# https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/getting-started # https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/reference/admonitions # https://github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material/blob/master/mkdocs.yml site_name: PiKVM Handbook site_description: Open and cheap DIY IP-KVM on Raspberry Pi site_author: Maxim Devaev site_url: https://pikvm.github.io/pikvm repo_name: pikvm/pikvm repo_url: https://github.com/pikvm/pikvm edit_uri: "" copyright: "Copyright © 2018-2022 Maxim Devaev" docs_dir: docs theme: logo: _assets/logo.png favicon: _assets/favicon.ico name: material palette: accent: pink font: text: "arial, sans-serif" code: monospace features: - navigation.indexes - navigation.sections - navigation.top - navigation.tracking - navigation.expand - search.highlight - search.share - search.suggest extra_css: - _assets/user.css markdown_extensions: - admonition - def_list - attr_list - pymdownx.tilde - pymdownx.details - pymdownx.superfences - pymdownx.magiclink - toc: permalink: true - codehilite: guess_lang: false - markdown_include.include: base_path: docs plugins: - search: lang: en - mkdocs-video nav: - "Getting started": - "PiKVM V4 Mini & Plus guide": v4.md - "PiKVM V3 HAT guide": v3.md - "First steps": first_steps.md - "Authentication": auth.md - "FAQ": faq.md - "Networking": - "Internet access": - "Port forwarding": port_forwarding.md - "Tailscale VPN": tailscale.md - "Cloudflare Tunnel": cloudflared.md - "Setting up Wi-Fi": wifi.md - "Let's Encrypt certificates": letsencrypt.md - "Video": - "H.264 / WebRTC": webrtc.md - "Working with video": video.md - "Tuning HDMI EDID": edid.md - "HDMI audio": audio.md - "Peripheral devices": - "Keyboard & mouse": - "Mouse modes": mouse.md - "Bluetooth HID": bluetooth_hid.md - "Arduino HID (USB, PS/2)": arduino_hid.md - "Mass Storage Drive": msd.md - "Ethernet-over-USB": usb_ethernet.md - "Serial-over-USB": usb_serial.md - "GPIO (pins, relays, lamps, etc)": gpio.md - "Advanced usage": - "Using VNC": vnc.md - "Multiport KVM-over-IP": multiport.md - "Wake-on-LAN the server": wol.md - "IPMI & Redfish integration": ipmi.md - "Persistent storage": pst.md - "Prometheus monitoring": prometheus.md - "Development": - "Cases for 3D printing": 3d_printing.md - "Building PiKVM OS": building_os.md - "HTTP API reference": api.md