# reader-view-cli **Firefox Reader View in your terminal!** **reader-view-cli** takes any HTML page and strips out unnecessary bloat by using [Mozilla's Readability library](https://github.com/mozilla/readability). As a result, you get a web page which contains only the core content and nothing more. The resulting HTML is suitable for terminal browsers, text readers, or perhaps other use-cases. ### An example of Reader View in Firefox: **Standard view in Firefox** ![An article from The Guardian with standard view in Firefox](https://i.imgur.com/6xyyShd.png "Standard view in Firefox") **Reader View in Firefox** ![An article from The Guardian with Reader View in Firefox](https://i.imgur.com/V27OUch.png "Reader View in Firefox") #### An example of reader-view-cli with W3M browser: **Standard view in W3M** ![An article from The Guardian in W3M](https://i.imgur.com/kAeCfh1.png "Standard view in W3M") **reader-view-cli + W3M** ![An article from The Guardian in W3M using reader-view-cli](https://i.imgur.com/KaSY1JS.png "reader-view-cli with W3M") ## Usage `readable [SOURCE] [options]` `readable [options] -- [SOURCE]` (where SOURCE is a file, an http(s) URL, or '-' for standard input) Options: ``` --help Print help -o --output OUTPUT_FILE Output to OUTPUT_FILE -p --properties PROPS... Output specific properties of the parsed article -V --version Print version -u --url Set the document URL when parsing standard input or a local file (this affects relative links and such) -U --is-url Interpret SOURCE as a URL rather than file name -q --quiet Don't output extra information to stderr ``` The --properties option accepts a comma-separated list of values (with no spaces in-between). Suitable values are: ``` html-title Outputs the article's title, wrapped in an

tag. title Outputs the title in the format "Title: $TITLE". excerpt Article description, or short excerpt from the content, in the format "Excerpt: $EXCERPT" byline Author metadata, in the format "Author: $AUTHOR" length Length of the article in characters, in the format "Length: $LENGTH" dir Content direction, is either "Direction: ltr" or "Direction: rtl" html-content Outputs the article's main content as HTML. text-content Outputs the article's main content as plain text. ``` Text-content and Html-content are mutually exclusive, and are always printed last. Default value is "html-title,html-content". ### Usage examples **Read HTML from a file and output the result to the console:** `readable index.html` **Fetch a web page and read it in W3M:** `readable https://example.com/page | w3m -T text/html` **Download a web page using cURL, get the title, the content, and an excerpt in plain text:** `curl https://example.com/page | readable --url https://example.com/page -p title,excerpt,text-content` It's a good idea to supply the --url parameter when piping input, otherwise `readable` won't know the document's URL, and things like relative links won't work.