#!/usr/bin/env python
from collections import defaultdict
from cleaners import html_cleaner, clean_attributes
from htmls import build_doc, get_body, get_title
from lxml.etree import tostring, tounicode
import logging
import re
import sys
'unlikelyCandidatesRe': re.compile('share|bookmark|adwrapper|ad_wrapper|combx|comment|disqus|foot|header|menu|meta|nav|rss|shoutbox|sidebar|sponsor',re.I),
'okMaybeItsACandidateRe': re.compile('and|article|body|column|main',re.I),
'positiveRe': re.compile('caption|article|body|content|entry|hentry|page|pagination|post|text',re.I),
'negativeRe': re.compile('adwrapper|ad_wrapper|share|bookmark|nav|combx|comment|contact|foot|footer|footnote|link|media|meta|promo|related|scroll|shoutbox|sponsor|tags|widget',re.I),
'divToPElementsRe': re.compile('<(a|blockquote|dl|div|img|ol|p|pre|table|ul)',re.I),
'replaceBrsRe': re.compile('( ]*>[ \n\r\t]*){2,}',re.I),
'replaceFontsRe': re.compile('<(\/?)font[^>]*>',re.I),
'trimRe': re.compile('^\s+|\s+$/'),
'normalizeRe': re.compile('\s{2,}/'),
'killBreaksRe': re.compile('( (\s| ?)*){1,}/'),
'videoRe': re.compile('http:\/\/(www\.)?(youtube|vimeo)\.com', re.I),
def describe(node):
if not hasattr(node, 'tag'):
return "[text]"
return "%s#%s.%s" % (
node.tag, node.get('id', ''), node.get('class',''))
def log_candidates(candidates, print_format=""):
for candidate, value in candidates.items():
logging.info( "%s\t%s\t%s\t%s" %(id(candidate), describe(candidate), value['content_score'], describe(value['elem'])))
#def _text(node):
# return " ".join(node.findall(text=True))
class Unparseable(ValueError):
class Document:
def __init__(self, input, **options):
self.input = input
self.options = defaultdict(lambda: None)
for k, v in options.items():
self.options[k] = v
self.html = None
def _html(self, force=False):
if force or self.html is None:
self.html = self._parse(self.input)
return self.html
def _parse(self, input):
doc = build_doc(input)
doc = html_cleaner.clean_html(doc)
base_href = self.options['url']
if base_href:
doc.make_links_absolute(base_href, resolve_base_href=True)
return doc
def content(self):
return get_body(self._html(True))
def title(self):
return get_title(self._html(True))
def summary(self):
ruthless = True
while True:
for i in self.tags(self.html, 'script', 'style'):
if ruthless:
candidates = self.score_paragraphs(self.options.get('min_text_length', self.TEXT_LENGTH_THRESHOLD))
best_candidate = self.select_best_candidate(candidates)
if best_candidate:
article = self.get_article(candidates, best_candidate)
if ruthless:
logging.debug("ruthless removal did not work. ")
ruthless = False
self.debug("ended up stripping too much - going for a safer _parse")
# try again
logging.debug("Ruthless and lenient parsing did not work. Returning raw html")
article = self.html.find('body') or self.html
cleaned_article = self.sanitize(article, candidates)
of_acceptable_length = len(cleaned_article or '') >= (self.options['retry_length'] or self.RETRY_LENGTH)
if ruthless and not of_acceptable_length:
ruthless = False
continue # try again
return cleaned_article
except StandardError, e:
#logging.exception('error getting summary: ' + str(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info())))
logging.exception('error getting summary: ' )
raise Unparseable(str(e)), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
def get_article(self, candidates, best_candidate):
# Now that we have the top candidate, look through its siblings for content that might also be related.
# Things like preambles, content split by ads that we removed, etc.
sibling_score_threshold = max([10, best_candidate['content_score'] * 0.2])
output = self._parse("
for sibling in best_candidate['elem'].getparent().getchildren():
#if isinstance(sibling, NavigableString): continue#in lxml there no concept of simple text
append = False
if sibling is best_candidate['elem']:
append = True
sibling_key = sibling #HashableElement(sibling)
if sibling_key in candidates and candidates[sibling_key]['content_score'] >= sibling_score_threshold:
append = True
if sibling.tag == "p":
link_density = self.get_link_density(sibling)
node_content = sibling.text or ""
node_length = len(node_content)
if node_length > 80 and link_density < 0.25:
append = True
elif node_length < 80 and link_density == 0 and re.search('\.( |$)', node_content):
append = True
if append:
if output is not None: output.append(best_candidate['elem'])
return output
def select_best_candidate(self, candidates):
sorted_candidates = sorted(candidates.values(), key=lambda x: x['content_score'], reverse=True)
self.debug("Top 5 candidates:")
for candidate in sorted_candidates[:5]:
elem = candidate['elem']
self.debug("Candidate %s with score %s" % (describe(elem), candidate['content_score']))
if len(sorted_candidates) == 0:
return None
best_candidate = sorted_candidates[0]
#self.debug("Best candidate %s with score %s" % (describe(best_candidate['elem']), best_candidate['content_score']))
return best_candidate
def get_link_density(self, elem):
link_length = len("".join([i.text or "" for i in elem.findall(".//a")]))
text_length = len(elem.text_content())
return float(link_length) / max(text_length, 1)
def score_paragraphs(self, min_text_length):
candidates = {}
self.debug(str([describe(node) for node in self.tags(self.html, "div")]))
elems = self.tags(self.html, "div", "p", "td", 'li', "a")
for elem in elems:
parent_node = elem.getparent()
grand_parent_node = parent_node.getparent()
elem_key = elem#HashableElement(elem)
parent_key = parent_node#HashableElement(parent_node)
grand_parent_key = grand_parent_node#HashableElement(grand_parent_node)
inner_text = elem.text_content()
