You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Rumble User Class
Created by Azzy9
Class to handle all the rumble subscription methods
import math
import time
import re
import xbmcaddon
from lib.general import request_get
from lib.md5ex import MD5Ex
import json
except ImportError:
import simplejson as json
ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon()
class RumbleUser:
""" main rumble user class """
base_url = ''
username = ''
password = ''
session = ''
expiry = ''
def __init__( self ):
""" Construct to get the saved details """
def get_login_details( self ):
""" get the saved login details """
self.username = ADDON.getSetting( 'username' )
self.password = ADDON.getSetting( 'password' )
self.session = ADDON.getSetting( 'session' )
self.expiry = ADDON.getSetting( 'expiry' )
if self.expiry:
self.expiry = float( self.expiry )
def has_login_details( self ):
""" if there is login details """
return ( self.username and self.password )
def set_session_details( self ):
sets the session details
Used for login in & when token is expired
ADDON.setSetting( 'session', self.session )
ADDON.setSetting( 'expiry', str( self.expiry ) )
def reset_session_details( self ):
""" resets the session details to force a login """
self.session = ''
self.expiry = ''
def has_session( self, login=True ):
""" resets the session details to force a login """
has_session = self.session and self.expiry and self.expiry > time.time()
if not has_session and login and self.has_login_details():
return self.has_session(False)
return has_session
def get_salts( self ):
method to get the salts from rumble
these are used to generate the login hashes
if self.has_login_details():
# gets salts
data = request_get(
self.base_url + '/service.php?name=user.get_salts',
{'username': self.username},
[('Referer', self.base_url), ('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')]
if data:
salts = json.loads(data)['data']['salts']
if salts:
return salts
return False
def login( self ):
""" method to generate the hashes and login """
salts = self.get_salts()
if salts:
login_hash = MD5Ex()
hashes = login_hash.hash(
login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[0], 128) + salts[1] ) + ',' \
+ login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[2], 128
) + ',' + salts[1]
# login
data = request_get(
self.base_url + '/service.php?name=user.login',
{'username': self.username, 'password_hashes': hashes},
[('Referer', self.base_url), ('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')]
if data:
session = json.loads(data)['data']['session']
if session:
self.session = session
# Expiry is 30 Days
self.expiry = math.floor( time.time() ) + 2592000
return session
return False
def get_comments( self, video_id ):
""" method to get comments for video """
if video_id and self.has_session():
headers = {
'Referer': self.base_url + video_id,
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
# for some strange reason the first letter needs to be removed
data = request_get(
self.base_url + '/service.php?name=comment.list&video=' + video_id[1:],
if data:
comment_data = json.loads(data)
if comment_data.get('html'):
return re.compile(
r"<a\sclass=\"comments-meta-author\"\shref=\"([^\"]+)\">([^\<]+)</a>(?:[\s|\n||\\n|\\t]+)<a\sclass='comments-meta-post-time'\shref='#comment-([0-9]+)' title='([A-Z][^\,]+),\s([A-Z][^\s]+)\s([0-9]+),\s([0-9]+)\s([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})\s(AM|PM)\s-(?:[0-9]+)'>([^\<]+)</a>(?:[\s|\n||\\n|\\t]+)</div>(?:[\s|\n||\\n|\\t]+)<p class=\"comment-text\">([^\<]+)</p>",
return {}
def set_session_cookie( self ):
""" Sets the cookie to be used in the session """
if self.session:
# get stored cookie string
cookies = ADDON.getSetting('cookies')
# split cookies into dictionary
if cookies:
cookie_dict = json.loads( cookies )
cookie_dict = {}
cookie_dict[ 'u_s' ] = self.session
# store cookies
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', json.dumps(cookie_dict))
ADDON.setSetting('cookies', '')
def subscribe( self, action, action_type, name ):
""" method to subscribe and unsubscribe to a channel or user """
if self.has_session():
post_content = {
'slug': name,
'type': action_type,
'action': action,
headers = {
'Referer': self.base_url + name,
'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
data = request_get(
self.base_url + '/service.php?api=2&name=user.subscribe',
return data
return False