#!/usr/bin/env node /* Firefox Reader Mode in your terminal! CLI tool for Mozilla's Readability library Copyright (C) 2020 gardenapple This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ const parseArgs = require("minimist"); //JSDOM, fs, Readability, and Readability-readerable are loaded on-demand. //To-do: lazy loading? const ExitCodes = { badUsageCLI: 64, dataError: 65, noInput: 66, noHost: 68, noPermission: 77 }; let errored = false; function setErrored(exitCode) { process.exitCode = exitCode; errored = true; } function printUsage() { console.error(` Usage: readable [SOURCE] [options] readable [options] -- [SOURCE] (where SOURCE is a file, an http(s) URL, or '-' for standard input) Options: -b --base URL Set URL as the base for relative links, useful when parsing local files or standard input -h --help Print help -o --output OUTPUT_FILE Output to OUTPUT_FILE -p --properties PROPS... Output specific properties of the parsed article -V --version Print version -u --url (deprecated) alias for --base -U --is-url Interpret SOURCE as a URL rather than file name -q --quiet Don't output extra information to stderr -l --low-confidence MODE What to do if Readability.js is uncertain about what the core content actually is The --low-confidence option determines what should be done for documents where Readability can't tell what the core content is: no-op When unsure, don't touch the HTML, output as-is. If the --properties option is used, this will make the program crash. force Process the document even when unsure (may produce really bad output). exit When unsure, exit with an error. Default value is "no-op". The --properties option accepts a comma-separated list of values (with no spaces in-between). Suitable values are: html-title Outputs the article's title, wrapped in an

