# Training Guide Check out a [video training guide by Thorsten Müller](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_we_jma220) For Windows, see [ssamjh's guide using WSL](https://ssamjh.nz/create-custom-piper-tts-voice/) --- Training a voice for Piper involves 3 main steps: 1. Preparing the dataset 2. Training the voice model 3. Exporting the voice model Choices must be made at each step, including: * The model "quality" * low = 16,000 Hz sample rate, [smaller voice model](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/blob/master/src/python/piper_train/vits/config.py#L30) * medium = 22,050 Hz sample rate, [smaller voice model](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/blob/master/src/python/piper_train/vits/config.py#L30) * high = 22,050 Hz sample rate, [larger voice model](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/blob/master/src/python/piper_train/vits/config.py#L45) * Single or multiple speakers * Fine-tuning an [existing model](https://huggingface.co/datasets/rhasspy/piper-checkpoints/tree/main) or training from scratch * Exporting to [onnx](https://github.com/microsoft/onnxruntime/) or PyTorch ## Getting Started Start by installing system dependencies: ``` sh sudo apt-get install python3-dev ``` Then create a Python virtual environment: ``` sh cd piper/src/python python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip3 install --upgrade pip pip3 install --upgrade wheel setuptools pip3 install -e . ``` Run the `build_monotonic_align.sh` script in the `src/python` directory to build the extension. Ensure you have [espeak-ng](https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/) installed (`sudo apt-get install espeak-ng`). ## Preparing a Dataset The Piper training scripts expect two files that can be generated by `python3 -m piper_train.preprocess`: * A `config.json` file with the voice settings * `audio` (required) * `sample_rate` - audio rate in hertz * `espeak` (required) * `language` - espeak-ng voice or [alphabet](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper-phonemize/blob/master/src/phoneme_ids.cpp) * `num_symbols` (required) * Number of phonemes in the model (typically 256) * `num_speakers` (required) * Number of speakers in the dataset * `phoneme_id_map` (required) * Map from a phoneme (UTF-8 codepoint) to a list of ids * Id 0 ("_") is padding (pad) * Id 1 ("^") is the beginning of an utterance (bos) * Id 2 ("$") is the end of an utterance (eos) * Id 3 (" ") is a word separator (whitespace) * `phoneme_type` * "espeak" or "text" * "espeak" phonemes use [espeak-ng](https://github.com/rhasspy/espeak-ng) * "text" phonemes use a pre-defined [alphabet](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper-phonemize/blob/master/src/phoneme_ids.cpp) * `speaker_id_map` * Map from a speaker name to id * `phoneme_map` * Map from a phoneme (UTF-8 codepoint) to a list of phonemes * `inference` * `noise_scale` - noise added to the generator (default: 0.667) * `length_scale` - speaking speed (default: 1.0) * `noise_w` - phoneme width variation (default: 0.8) * A `dataset.jsonl` file with one line per utterance (JSON objects) * `phoneme_ids` (required) * List of ids for each utterance phoneme (0 <= id < `num_symbols`) * `audio_norm_path` (required) * Absolute path to [normalized audio](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/tree/master/src/python/piper_train/norm_audio) file (`.pt`) * `audio_spec_path` (required) * Absolute path to [audio spectrogram](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/blob/fda64e7a5104810a24eb102b880fc5c2ac596a38/src/python/piper_train/vits/mel_processing.py#L40) file (`.pt`) * `speaker_id` (required for multi-speaker) * Id of the utterance's speaker (0 <= id < `num_speakers`) * `audio_path` * Absolute path to original audio file * `text` * Original text of utterance before phonemization * `phonemes` * Phonemes from utterance text before converting to ids * `speaker` * Name of utterance speaker (from `speaker_id_map`) ### Dataset Format The pre-processing script expects data to be a directory with: * `metadata.csv` - CSV file with text, audio filenames, and speaker names * `wav/` - directory with audio files The `metadata.csv` file uses `|` as a delimiter, and has 2 or 3 columns depending on if the dataset has a single or multiple speakers. There is no header row. For single speaker datasets: ```csv id|text ``` where `id` is the name of the WAV file in the `wav` directory. For example, an `id` of `1234` means that `wav/1234.wav` should exist. For multi-speaker datasets: ```csv id|speaker|text ``` where `speaker` is the name of the utterance's speaker. Speaker ids will automatically be assigned based on the number of utterances per speaker (speaker id 0 has the most utterances). ### Pre-processing An example