#include "pixz.h" #include #include typedef enum { OP_WRITE, OP_READ, OP_EXTRACT, OP_LIST } pixz_op_t; static bool strsuf(char *big, char *small); static char *subsuf(char *in, char *suf1, char *suf2); static char *auto_output(pixz_op_t op, char *in); static void usage(const char *msg) { if (msg) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n\n", msg); fprintf(stderr, "pixz: Parallel Indexing XZ compression, fully compatible with XZ\n" "\n" "Basic usage:\n" " pixz input output.pxz # Compress a file in parallel\n" " pixz -d input.pxz output # Decompress\n" "\n" "Tarballs:\n" " pixz input.tar output.tpxz # Compress and index a tarball\n" " pixz -d input.tpxz output.tar # Decompress\n" " pixz -l input.tpxz # List tarball contents very fast\n" " pixz -x path/to/file < input.tpxz | tar x # Extract one file very fast\n" " tar -Ipixz -cf output.tpxz dir # Make tar use pixz automatically\n" "\n" "Input and output:\n" " pixz < input > output.pxz # Same as `pixz input output.pxz`\n" " pixz -i input -o output.pxz # Ditto\n" " pixz [-d] input # Automatically choose output filename\n" "\n" "Other flags:\n" " -0, -1 ... -9 Set compression level, from fastest to strongest\n" " -p NUM Use a maximum of NUM CPU-intensive threads\n" " -t Don't assume input is in tar format\n" " -h Print this help\n" "\n" "pixz %s\n" "(C) 2009-2012 Dave Vasilevsky \n" "https://github.com/vasi/pixz\n" "You may use this software under the FreeBSD License\n", PIXZ_VERSION); exit(2); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t level = LZMA_PRESET_DEFAULT; bool tar = true; pixz_op_t op = OP_WRITE; char *ipath = NULL, *opath = NULL; int ch; char *optend; long optint; double optdbl; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "dxli:o:tvhp:0123456789f:q:e")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': op = OP_READ; break; case 'x': op = OP_EXTRACT; break; case 'l': op = OP_LIST; break; case 'i': ipath = optarg; break; case 'o': opath = optarg; break; case 't': tar = false; break; case 'h': usage(NULL); break; case 'e': level |= LZMA_PRESET_EXTREME; break; case 'f': optdbl = strtod(optarg, &optend); if (*optend || optdbl <= 0) usage("Need a positive floating-point argument to -f"); gBlockFraction = optdbl; break; case 'p': optint = strtol(optarg, &optend, 10); if (optint < 0 || *optend) usage("Need a non-negative integer argument to -p"); gPipelineProcessMax = optint; break; case 'q': optint = strtol(optarg, &optend, 10); if (optint <= 0 || *optend) usage("Need a positive integer argument to -q"); gPipelineQSize = optint; break; default: if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { level = ch - '0'; } else { usage(""); } } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; gInFile = stdin; gOutFile = stdout; bool iremove = false; if (op != OP_EXTRACT && argc >= 1) { if (argc > 2 || (op == OP_LIST && argc == 2)) usage("Too many arguments"); if (ipath) usage("Multiple input files specified"); ipath = argv[0]; if (argc == 2) { if (opath) usage("Multiple output files specified"); opath = argv[1]; } else if (op != OP_LIST) { iremove = true; opath = auto_output(op, argv[0]); if (!opath) usage("Unknown suffix"); } } if (ipath && !(gInFile = fopen(ipath, "r"))) die("Can't open input file"); if (opath && !(gOutFile = fopen(opath, "w"))) die("Can't open output file"); switch (op) { case OP_WRITE: if (isatty(fileno(gOutFile)) == 1) usage("Refusing to output to a TTY"); pixz_write(tar, level); break; case OP_READ: pixz_read(tar, 0, NULL); break; case OP_EXTRACT: pixz_read(tar, argc, argv); break; case OP_LIST: pixz_list(tar); } if (iremove) unlink(ipath); return 0; } #define SUF(_op, _s1, _s2) ({ \ if (op == OP_##_op) { \ char *r = subsuf(in, _s1, _s2); \ if (r) \ return r; \ } \ }) static char *auto_output(pixz_op_t op, char *in) { SUF(READ, ".tar.xz", ".tar"); SUF(READ, ".tpxz", ".tar"); SUF(READ, ".xz", ""); SUF(WRITE, ".tar", ".tpxz"); SUF(WRITE, "", ".xz"); return NULL; } static bool strsuf(char *big, char *small) { size_t bl = strlen(big), sl = strlen(small); return strcmp(big + bl - sl, small) == 0; } static char *subsuf(char *in, char *suf1, char *suf2) { if (!strsuf(in, suf1)) return NULL; size_t li = strlen(in), l1 = strlen(suf1), l2 = strlen(suf2); char *r = malloc(li + l2 - l1 + 1); memcpy(r, in, li - l1); strcpy(r + li - l1, suf2); return r; }