dont need to say you literally laughed your head off, because
then your head would be on the ground and you wouldnt be able to speak,
much less laugh.</p>
<p name="4bab" id="4bab" class="graf--p graf--startsWithDoubleQuote">“I drove so fast my car was flying,” we get your point: you were speeding.
But your car is never going fast enough to fly, so dont say your car was
literally flying.</p>
<h4 name="f2f0" id="f2f0" class="graf--h4">Insecurities?</h4>
<p name="1bd7" id="1bd7" class="graf--p">Maybe no one believed a story you told as a child, and you felt the need
to prove that it actually happened. <em class="markup--em markup--p-em">No really, mom, I literally climbed the tree. </em>In
efforts to prove truth, you used literally to describe something real,
however outlandish it seemed. Whatever the reason, now your overuse of
literally has become a habit.</p>
<h4 name="d7c1" id="d7c1" class="graf--h4">Hard Habit to Break?</h4>
<p name="714b" id="714b" class="graf--p">Abusing literally isnt as bad a smoking, but its still an unhealthy
habit (I mean that figuratively). Help is required in order to break it.</p>
name="f929" id="f929" class="graf--p">This is my version of an intervention for literally abusers. Im not sure
how else to do it other than in writing. I know this makes me sound like
a know-it-all, and I accept that. But theres no excuse other than blatant
ignorance to misuse the word “literally.” So just stop it.</p>
<p name="fd19"
id="fd19" class="graf--p">Dont say “Courtney, this post is so snobbish it literally burned up my
computer.” Because nothing is that snobbish that it causes computers to
combust. Or: “Courtney, your head is so big it literally cannot get through
the door.” Because it can, unless its one of those tiny doors from
class="markup--em markup--p-em">Alice in Wonderland</em>and I need to eat a mushroom to make my whole
body smaller.</p>
<h4 name="fe12" id="fe12" class="graf--h4">No Ones Perfect</h4>
<p name="7ff8" id="7ff8" class="graf--p">And Im not saying I am. Im trying to restore meaning to a word thats
lost meaning. Im standing up for literally. Its a good word when used
correctly. People are butchering it and destroying it every day (figuratively
speaking) and the massacre needs to stop. Just as theres a coalition of
people against the use of certain fonts (like <a href=""
data-href="" class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor"
rel="nofollow">Comic Sans</a> and <a href=""
data-href="" class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor"
rel="nofollow">Papyrus</a>), so should there be a coalition of people against
the abuse of literally.</p>
<h4 name="049e" id="049e" class="graf--h4">Saying it to Irritate?</h4>
<p name="9381" id="9381" class="graf--p">Do you misuse the word “literally” just to annoy your know-it-all or grammar
police friends/acquaintances/total strangers? If so, why? Doing so would
be like me going outside when its freezing, wearing nothing but a pair
of shorts and t-shirt in hopes of making you cold by just looking at me.
Who suffers more?</p>
<h4 name="3e52" id="3e52" class="graf--h4">Graphical Representation</h4>
<p name="b57e" id="b57e" class="graf--p graf--last">Matthew Inman of “The Oatmeal” wrote a comic about literally. Abusers
and defenders alike <a href="" data-href=""
class="markup--anchor markup--p-anchor" rel="nofollow">should check it out</a>.
Its clear this whole craze about literally is driving a lot of us nuts.
You literally abusers are killing off pieces of our souls. You must be
stopped, or the world will be lost to meaninglessness forever. Figuratively

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