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#![allow(dead_code, unused_variables)]
//! Fern reproduction.
use cells::Cell;
/// A cell made by an adult fern. It disperses on the wind as part of
/// the fern life cycle. A spore grows into a prothallus -- a whole
/// separate organism, up to 5mm across -- which produces a zygote,
/// which becomes a new fern. (Plant sex is complicated.)
pub struct Spore {
x: bool
/// A compartment, usually on the bottom of a leaf, where spores form.
pub struct Sporangium {
x: bool
/// Simulate the production of a spore by meiosis.
pub fn produce_spore(factory: &mut Sporangium) -> Spore {
Spore { x: false }
/// Mix genes to prepare for meiosis (part of interphase).
fn recombine(parent: &mut Cell) {