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Configuration object
import os
from distutils.util import strtobool
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from grp import getgrnam
from io import open
from pwd import getpwnam
from six import string_types
from yaml import safe_load
from .command import Command
from .constants import ENTRYPOINT_FILE
from .docker_links import DockerLinks
from .links import Links
from .logs import Logs
from .reloader import Reloader
__all__ = ['Config']
def envtobool(key, default):
return bool(strtobool(os.environ.get(key, str(default))))
class ConfigMeta(object):
def _return_item_lst(self, item):
"""Return item as a list"""
if item in self._config:
if isinstance(self._config[item], string_types):
return [self._config[item]]
return self._config[item]
return []
def _match_command(self, match):
if self._args:
return bool(fnmatch(self._args[0], match))
return False
def _check_command_match_key(self, dic, item):
if len(dic) != 1:
raise Exception('{item} setup missformated.'.format(item=item))
def _get_by_command(self, item=None, content=None, value_types=[]):
"""Return settings for handled command"""
def _mapping_list(content):
for d in content:
if not isinstance(d, dict):
raise Exception(
'{item} setup missformated.'.format(item=item))
value = _mapping_dict(d)
if value:
return value
def _mapping_dict(content, check_value=False):
for key, value in content.items():
if check_value and not isinstance(value, list):
return content
if self._match_command(key):
return value
if not content:
if item not in self._config:
return [] if list in value_types else None
content = self._config[item]
if list not in value_types:
if isinstance(content, dict):
return _mapping_dict(content, dict in value_types)
if isinstance(content, list):
return _mapping_list(content)
return content
if not isinstance(content, list):
raise Exception('{item} setup missformated.'.format(item=item))
rtn = []
for line in content:
parsed = self._get_by_command(item=item,
t for t in value_types
if t is dict
if parsed and isinstance(parsed, list):
if parsed:
return rtn
def get_templates(self):
"""Returns iterator of tuple (template, config_file)"""
config_files = self.config_files
if isinstance(config_files, list):
for item in config_files:
if isinstance(item, string_types):
template = item
outfile = item[:-4] if item.endswith('.tpl') else item
if isinstance(item, dict):
template = list(item.keys())[0]
outfile = item[template]
yield (template, outfile)
raise Exception("config_files setup missformated.")
def get_reloader(self):
"""Setup and get reloader"""
config_files = [file[1] for file in self.get_templates()]
reload = self._config['reload']
if isinstance(reload, bool):
return Reloader(files=config_files)
if isinstance(reload, dict):
signal = reload.get('signal', 'SIGHUP')
watch_config_files = bool(reload.get('watch_config_files'))
files = reload.get('files', [])
if not isinstance(files, list):
raise Exception('Reload files is not a list')
if watch_config_files:
return Reloader(files=files, sig=signal)
def _check_config(self):
for key in self._config:
if not hasattr(Config, key) or key == '__init__':
'"{key}" is not a valid option'.format(key=key)
def _get_from_env(self, env, key):
val = os.environ.get(env, None)
if val is None:
return None
val = int(val)
except ValueError:
self._config[key] = val
def set_to_env(self):
self.log.debug('Add conf to environment')
for attr in [a for a in dir(self) if not a.startswith('_')]:
setup = getattr(self, attr)
env = 'ENTRYPOINT_{attr}'.format(attr=attr.upper())
if type(setup) is bool and setup:
self.log.debug('set env {env} with "true"'.format(
os.environ[env] = 'true'
if type(setup) is int or type(setup) is str:
if env not in os.environ:
self.log.debug('set env {env} with "{val}"'.format(
os.environ[env] = str(setup)
class Config(ConfigMeta):
Get entrypoint config
Parse entrypoint-config.yml
Config file should always be in WORKDIR and named entrypoint-config.yml
def __init__(self, conf=ENTRYPOINT_FILE, args=[]):
self._config = {}
self.log = Logs().log
self._args = args
self._links = None
self._command = None
self._reload = None
self._config_file = conf
if not os.path.isfile(self._config_file):
self.log.critical('Entrypoint config file does not provided')
with open(self._config_file) as f:
self._config = safe_load(stream=f)
def has_config(self):
"Has config file provided."
