#include "pixz.h" #include #include #pragma mark TYPES typedef struct io_block_t io_block_t; struct io_block_t { lzma_block block; uint8_t *input, *output; size_t insize, outsize; }; #pragma mark GLOBALS static bool gTar = true; static size_t gBlockInSize = 0, gBlockOutSize = 0; static off_t gMultiHeaderStart = 0; static bool gMultiHeader = false; static off_t gTotalRead = 0; static pipeline_item_t *gReadItem = NULL; static io_block_t *gReadBlock = NULL; static size_t gReadItemCount = 0; static lzma_filter gFilters[LZMA_FILTERS_MAX + 1]; static uint8_t gFileIndexBuf[CHUNKSIZE]; static size_t gFileIndexBufPos = 0; #pragma mark FUNCTION DECLARATIONS static void read_thread(); static void encode_thread(size_t thnum); static void *block_create(); static void block_free(void *data); static void add_file(off_t offset, const char *name); static archive_read_callback tar_read; static archive_open_callback tar_ok; static archive_close_callback tar_ok; static void block_init(lzma_block *block, size_t insize); static void stream_edge(lzma_vli backward_size); static void write_block(pipeline_item_t *pi); static void encode_index(void); static void write_file_index(void); static void write_file_index_bytes(size_t size, uint8_t *buf); static void write_file_index_buf(lzma_action action); #pragma mark FUNCTION DEFINITIONS void pixz_write(bool tar, uint32_t level) { gTar = tar; // xz options lzma_options_lzma lzma_opts; if (lzma_lzma_preset(&lzma_opts, level)) die("Error setting lzma options"); gFilters[0] = (lzma_filter){ .id = LZMA_FILTER_LZMA2, .options = &lzma_opts }; gFilters[1] = (lzma_filter){ .id = LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN, .options = NULL }; gBlockInSize = lzma_opts.dict_size * 1.0; gBlockOutSize = lzma_block_buffer_bound(gBlockInSize); pipeline_create(block_create, block_free, read_thread, encode_thread); debug("writer: start"); // pre-block setup: header, index if (!(gIndex = lzma_index_init(NULL))) die("Error creating index"); stream_edge(LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN); // write blocks while (true) { pipeline_item_t *pi = pipeline_merged(); if (!pi) break; debug("writer: received %zu", pi->seq); write_block(pi); queue_push(gPipelineStartQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, pi); } // file index if (gTar) write_file_index(); free_file_index(); // post-block cleanup: index, footer encode_index(); stream_edge(lzma_index_size(gIndex)); lzma_index_end(gIndex, NULL); fclose(gOutFile); debug("writer: cleaning up reader"); pipeline_destroy(); debug("exit"); } #pragma mark READING static void read_thread() { debug("reader: start"); if (gTar) { struct archive *ar = archive_read_new(); archive_read_support_compression_none(ar); archive_read_support_format_tar(ar); archive_read_support_format_raw(ar); archive_read_open(ar, NULL, tar_ok, tar_read, tar_ok); struct archive_entry *entry; while (true) { int aerr = archive_read_next_header(ar, &entry); if (aerr == ARCHIVE_EOF) { break; } else if (aerr != ARCHIVE_OK && aerr != ARCHIVE_WARN) { // Some charset translations warn spuriously fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", archive_error_string(ar)); die("Error reading archive entry"); } if (archive_format(ar) == ARCHIVE_FORMAT_RAW) { gTar = false; break; } add_file(archive_read_header_position(ar), archive_entry_pathname(entry)); } if (archive_read_header_position(ar) == 0) gTar = false; // probably spuriously identified as tar archive_read_finish(ar); } if (!feof(gInFile)) { const void *dummy; while (tar_read(NULL, NULL, &dummy) != 0) ; // just keep pumping } fclose(gInFile); if (gTar) add_file(gTotalRead, NULL); // write last block, if necessary