# If this paragraph is less than 25 characters, don't even count it.
if (not inner_text) or len(inner_text) < min_text_length:
if parent_key not in candidates:
candidates[parent_key] = self.score_node(parent_node)
if grand_parent_node is not None and grand_parent_key not in candidates:
candidates[grand_parent_key] = self.score_node(grand_parent_node)
content_score = 1
content_score += len(inner_text.split(','))
content_score += min([(len(inner_text) / 100), 3])
if elem not in candidates:
candidates[elem_key] = self.score_node(elem)
candidates[elem_key]['content_score'] += content_score
candidates[parent_key]['content_score'] += content_score
if grand_parent_node is not None:
candidates[grand_parent_key]['content_score'] += content_score / 2.0
# Scale the final candidates score based on link density. Good content should have a
# relatively small link density (5% or less) and be mostly unaffected by this operation.
for elem, candidate in candidates.items():
candidate['content_score'] *= (1 - self.get_link_density(elem))
#self.debug("candidate %s scored %s" % (describe(elem), candidate['content_score']))
return candidates
def class_weight(self, e):
weight = 0
if e.get('class', None):
if REGEXES['negativeRe'].search(e.get('class')):
weight -= 25
if REGEXES['positiveRe'].search(e.get('class')):
weight += 25
if e.get('id', None):
if REGEXES['negativeRe'].search(e.get('id')):
weight -= 25
if REGEXES['positiveRe'].search(e.get('id')):
weight += 25
return weight
def score_node(self, elem):
content_score = self.class_weight(elem)
name = elem.tag.lower()
if name == "div":
content_score += 5
elif name == "blockquote":
content_score += 3
elif name == "form":
content_score -= 3
elif name == "th":
content_score -= 5
return { 'content_score': content_score, 'elem': elem }
def debug(self, *a):
#if self.options['debug']:
def remove_unlikely_candidates(self):
for elem in self.html.iter():
s = "%s%s" % (elem.get('class', ''), elem.get('id', ''))
if REGEXES['unlikelyCandidatesRe'].search(s) and (not REGEXES['okMaybeItsACandidateRe'].search(s)) and elem.tag != 'body':
self.debug("Removing unlikely candidate - %s" % (s,))
def transform_misused_divs_into_paragraphs(self):
for elem in self.html.iter():
if not isinstance(elem.tag, basestring):
raise Exception("You have to strip html comments!")
if elem.tag.lower() == "div":
# transform
s that do not contain other block elements into
if not REGEXES['divToPElementsRe'].search(unicode(''.join(map(tostring, list(elem))))):
self.debug("Altering div(#%s.%s) to p" % (elem.get('id', ''), elem.get('class', '')))
elem.tag = "p"
def tags(self, node, *tag_names):
for tag_name in tag_names:
for e in node.findall('.//%s' %tag_name):
yield e
def sanitize(self, node, candidates):
for header in self.tags(node, "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"):
if self.class_weight(header) < 0 or self.get_link_density(header) > 0.33: header.drop_tree()
for elem in self.tags(node, "form", "iframe"):
allowed = {}
# Conditionally clean
s, and
for el in self.tags(node, "table", "ul", "div"):
if el in allowed:
weight = self.class_weight(el)
el_key = el #HashableElement(el)
if el_key in candidates:
content_score = candidates[el_key]['content_score']
content_score = 0
tag = el.tag
if weight + content_score < 0:
self.debug("Conditionally cleaned %s with weight %s and content score %s because score + content score was less than zero." %
(describe(el), weight, content_score))
elif len(el.text_content().split(",")) < 10:
counts = {}
for kind in ['p', 'img', 'li', 'a', 'embed', 'input']:
counts[kind] = len(el.findall('.//%s' %kind))
counts["li"] -= 100
content_length = len(el.text_content()) # Count the text length excluding any surrounding whitespace
link_density = self.get_link_density(el)
parent_node = el.getparent()
if parent_node:
if parent_node in candidates:
content_score = candidates[parent_node]['content_score']
content_score = 0
pweight = self.class_weight(parent_node) + content_score
pname = parent_node.tag
pweight = 0
pname = "no parent"
to_remove = False
reason = ""
#if el.tag == 'div' and counts["img"] >= 1:
# continue
if counts["p"] and counts["img"] > counts["p"]:
reason = "too many images"
to_remove = True
elif counts["li"] > counts["p"] and tag != "ul" and tag != "ol":
reason = "more
s than s"
to_remove = True
elif content_length < (self.options.get('min_text_length', self.TEXT_LENGTH_THRESHOLD)) and (counts["img"] == 0 or counts["img"] > 2):
reason = "too short a content length without a single image"
to_remove = True
elif weight < 25 and link_density > 0.2:
reason = "too many links for its weight less than 25 (#{weight})"
to_remove = True
elif weight >= 25 and link_density > 0.5:
reason = "too many links for its weight (#{weight})"
to_remove = True
elif (counts["embed"] == 1 and content_length < 75) or counts["embed"] > 1:
reason = "