return len(self._config) != 0
def commands(self):
"Handled commands"
rtn = self._return_item_lst('commands')
return rtn
def command(self):
"Main command to run."
if self._command:
return self._command
cmd = self._args[0] if self._args else ''
if 'commands' in self._config:
commands = self._return_item_lst('commands')
if [p for p in commands if fnmatch(self._args[0], p)]:
self._command = Command(cmd, self, self._args)
return self._command
for key in ['command', 'cmd']:
if key in self._config:
'"command" is deprecated, use "commands" instead',
cmd = self._config[key]
self._command = Command(cmd, self, self._args)
return self._command
def subcommands(self):
"""Subcommands to handle as arguments."""
rtn = self._return_item_lst('subcommands')
if rtn:
'"subcommands" is deprecated, '
'subcommands will not be handled anymore.',
if self.commands:
'"subcommands" is ignored as long "commands" in present',
return rtn
return ['-*']
def user(self):
"Unix user or uid to run command."
self._get_from_env(env='ENTRYPOINT_USER', key='user')
if 'user' in self._config:
user = self._get_by_command(item='user', value_types=[int, str])
if isinstance(user, int):
return user
return getpwnam(user).pw_uid
return os.getuid()
def group(self):
"Unix group or gid to run command."
self._get_from_env(env='ENTRYPOINT_GROUP', key='group')
if 'group' in self._config:
group = self._get_by_command(item='group', value_types=[int, str])
if isinstance(group, int):
return group
return getgrnam(group).gr_gid
return os.getgid()
def config_files(self):
"List of template config files."
return self._get_by_command(item='config_files',
value_types=[list, dict])
def secret_env(self):
"""Environment variables to delete before running command."""
return self._get_by_command(item='secret_env',
def links(self):
"""Links configs singleton."""
if self._links:
return self._links
if 'links' not in self._config:
self._links = Links(links=DockerLinks())
return self._links
self._links = Links(config=self._config['links'], links=DockerLinks())
for name in self._config['links']:
return self._links
def pre_conf_commands(self):
"""Return list of preconf commands"""
return self._get_by_command(item='pre_conf_commands',
def post_conf_commands(self):
"""Return list of postconf commands"""
return self._get_by_command(item='post_conf_commands',
def post_run_commands(self):
"""Return list of post run commands"""
return self._get_by_command(item='post_run_commands',
def reload(self):
"""Return Reloader object if reload is set"""
if self._reload:
return self._reload
if (not self._config.get('reload') or
return None
self._reload = self.get_reloader()
return self._reload
def clean_env(self):
"""Clean env from linked containers before running command"""
if 'clean_env' in self._config:
return bool(self._get_by_command(item='clean_env',
return True
def remove_dockerenv(self):
"""Remove dockerenv and dockerinit files"""
if 'remove_dockerenv' in self._config:
return bool(self._get_by_command(item='remove_dockerenv',
return True
def debug(self):
"""Enable debug logs."""
if envtobool('ENTRYPOINT_DEBUG', False):
return True
if 'debug' in self._config:
return bool(self._get_by_command(item='debug',
return False
def quiet(self):
"""Disable logging"""
if self.debug:
return False
if envtobool('ENTRYPOINT_QUIET', False):
return True
return bool(self._config.get('quiet', False))
def is_disabled(self):
"""Return if service is disabled using environment"""
return envtobool('ENTRYPOINT_DISABLE_SERVICE', False)
def should_config(self):
"""Check environment to tell if config should apply anyway"""
return envtobool('ENTRYPOINT_FORCE', False)
def raw_output(self):
"""Check if command output should be displayed using logging or not"""
if envtobool('ENTRYPOINT_RAW', False):
return True
return bool(self._config.get('raw_output', False))