import re import chardet import sys RE_CHARSET = re.compile(br']', flags=re.I) RE_PRAGMA = re.compile(br']', flags=re.I) RE_XML = re.compile(br'^<\?xml.*?encoding=["\']*(.+?)["\'>]') CHARSETS = { 'big5': 'big5hkscs', 'gb2312': 'gb18030', 'ascii': 'utf-8', 'maccyrillic': 'cp1251', 'win1251': 'cp1251', 'win-1251': 'cp1251', 'windows-1251': 'cp1251', } def fix_charset(encoding): """Overrides encoding when charset declaration or charset determination is a subset of a larger charset. Created because of issues with Chinese websites""" encoding = encoding.lower() return CHARSETS.get(encoding, encoding) def get_encoding(page): # Regex for XML and HTML Meta charset declaration declared_encodings = (RE_CHARSET.findall(page) + RE_PRAGMA.findall(page) + RE_XML.findall(page)) # Try any declared encodings for declared_encoding in declared_encodings: try: if sys.version_info[0] == 3: # declared_encoding will actually be bytes but .decode() only # accepts `str` type. Decode blindly with ascii because no one should # ever use non-ascii characters in the name of an encoding. declared_encoding = declared_encoding.decode('ascii', 'replace') encoding = fix_charset(declared_encoding) # Now let's decode the page page.decode() # It worked! return encoding except UnicodeDecodeError: pass # Fallback to chardet if declared encodings fail # Remove all HTML tags, and leave only text for chardet text = re.sub(b'(\s*]*>)+\s*', b' ', page).strip() enc = 'utf-8' if len(text) < 10: return enc # can't guess res = chardet.detect(text) enc = res['encoding'] or 'utf-8' #print '->', enc, "%.2f" % res['confidence'] enc = fix_charset(enc) return enc