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#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Interval<T> {
lower: T, // inclusive
upper: T, // exclusive
use std::cmp::{Ordering, PartialOrd};
impl<T: PartialOrd> PartialOrd<Interval<T>> for Interval<T> {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Interval<T>) -> Option<Ordering> {
if self == other {
} else if self.lower >= other.upper {
} else if self.upper <= other.lower {
} else {
fn test() {
assert!(Interval { lower: 10, upper: 20 } < Interval { lower: 20, upper: 40 });
assert!(Interval { lower: 7, upper: 8 } >= Interval { lower: 0, upper: 1 });
assert!(Interval { lower: 7, upper: 8 } <= Interval { lower: 7, upper: 8 });
assert!(Interval { lower: 7, upper: 8 }.le(&Interval { lower: 7, upper: 8 }));
// Overlapping intervals aren't ordered with respect to each other.
let left = Interval { lower: 10, upper: 30 };
let right = Interval { lower: 20, upper: 40 };
assert!(!(left < right));
assert!(!(left >= right));