# Tailscale VPN You can use [Tailscale](https://tailscale.com/) to access Pi-KVM on the internal network. This is a convenient and free (for private use) tool for organizing a small VPN network. # Installation ## On the Pi-KVM side 1. Use this commands: ``` # rw # pacman -Syy # pacman -S tailscale # systemctl enable --now tailscaled # tailscale up ``` 2. Follow the link to authorize this installation. 3. After success, perform soft reboot using `reboot` command to make sure that everything will work correctly. 4. Perform command `ip addr show tailscale0` to view the Tailscale IP address. ## On the workstation side * Download and install tailscale for your OS: https://tailscale.com/download * Check tha page https://login.tailscale.com/admin/machines to view your VPN network. * Follow the URL in the web browser: `https://` and you will see Pi-KVM web interface.