Michael Hansen 1 year ago
parent 61dc7d415f
commit b31cece2df

@ -1,3 +1,119 @@
# Larynx
A fast, local neural text to speech system.
``` sh
echo 'Welcome to the world of speech synthesis!' | \
./larynx --model blizzard_lessac-medium.onnx --output_file welcome.wav
## Voices
* [U.S. English](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/voice-english.tar.gz)
* [German](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/voice-german.tar.gz)
* [Danish](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/voice-danish.tar.gz)
* [Norweigian](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/voice-norweigian.tar.gz)
* [Nepali](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/voice-nepali.tar.gz)
* [Vietnamese](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/voice-vietnamese.tar.gz)
## Purpose
Larynx is meant to sound as good as [CoquiTTS](https://github.com/coqui-ai/TTS), but run reasonbly fast on the Raspberry Pi 4.
Voices are trained with [VITS](https://github.com/jaywalnut310/vits/) and exported to the [onnxruntime](https://onnxruntime.ai/).
## Installation
Download a release:
* [amd64](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/larynx_amd64.tar.gz) (desktop Linux)
* [arm64](https://github.com/rhasspy/larynx2/releases/download/v0.0.1/larynx_arm64.tar.gz) (Raspberry Pi 4)
If you want to build from source, see the [Makefile](Makefile) and [C++ source](src/cpp).
## Usage
1. [Download a voice](#voices) and extract the `.onnx` and `.onnx.json` files
2. Run the `larynx` binary with text on stdin, `--model /path/to/your-voice.onnx`, and `--output_file output.wav`
For example:
``` sh
echo 'Welcome to the world of speech synthesis!' | \
./larynx --model blizzard_lessac-medium.onnx --output_file welcome.wav
For multi-speaker models, use `--speaker <number>` to change speakers (default: 0).
See `larynx --help` for more options.
## Training
See [src/python](src/python)
Start by creating a virtual environment:
``` sh
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install --upgrade wheel setuptools
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Ensure you have [espeak-ng](https://github.com/espeak-ng/espeak-ng/) installed (`sudo apt-get install espeak-ng`).
Next, preprocess your dataset:
``` sh
python3 -m larynx_train.preprocess \
--language en-us \
--input-dir /path/to/ljspeech/ \
--output-dir /path/to/training_dir/ \
--dataset-format ljspeech \
--sample-rate 22050
Datasets must either be in the [LJSpeech](https://keithito.com/LJ-Speech-Dataset/) format or from [Mimic Recording Studio](https://github.com/MycroftAI/mimic-recording-studio) (`--dataset-format mycroft`).
Finally, you can train:
``` sh
python3 -m larynx_train \
--dataset-dir /path/to/training_dir/ \
--accelerator 'gpu' \
--devices 1 \
--batch-size 32 \
--validation-split 0.05 \
--num-test-examples 5 \
--max_epochs 10000 \
--precision 32
Training uses [PyTorch Lightning](https://www.pytorchlightning.ai/). Run `tensorboard --logdir /path/to/training_dir/lightning_logs` to monitor. See `python3 -m larynx_train --help` for many additional options.
It is highly recommended to train with the following `Dockerfile`:
``` dockerfile
FROM nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:22.03-py3
RUN pip3 install \
ENV NUMBA_CACHE_DIR=.numba_cache
See the various `infer_*` and `export_*` scripts in [src/python/larynx_train](src/python/larynx_train) to test and export your voice from the checkpoint in `lightning_logs`. The `dataset.jsonl` file in your training directory can be used with `python3 -m larynx_train.infer` for quick testing:
``` sh
head -n5 /path/to/training_dir/dataset.jsonl | \
python3 -m larynx_train.infer \
--checkpoint lightning_logs/path/to/checkpoint.ckpt \
--sample-rate 22050 \
--output-dir wavs
