You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

151 lines
3.9 KiB

#ifndef CONFIG_H_
#define CONFIG_H_
#include <filesystem>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "json.hpp"
#include "utf8.h"
using namespace std;
using json = nlohmann::json;
namespace piper {
typedef char32_t Phoneme;
typedef int64_t PhonemeId;
typedef int64_t SpeakerId;
const string DefaultVoice = "en-gb-x-rp";
enum eSpeakMode { Text, TextWithPhonemes, SSML };
struct eSpeakConfig {
string voice = DefaultVoice;
eSpeakMode mode = Text;
set<Phoneme> clauseBreakers{U'.', U'?', U'!', U',', U';', U':'};
struct PhonemizeConfig {
string text;
optional<vector<Phoneme>> phonemes;
optional<map<Phoneme, vector<Phoneme>>> phonemeMap;
map<Phoneme, vector<PhonemeId>> phonemeIdMap;
PhonemeId idPad = 0; // padding (optionally interspersed)
PhonemeId idBos = 1; // beginning of sentence
PhonemeId idEos = 2; // end of sentence
bool interspersePad = true;
optional<eSpeakConfig> eSpeak;
struct SynthesisConfig {
vector<PhonemeId> phonemeIds;
float noiseScale = 0.667f;
float lengthScale = 1.0f;
float noiseW = 0.8f;
int sampleRate = 22050;
int sampleWidth = 2; // 16-bit
int channels = 1; // mono
optional<SpeakerId> speakerId;
struct ModelConfig {
int numSpeakers;
bool isSingleCodepoint(string s) {
return utf8::distance(s.begin(), s.end()) == 1;
Phoneme getCodepoint(string s) {
utf8::iterator character_iter(s.begin(), s.begin(), s.end());
return *character_iter;
void parsePhonemizeConfig(json &configRoot, PhonemizeConfig &phonemizeConfig) {
if (configRoot.contains("espeak")) {
if (!phonemizeConfig.eSpeak) {
auto espeakValue = configRoot["espeak"];
if (espeakValue.contains("voice")) {
phonemizeConfig.eSpeak->voice = espeakValue["voice"].get<string>();
// phoneme to [phoneme] map
if (configRoot.contains("phoneme_map")) {
if (!phonemizeConfig.phonemeMap) {
auto phonemeMapValue = configRoot["phoneme_map"];
for (auto &fromPhonemeItem : phonemeMapValue.items()) {
string fromPhoneme = fromPhonemeItem.key();
if (!isSingleCodepoint(fromPhoneme)) {
throw runtime_error("Phonemes must be one codepoint (phoneme map)");
auto fromCodepoint = getCodepoint(fromPhoneme);
for (auto &toPhonemeValue : fromPhonemeItem.value()) {
string toPhoneme = toPhonemeValue.get<string>();
if (!isSingleCodepoint(toPhoneme)) {
throw runtime_error("Phonemes must be one codepoint (phoneme map)");
auto toCodepoint = getCodepoint(toPhoneme);
// phoneme to [id] map
if (configRoot.contains("phoneme_id_map")) {
auto phonemeIdMapValue = configRoot["phoneme_id_map"];
for (auto &fromPhonemeItem : phonemeIdMapValue.items()) {
string fromPhoneme = fromPhonemeItem.key();
if (!isSingleCodepoint(fromPhoneme)) {
throw runtime_error("Phonemes must be one codepoint (phoneme id map)");
auto fromCodepoint = getCodepoint(fromPhoneme);
for (auto &toIdValue : fromPhonemeItem.value()) {
PhonemeId toId = toIdValue.get<PhonemeId>();
} /* parsePhonemizeConfig */
void parseSynthesisConfig(json &configRoot, SynthesisConfig &synthesisConfig) {
if (configRoot.contains("audio")) {
auto audioValue = configRoot["audio"];
if (audioValue.contains("sample_rate")) {
// Default sample rate is 22050 Hz
synthesisConfig.sampleRate = audioValue.value("sample_rate", 22050);
} /* parseSynthesisConfig */
void parseModelConfig(json &configRoot, ModelConfig &modelConfig) {
modelConfig.numSpeakers = configRoot["num_speakers"].get<SpeakerId>();
} /* parseModelConfig */
} // namespace piper
#endif // CONFIG_H_