of pre-processing a single speaker dataset: ``` sh python3 -m piper_train.preprocess \ --language en-us \ --input-dir /path/to/dataset_dir/ \ --output-dir /path/to/training_dir/ \ --dataset-format ljspeech \ --single-speaker \ --sample-rate 22050 ``` The `--language` argument refers to an [espeak-ng voice](https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/) by default, such as `de` for German. To pre-process a multi-speaker dataset, remove the `--single-speaker` flag and ensure that your dataset has the 3 columns: `id|speaker|text` Verify the number of speakers in the generated `config.json` file before proceeding. ## Training a Model Once you have a `config.json`, `dataset.jsonl`, and audio files (`.pt`) from pre-processing, you can begin the training process with `python3 -m piper_train` For most cases, you should fine-tune from [an existing model](https://huggingface.co/datasets/rhasspy/piper-checkpoints/tree/main). The model must have the sample audio quality and sample rate, but does not necessarily need to be in the same language. It is **highly recommended** to train with the following `Dockerfile`: ``` dockerfile FROM nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:22.03-py3 RUN pip3 install \ 'pytorch-lightning' ENV NUMBA_CACHE_DIR=.numba_cache ``` As an example, we will fine-tune the [medium quality lessac voice](https://huggingface.co/datasets/rhasspy/piper-checkpoints/tree/main/en/en_US/lessac/medium). Download the `.ckpt` file and run the following command in your training environment: ``` sh python3 -m piper_train \ --dataset-dir /path/to/training_dir/ \ --accelerator 'gpu' \ --devices 1 \ --batch-size 32 \ --validation-split 0.0 \ --num-test-examples 0 \ --max_epochs 10000 \ --resume_from_checkpoint /path/to/lessac/epoch=2164-step=1355540.ckpt \ --checkpoint-epochs 1 \ --precision 32 ``` Use `--quality high` to train a [larger voice model](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/blob/master/src/python/piper_train/vits/config.py#L45) (sounds better, but is much slower). You can adjust the validation split (5% = 0.05) and number of test examples for your specific dataset. For fine-tuning, they are often set to 0 because the target dataset is very small. Batch size can be tricky to get right. It depends on the size of your GPU's vRAM, the model's quality/size, and the length of the longest sentence in your dataset. The `--max-phoneme-ids ` argument to `piper_train` will drop sentences that have more than `N` phoneme ids. In practice, using `--batch-size 32` and `--max-phoneme-ids 400` will work for 24 GB of vRAM (RTX 3090/4090). ### Multi-Speaker Fine-Tuning If you're training a multi-speaker model, use `--resume_from_single_speaker_checkpoint` instead of `--resume_from_checkpoint`. This will be *much* faster than training your multi-speaker model from scratch. ### Testing To test your voice during training, you can use [these test sentences](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper/tree/master/etc/test_sentences) or generate your own with [piper-phonemize](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper-phonemize/). Run the following command to generate audio files: ```sh cat test_en-us.jsonl | \ python3 -m piper_train.infer \ --sample-rate 22050 \ --checkpoint /path/to/training_dir/lightning_logs/version_0/checkpoints/*.ckpt \ --output-dir /path/to/training_dir/output" ``` The input format to `piper_train.infer` is the same as `dataset.jsonl`: one line of JSON per utterance with `phoneme_ids` and `speaker_id` (multi-speaker only). Generate your own test file with [piper-phonemize](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper-phonemize/): ```sh lib/piper_phonemize -l en-us --espeak-data lib/espeak-ng-data/ < my_test_sentences.txt > my_test_phonemes.jsonl ``` ### Tensorboard Check on your model's progress with tensorboard: ```sh tensorboard --logdir /path/to/training_dir/lightning_logs ``` Click on the scalars tab and look at both `loss_disc_all` and `loss_gen_all`. In general, the model is "done" when `loss_disc_all` levels off. We've found that 2000 epochs is usually good for models trained from scratch, and an additional 1000 epochs when fine-tuning. ## Exporting a Model When your model is finished training, export it to onnx with: ```sh python3 -m piper_train.export_onnx \ /path/to/model.ckpt \ /path/to/model.onnx cp /path/to/training_dir/config.json \ /path/to/model.onnx.json ``` The [export script](https://github.com/rhasspy/piper-samples/blob/master/_script/export.sh) does additional optimization of the model with [onnx-simplifier](https://github.com/daquexian/onnx-simplifier). If the export is successful, you can now use your voice with Piper: ```sh echo 'This is a test.' | \ piper -m /path/to/model.onnx --output_file test.wav ```