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DIY IP KVM System with WEB-interface using Raspberry Pi

Stand-alone IP KVM device with web interface with various video capture options and bunch of features like keyboard/mouse control, ATX control (power/reset/ HDD load), Mass-Storage Device.


Minimal hardware implementation

  • Raspberry Pi 2, 3 or 4(work in progress)
  • MicroSD card
  • Raspberry Pi power supply

Video capture side for lowcost S-Video

Video capture side for HDMI

HID Subsystem and ATX control

  • Arduino Pro Micro with hardware USB for HID sub-system
  • GPIO cables
  • 2-Channel Relay Module
  • Optocouplers

Setting up the hardware

Here is a diagram of how you connect all of the pieces:


View the high resolution version

The detailed process is to:

Quick Install

The quick method of installation is to simply run the install script on the Pi3 as the pi user:

chmod +x

Everything will be done on the Pi3 and Pi0 automatically with the video input defaulting to s-video.

If you would like to manage multiple servers with one IPMI system, please see the Managing multiple servers section below.

Be sure to check the bottom of this README for Tips and Troubleshooting!

The long way

If you would like to do things step by step to understand how things work, the following instructions can be used.

Setting up the Pi 3

First, let's get all the software we need:

sudo apt-get update

Access the IPMI

You should now be able to access the IPMI console at http://<RaspberryPi3IP>/. From here you can set up SSL and port forwarding to the device as your situation requires.

Managing multiple servers

