You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

107 lines
2.5 KiB

#ifndef PIPER_H_
#define PIPER_H_
#include <functional>
#include <fstream>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <onnxruntime_cxx_api.h>
#include <phoneme_ids.hpp>
#include <phonemize.hpp>
#include "json.hpp"
using json = nlohmann::json;
namespace piper {
typedef int64_t SpeakerId;
struct eSpeakConfig {
std::string voice = "en-us";
struct PiperConfig {
std::string eSpeakDataPath;
bool useESpeak = true;
enum PhonemeType { eSpeakPhonemes, TextPhonemes };
struct PhonemizeConfig {
PhonemeType phonemeType = eSpeakPhonemes;
std::optional<std::map<Phoneme, std::vector<Phoneme>>> phonemeMap;
std::map<Phoneme, std::vector<PhonemeId>> phonemeIdMap;
PhonemeId idPad = 0; // padding (optionally interspersed)
PhonemeId idBos = 1; // beginning of sentence
PhonemeId idEos = 2; // end of sentence
bool interspersePad = true;
std::optional<eSpeakConfig> eSpeak;
struct SynthesisConfig {
float noiseScale = 0.667f;
float lengthScale = 1.0f;
float noiseW = 0.8f;
int sampleRate = 22050;
int sampleWidth = 2; // 16-bit
int channels = 1; // mono
std::optional<SpeakerId> speakerId;
float sentenceSilenceSeconds = 0.2f;
struct ModelConfig {
int numSpeakers;
struct ModelSession {
Ort::Session onnx;
Ort::AllocatorWithDefaultOptions allocator;
Ort::SessionOptions options;
Ort::Env env;
ModelSession() : onnx(nullptr){};
struct SynthesisResult {
double inferSeconds;
double audioSeconds;
double realTimeFactor;
struct Voice {
json configRoot;
PhonemizeConfig phonemizeConfig;
SynthesisConfig synthesisConfig;
ModelConfig modelConfig;
ModelSession session;
// Must be called before using textTo* functions
void initialize(PiperConfig &config);
// Clean up
void terminate(PiperConfig &config);
// Load Onnx model and JSON config file
void loadVoice(PiperConfig &config, std::string modelPath,
std::string modelConfigPath, Voice &voice,
std::optional<SpeakerId> &speakerId);
// Phonemize text and synthesize audio
void textToAudio(PiperConfig &config, Voice &voice, std::string text,
std::vector<int16_t> &audioBuffer, SynthesisResult &result,
const std::function<void()> &audioCallback);
// Phonemize text and synthesize audio to WAV file
void textToWavFile(PiperConfig &config, Voice &voice, std::string text,
std::ostream &audioFile, SynthesisResult &result);
} // namespace piper
#endif // PIPER_H_