if (gReadItem) { // if this block had only one read, and it was EOF, it's waste debug("reader: handling last block %zu", gReadItemCount); if (gReadBlock->insize) pipeline_split(gReadItem); else queue_push(gPipelineStartQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, gReadItem); gReadItem = NULL; } // stop the other threads debug("reader: cleaning up encoders"); pipeline_stop(); debug("reader: end"); } static ssize_t tar_read(struct archive *ar, void *ref, const void **bufp) { if (!gReadItem) { queue_pop(gPipelineStartQ, (void**)&gReadItem); gReadBlock = (io_block_t*)(gReadItem->data); gReadBlock->insize = 0; debug("reader: reading %zu", gReadItemCount); } size_t space = gBlockInSize - gReadBlock->insize; if (space > CHUNKSIZE) space = CHUNKSIZE; uint8_t *buf = gReadBlock->input + gReadBlock->insize; size_t rd = fread(buf, 1, space, gInFile); if (ferror(gInFile)) die("Error reading input file"); gReadBlock->insize += rd; gTotalRead += rd; *bufp = buf; if (gReadBlock->insize == gBlockInSize) { debug("reader: sending %zu", gReadItemCount); pipeline_split(gReadItem); ++gReadItemCount; gReadItem = NULL; } return rd; } static int tar_ok(struct archive *ar, void *ref) { return ARCHIVE_OK; } static void add_file(off_t offset, const char *name) { if (name && is_multi_header(name)) { if (!gMultiHeader) gMultiHeaderStart = offset; gMultiHeader = true; return; } file_index_t *f = malloc(sizeof(file_index_t)); f->offset = gMultiHeader ? gMultiHeaderStart : offset; gMultiHeader = false; f->name = name ? xstrdup(name) : NULL; f->next = NULL; if (gLastFile) { gLastFile->next = f; } else { // new index gFileIndex = f; } gLastFile = f; } static void block_free(void *data) { io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)data; free(ib->input); free(ib->output); free(ib); } static void *block_create() { io_block_t *ib = malloc(sizeof(io_block_t)); ib->input = malloc(gBlockInSize); ib->output = malloc(gBlockOutSize); return ib; } #pragma mark ENCODING static void encode_thread(size_t thnum) { lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT; while (true) { pipeline_item_t *pi; int msg = queue_pop(gPipelineSplitQ, (void**)&pi); if (msg == PIPELINE_STOP) break; debug("encoder %zu: received %zu", thnum, pi->seq); io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data); block_init(&ib->block, ib->insize); size_t header_size = ib->block.header_size; ib->block.uncompressed_size = LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN; ib->outsize = header_size; if (lzma_block_encoder(&stream, &ib->block) != LZMA_OK) die("Error creating block encoder"); stream.next_in = ib->input; stream.avail_in = ib->insize; stream.next_out = ib->output + ib->outsize; stream.avail_out = gBlockOutSize - ib->outsize; lzma_ret err = LZMA_OK; while (err != LZMA_STREAM_END) { err = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH); if (err != LZMA_OK && err != LZMA_STREAM_END) die("Error encoding block"); } ib->outsize = stream.next_out - ib->output; if (lzma_block_header_encode(&ib->block, ib->output) != LZMA_OK) die("Error encoding block header"); debug("encoder %zu: sending %zu", thnum, pi->seq); queue_push(gPipelineMergeQ, PIPELINE_ITEM, pi); } lzma_end(&stream); } #pragma mark WRITING static void block_init(lzma_block *block, size_t insize) { block->version = 0; block->check = CHECK; block->filters = gFilters; block->uncompressed_size = insize ? insize : LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN; block->compressed_size = insize? gBlockOutSize : LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN; if (lzma_block_header_size(block) != LZMA_OK) die("Error getting block header size"); } static void