# Raspberry Pi Pico HID !!! warning "This page is under construction" The Pico HID is a part of DIY PiKVM V1 platform and performs keyboard and mouse emulation. It has excellent compatibility, and by default emulates USB, including two mouse modes: absolute and relative. The scope of the Pico HID is not limited to V1 platform, it can also be used with V2 and even V3 platform if you need to emulate a PS/2 keyboard and mouse or use [legacy multiport KVM switch](https://github.com/pikvm/pikvm/issues/7) which does not fully support USB standards. This page explains how to build, connect and use all the features of the Pico HID. ----- ## Making the Pico HID If you are building the PiKVM V1, then all the necessary components should already be at your fingertips. If you are making the Pico HID for V2 or V3, then here is what you will need: * Raspberry Pi Pico board with soldered pins. [An official green board](https://pico.pinout.xyz) is recommended. * *x1* USB-A to Micro-USB cable. * *x10* dupont wires female-female. * Optional: *x1* 1N5819 diode. But any similar one will do. !!! tip "Tip for soldering guru" If you know how to solder, you can buy the Pico without pins and no dupond wires, and just solder everything. !!! warning The diode is needed to provide the power to the Pico HID regardless of the host state, and prevents backpowering problem. It will allow you to keep the keyboard buttons pressed during the host power cycle, which is important for MacOS to get into the boot menus, for example. Do not connect the red wire (the `VSYS (Pico) -> 5V (Pi)` line) without a diode. If you can't find the diode, don't connect this wire at all. Connect all the parts according to the scheme: ??? example "Simple wiring diagram" ??? example "Electrical schematic diagram for advanced users" ----- ## Configuring the HID modes By default, Pico HID emulates a USB keyboard and an absolute or relative mouse (read [here](mouse.md) about the difference between mouse modes). For most cases, nothing needs to be changed here. However, if you need something special (like Windows 98 support), you can do it without reflashing on the current firmware. To achieve this, the Pico HID uses a runtime configuration, which is set by connecting some GPIOs with Ground (`GND`) lines. | Pin name on the Pico board | Description | |----------|-------------| | `GP2` | Enable PS/2 keyboard & mouse support (see below). | | `GP3` | Prefer the PS/2 keyboard over USB when turning on the HID (if PS/2 enabled). | | `GP4` | Prefer the PS/2 mouse over USB (if PS/2 enabled) | | `GP6` | Disable USB keyboard & mouse support. This is useful if you only want to use PS/2. | | `GP7` | Enable the special USB absolute mouse for Windows 98. | | `GP8` | Prefer the relative USB mouse over the absolute one. | | `GP9` | Prefer the Windows 98 USB absolute mouse over the regular absolute one (if enabled). | !!! example To enable Windows 98 absolute mouse, just connect pin `GP9` to any `GND` [on the Pico](https://pico.pinout.xyz). !!! warning PS/2 is not implemented now. Soon (r) (c) (tm) ----- ## Flashing the firmware To upload the firmware to Pico HID, you can use any computer with a USB port. 1. [Download](https://github.com/pikvm/kvmd/releases) the latest release of the firmware. The file is called `pico-hid.uf2`. 2. Press the white button on the Pico board and plug it using USB cable to the computer. 3. Release the button. 4. The Pico board appears as a flash drive on the host computer. 5. Copy the `pico-hid.uf2` file to this flash drive. 6. Safely disconnect the USB device. ----- ## The final steps Connect the Pico HID to the host computer using the USB cable. If you are building PiKVM V1, then no further action with the Pico HID is required. If you are making the Pico HID for V2 or V3, add the following lines to the PiKVM configuration and reboot it. !!! note "KVMD >= 3.241 is required for the Pico HID" * `/boot/config.txt` ```ini dtoverlay=spi0-1cs ``` * `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`: ```yaml kvmd: hid: type: spi chip: 0 bus: 0 sw_cs_pin: 7 sw_cs_per_byte: true reset_pin: 25 reset_inverted: true reset_self: true power_detect_pin: 16 power_detect_pull_down: true ``` ----- ## Arduino HID replacement !!! note This section is intended for advanced users The Pico HID can be used to replace the [Arduino HID](arduino_hid.md) in legacy DIY PiKVM V0 builds. Moreover, it can use both Serial (UART) port and SPI. The connection scheme is also noticeably simplified, getting rid of the transistor for the Reset line and level shifter for RX/TX (MOSI/MISO). * **For Arduino HID over SPI**: Throw away the Reset transistor and level shifter, and follow this guide from the very beginning, as if you were connecting Pico HID for V2/V3. * **For the classic Serial (UART) HID**: Get rid of the transistor and level shifter, and follow this guide from the very beginning, but the schemes and configs will be slightly different. * The `GP22` on the Pico is connected directly to the `GND`. This enables UART mode instead of default SPI. * In the original V0, `GPIO4` on the Raspberry Pi was used for the Reset line. Now we recommend using `GPIO25` for consistency reasons. However, you can use `GPIO4` by changing the `reset_pin` value in the config example below. On the scheme, this is a yellow wire, the `RUN (Pico) -> GPIO25 (Pi)` line. ??? example "Configs" * Don't add line `dtoverlay=spi0-1cs` to the `/boot/config.txt` file. It's only needed for SPI. * `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`: ```yaml kvmd: hid: type: serial device: /dev/kvmd-hid reset_pin: 25 reset_inverted: true reset_self: true power_detect_pin: 16 power_detect_pull_down: true ```