""" Rumble User Class Created by Azzy9 Class to handle all the rumble subscription methods """ import math import time import re import xbmcaddon from lib.general import request_get from lib.md5ex import MD5Ex try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json ADDON = xbmcaddon.Addon() class RumbleUser: """ main rumble user class """ base_url = 'https://rumble.com' username = '' password = '' session = '' expiry = '' def __init__( self ): """ Construct to get the saved details """ self.get_login_details() def get_login_details( self ): """ get the saved login details """ self.username = ADDON.getSetting( 'username' ) self.password = ADDON.getSetting( 'password' ) self.session = ADDON.getSetting( 'session' ) self.expiry = ADDON.getSetting( 'expiry' ) if self.expiry: self.expiry = float( self.expiry ) def has_login_details( self ): """ if there is login details """ return ( self.username and self.password ) def set_session_details( self ): """ sets the session details Used for login in & when token is expired """ ADDON.setSetting( 'session', self.session ) ADDON.setSetting( 'expiry', str( self.expiry ) ) self.set_session_cookie() def reset_session_details( self ): """ resets the session details to force a login """ self.session = '' self.expiry = '' self.set_session_details() def has_session( self, login=True ): """ resets the session details to force a login """ has_session = self.session and self.expiry and self.expiry > time.time() if not has_session and login and self.has_login_details(): self.login() return self.has_session(False) return has_session def get_salts( self ): """ method to get the salts from rumble these are used to generate the login hashes """ if self.has_login_details(): # gets salts data = request_get( self.base_url + '/service.php?name=user.get_salts', {'username': self.username}, [('Referer', self.base_url), ('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')] ) if data: salts = json.loads(data)['data']['salts'] if salts: return salts return False def login( self ): """ method to generate the hashes and login """ salts = self.get_salts() if salts: login_hash = MD5Ex() hashes = login_hash.hash( login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[0], 128) + salts[1] ) + ',' \ + login_hash.hashStretch( self.password, salts[2], 128 ) + ',' + salts[1] # login data = request_get( self.base_url + '/service.php?name=user.login', {'username': self.username, 'password_hashes': hashes}, [('Referer', self.base_url), ('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded')] ) if data: session = json.loads(data)['data']['session'] if session: self.session = session # Expiry is 30 Days self.expiry = math.floor( time.time() ) + 2592000 self.set_session_details() return session return False def get_comments( self, video_id ): """ method to get comments for video """ if video_id and self.has_session(): headers = { 'Referer': self.base_url + video_id, 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } # for some strange reason the first letter needs to be removed data = request_get( self.base_url + '/service.php?name=comment.list&video=' + video_id[1:], None, headers ) if data: comment_data = json.loads(data) if comment_data.get('html'): return re.compile( r"([^\<]+)(?:[\s|\n||\\n|\\t]+)([^\<]+)(?:[\s|\n||\\n|\\t]+)(?:[\s|\n||\\n|\\t]+)


", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL|re.IGNORECASE ).findall(comment_data.get('html','')) return {} def set_session_cookie( self ): """ Sets the cookie to be used in the session """ if self.session: # get stored cookie string cookies = ADDON.getSetting('cookies') # split cookies into dictionary if cookies: cookie_dict = json.loads( cookies ) else: cookie_dict = {} cookie_dict[ 'u_s' ] = self.session # store cookies ADDON.setSetting('cookies', json.dumps(cookie_dict)) else: ADDON.setSetting('cookies', '') def subscribe( self, action, action_type, name ): """ method to subscribe and unsubscribe to a channel or user """ if self.has_session(): post_content = { 'slug': name, 'type': action_type, 'action': action, } headers = { 'Referer': self.base_url + name, 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } data = request_get( self.base_url + '/service.php?api=2&name=user.subscribe', post_content, headers ) return data return False def playlist_add_video( self, video_id, playlist_id = 'watch-later' ): """ method to add video to playlist """ if self.has_session(): post_content = { 'playlist_id': playlist_id, 'video_id': video_id, } headers = { 'Referer': self.base_url, 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } data = request_get( self.base_url + '/service.php?name=playlist.add_video', post_content, headers ) return data return False def playlist_delete_video( self, video_id, playlist_id = 'watch-later' ): """ method to delete video from playlist """ if self.has_session(): post_content = { 'playlist_id': playlist_id, 'video_id': video_id, } headers = { 'Referer': self.base_url, 'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' } data = request_get( self.base_url + '/service.php?name=playlist.delete_video', post_content, headers ) return data return False