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Link handle a single link to another container, determined by his port
import fnmatch
from six import viewitems
__all__ = ['Link', 'Links']
class Link(object):
"""Link object"""
def __init__(self, ip, env, port, protocol, names):
self.ip = ip
self.environ = env
self.port = int(port)
self.protocol = protocol
self.uri = '{protocol}://{ip}:{port}'.format(
self.names = tuple(names)
def _filter_name(self, name):
"return true if name match"
return bool(fnmatch.filter(self.names, name))
def _filter_port(self, port):
"return true if port match"
return int(port) == self.port
def _filter_protocol(self, protocol):
"return true if protocol match"
return protocol == self.protocol
def _filter_env(self, env):
"return true if env match"
if isinstance(env, dict):
return viewitems(env) <= viewitems(self.environ)
if isinstance(env, list):
return bool([key for key in env if key in self.environ])
return str(env) in self.environ
class Links(object):
"""Links embeder"""
_conf = None
_def_options = {'single': False,
'required': True}
def __init__(self, config={}, links=None):
if not links or len(links.links()) == 0:
self._links = []
for ip, link in links.links().items():
for port, protocol in link["ports"].items():
self._conf = config
def _get_link(self, name):
config = self._conf.get(name, {})
links = self._links
options = dict(self._def_options)
for key, val in config.items():
if key in options:
options[key] = val
links = [link for link in links
if getattr(link, "_filter_{}".format(key))(val)]
if options['required'] and len(links) == 0:
raise Exception("No links was found for {name}".format(name=name))
if options['single'] and len(links) > 1:
raise Exception("Only one link should be provided for {name}"
if options['single']:
return links[0]
return tuple(links)
def _add_name(cls, name):
"Add method attribute name"
setattr(cls, name, property(lambda self: self._get_link(name)))
def all(self):
"""all returns tuple of all Link objects"""
return tuple(self._links)