stream_edge(lzma_vli backward_size) { lzma_stream_flags flags = { .version = 0, .check = CHECK, .backward_size = backward_size }; uint8_t buf[LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE]; lzma_ret (*encoder)(const lzma_stream_flags *flags, uint8_t *buf); encoder = backward_size == LZMA_VLI_UNKNOWN ? &lzma_stream_header_encode : &lzma_stream_footer_encode; if ((*encoder)(&flags, buf) != LZMA_OK) die("Error encoding stream edge"); if (fwrite(buf, LZMA_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE, 1, gOutFile) != 1) die("Error writing stream edge"); } static void write_block(pipeline_item_t *pi) { debug("writer: writing %zu", pi->seq); io_block_t *ib = (io_block_t*)(pi->data); // Does it make sense to chunk this? size_t written = 0; while (ib->outsize > written) { size_t size = ib->outsize - written; if (size > CHUNKSIZE) size = CHUNKSIZE; if (fwrite(ib->output + written, size, 1, gOutFile) != 1) die("Error writing block data"); written += size; } if (lzma_index_append(gIndex, NULL, lzma_block_unpadded_size(&ib->block), ib->block.uncompressed_size) != LZMA_OK) die("Error adding to index"); debug("writer: writing %zu complete", pi->seq); } static void encode_index(void) { if (lzma_index_encoder(&gStream, gIndex) != LZMA_OK) die("Error creating index encoder"); uint8_t obuf[CHUNKSIZE]; lzma_ret err = LZMA_OK; while (err != LZMA_STREAM_END) { gStream.next_out = obuf; gStream.avail_out = CHUNKSIZE; err = lzma_code(&gStream, LZMA_RUN); if (err != LZMA_OK && err != LZMA_STREAM_END) die("Error encoding index"); if (gStream.avail_out != CHUNKSIZE) { if (fwrite(obuf, CHUNKSIZE - gStream.avail_out, 1, gOutFile) != 1) die("Error writing index data"); } } lzma_end(&gStream); } static void write_file_index(void) { lzma_block block; block_init(&block, 0); uint8_t hdrbuf[block.header_size]; if (lzma_block_header_encode(&block, hdrbuf) != LZMA_OK) die("Error encoding file index header"); if (fwrite(hdrbuf, block.header_size, 1, gOutFile) != 1) die("Error writing file index header"); if (lzma_block_encoder(&gStream, &block) != LZMA_OK) die("Error creating file index encoder"); uint8_t offbuf[sizeof(uint64_t)]; xle64enc(offbuf, PIXZ_INDEX_MAGIC); write_file_index_bytes(sizeof(offbuf), offbuf); for (file_index_t *f = gFileIndex; f != NULL; f = f->next) { char *name = f->name ? f->name : ""; size_t len = strlen(name); write_file_index_bytes(len + 1, (uint8_t*)name); xle64enc(offbuf, f->offset); write_file_index_bytes(sizeof(offbuf), offbuf); } write_file_index_buf(LZMA_FINISH); if (lzma_index_append(gIndex, NULL, lzma_block_unpadded_size(&block), block.uncompressed_size) != LZMA_OK) die("Error adding file-index to index"); lzma_end(&gStream); } static void write_file_index_bytes(size_t size, uint8_t *buf) { size_t bufpos = 0; while (bufpos < size) { size_t len = size - bufpos; size_t space = CHUNKSIZE - gFileIndexBufPos; if (len > space) len = space; memcpy(gFileIndexBuf + gFileIndexBufPos, buf + bufpos, len); gFileIndexBufPos += len; bufpos += len; if (gFileIndexBufPos == CHUNKSIZE) { write_file_index_buf(LZMA_RUN); gFileIndexBufPos = 0; } } } static void write_file_index_buf(lzma_action action) { uint8_t obuf[CHUNKSIZE]; gStream.avail_in = gFileIndexBufPos; gStream.next_in = gFileIndexBuf; lzma_ret err = LZMA_OK; while (err != LZMA_STREAM_END && (action == LZMA_FINISH || gStream.avail_in)) { gStream.avail_out = CHUNKSIZE; gStream.next_out = obuf; err = lzma_code(&gStream, action); if (err != LZMA_OK && err != LZMA_STREAM_END) die("Error encoding file index"); if (gStream.avail_out != CHUNKSIZE) { if (fwrite(obuf, CHUNKSIZE - gStream.avail_out, 1, gOutFile) != 1) die("Error writing file index"); } } gFileIndexBufPos = 0; }