tag. title Outputs the title in the format "Title: $TITLE". excerpt Article description, or short excerpt from the content, in the format "Excerpt: $EXCERPT" byline Author metadata, in the format "Author: $AUTHOR" length Length of the article in characters, in the format "Length: $LENGTH" dir Content direction, is either "Direction: ltr" or "Direction: rtl" html-content Outputs the article's main content as HTML. text-content Outputs the article's main content as plain text. Text-content and Html-content are mutually exclusive, and are always printed last. Default value is "html-title,html-content".`); } const stringArgParams = ['_', "--", "low-confidence", "output", "properties", "url", "base"]; const boolArgParams = ["quiet", "help", "version", "is-url"]; const alias = { "url": 'u', "output": 'o', "properties": 'p', "version": 'V', "base": 'b', "is-url": 'U', "quiet": 'q', "low-confidence": 'l', "help": 'h' } let args = parseArgs(process.argv.slice(2), { string: stringArgParams, boolean: boolArgParams, default: { "low-confidence": "no-op", "quiet": false }, alias: alias, "--": true }); //Backwards compat if (args['u']) args['b'] = args['u']; if (args["url"]) { console.error("Note: the --url option is deprecated, use --base or -b instead"); args["base"] = args["url"]; } //Minimist's parseArgs accepts a function for handling unknown parameters, //but it works in a stupid way, so I'm writing my own. for (var key of Object.keys(args)) { if (!stringArgParams.includes(key) && !boolArgParams.includes(key) && !Object.values(alias).includes(key)) { console.error(`Unknown argument: ${key}`); setErrored(ExitCodes.badUsageCLI); } else if (stringArgParams.includes(key) && args[key] === "") { console.error(`Error: no value given for --${key}`); setErrored(ExitCodes.badUsageCLI); } } if (errored) { printUsage(); return; } if (args["help"]) { printUsage(); return; } else if (args.version) { console.log(`readability-cli v${require("./package.json").version}`); console.log(`Node.js ${process.version}`); return; } let inputArg; const inputCount = args['_'].length + args['--'].length; if (inputCount > 1) { console.error("Too many input arguments"); printUsage(); setErrored(ExitCodes.badUsageCLI); return; } else if (inputCount == 0) { if (process.stdin.isTTY) { console.error("No input provided"); printUsage(); setErrored(ExitCodes.badUsageCLI); return; } else { inputArg = '-' } } else { inputArg = (args['_'].length > 0) ? args['_'][0] : args['--'][0]; } //Get input parameter, remove inputArg from args let inputFile; let inputURL; let inputIsFromStdin = false; if (args["is-url"] || inputArg.startsWith("https://") || inputArg.startsWith("http://")) inputURL = inputArg; else if (inputArg == '-') inputIsFromStdin = true; else inputFile = inputArg; delete args['_']; delete args['--']; const outputArg = args['output']; const documentURL = args["base"] || inputURL; const Properties = { htmlTitle: "html-title", title: "title", excerpt: "excerpt", byline: "byline", length: "length", dir: "dir", htmlContent: "html-content", textContent: "text-content" }; let wantedProperties = []; let justOutputHtml = false; if (args["properties"]) { for (var property of args["properties"].split(',')) { if (Object.values(Properties).includes(property)) { wantedProperties.push(property); } else { console.error(`Invalid property: ${property}`); setErrored(ExitCodes.badUsageCLI); } } } else { wantedProperties = [ Properties.htmlTitle, Properties.htmlContent ]; justOutputHtml = true; } const LowConfidenceMode = { noOp: "no-op", force: "force", exit: "exit" }; if (!Object.values(LowConfidenceMode).includes(args["low-confidence"])) { console.error(`Invalid mode: ${args["low-confidence"]}`); setErrored(ExitCodes.badUsageCLI); } if (errored) { printUsage(); return; } async function read(stream) { const chunks = []; for await (const chunk of stream){ chunks.push(chunk); } return Buffer.concat(chunks).toString('utf8'); } if (inputIsFromStdin) { if (!args["quiet"]) { console.error("Reading..."); if (!documentURL) console.error("Note: piping input with unknown " + "URL. This means that relative links will " + "be broken. Supply the --base parameter to fix.") } read(process.stdin).then(result => { const JSDOM = require("jsdom").JSDOM; onLoadDOM(new JSDOM(result, { url: documentURL })); }); } else { const JSDOM = require("jsdom").JSDOM; if (!args["quiet"]) console.error("Retrieving..."); let promiseGetHTML; if (inputURL) { promiseGetHTML = JSDOM.fromURL(inputURL).catch(error => { if (error instanceof TypeError) { console.error(`Invalid URL: ${inputURL}`); setErrored(ExitCodes.dataError); } return Promise.reject(); }); } else if (inputFile) { promiseGetHTML = JSDOM.fromFile(inputFile, { url: documentURL }); } promiseGetHTML.then(onLoadDOM, onLoadDOMError) } //Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/22706073/5701177 function escapeHTML(string, document){ var p = document.createElement("p"); p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(string)); return p.innerHTML; } function onLoadDOM(dom) { const document = dom.window.document; let shouldParseArticle = true; if (args["low-confidence"] != LowConfidenceMode.force) { const Readerable = require("readability/Readability-readerable"); shouldParseArticle = Readerable.isProbablyReaderable(document); } if (!shouldParseArticle) { if (args["low-confidence"] == LowConfidenceMode.exit) { console.error("Not sure if this document should be processed, exiting"); setErrored(ExitCodes.dataError); return; } else { if (!args["quiet"]) console.error("Not sure if this document should be processed. Not processing"); if (!justOutputHtml) { console.error("Can't output properties"); setErrored(ExitCodes.dataError); return; } shouldParseArticle = false; } } let writeStream; if (outputArg) { const fs = require("fs"); writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(outputArg); } else { writeStream = process.stdout; } if (shouldParseArticle) { const Readability = require("readability"); if (!args["quiet"]) console.error("Processing..."); const reader = new Readability(document); const article = reader.parse(); if (!article) { console.error("Couldn't process document. This error usually means that the input document is empty."); setErrored(ExitCodes.dataError); return; } if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.title)) { writeStream.write(`Title: ${article.title}\n`); } if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.excerpt)) { writeStream.write(`Excerpt: ${article.excerpt}\n`); } if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.byline)) { writeStream.write(`Author: ${article.byline}\n`); } if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.length)) { writeStream.write(`Length: ${article.length}\n`); } if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.dir)) { writeStream.write(`Direction: ${article.dir}\n`); } if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.htmlTitle)) { writeStream.write(`

${escapeHTML(article.title, document)}

\n`); } if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.htmlContent)) { writeStream.write(article.content); } else if (wantedProperties.includes(Properties.textContent)) { writeStream.write(article.textContent); } } else { //Ignore wantedProperties, that should've thrown an error before writeStream.write(document.documentElement.outerHTML); } } function onLoadDOMError(error) { //resolved earlier if (!error) return; if (error.code == "ENOENT") { console.error(error.message); setErrored(ExitCodes.noInput); } else if (error.code == "EACCES") { console.error(error.message); setErrored(ExitCodes.noPermission); } else if (error.error && error.error.code == "ENOTFOUND") { console.error(`Host not found: '${error.error.hostname}'`); setErrored(ExitCodes.noHost); } else if (error.statusCode) { console.error(`Status error: ${error.response.statusMessage}`); setErrored(ExitCodes.noHost); } else { console.error(error); if (error.stack) console.error(error.stack); } }