# Building PiKVM OS The assembly of PiKVM OS is carried out using a special build environment. Here the minimum required for its use, imposed on the build machine: * kernel >= 5.8 * glibc >= 2.33 * docker >= 19.03.13 * git Docker must work in privileged mode. 1. When starting with a clean OS you need to install and configure Docker. An example for Ubuntu: ```console [user@localhost ~]$ sudo apt-get install git make curl binutils -y [user@localhost ~]$ sudo apt-get install docker.io [user@localhost ~]$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER ``` Re-login to apply the changes. 2. Checkout the build environment: ```console [user@localhost ~]$ git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/pikvm/os [user@localhost ~]$ cd os ``` 3. Determine the target board and platform: * Choose the board: * `BOARD=rpi4` for Raspberry Pi 4. * `BOARD=zero2w` * `BOARD=rpi3` * `BOARD=rpi2` * Choose the platform: * `PLATFORM=v4mini-hdmi` for PiKVM V4 Mini. * `PLATFORM=v4plus-hdmi` for PiKVM V4 Plus. * `PLATFORM=v3-hdmi` for RPi4 and PiKVM V3 HAT. * `PLATFORM=v2-hdmi` for RPi3a+/RPi4 or Zero2W with HDMI-CSI bridge. * `PLATFORM=v2-hdmiusb` for RPi4 with HDMI-USB dongle. * `PLATFORM=v1-hdmi` for RPi2 or 3b+ with HDMI-CSI bridge and the Pico HID. * `PLATFORM=v1-hdmiusb` for RPi2 or 3b+ with HDMI-USB dongle and the Pico HID. 4. Create the build config file `config.mk` for the target system and and the `BOARD` and `PLATFORM` variables. You can also set some other parameters as you wish (see below). Please note: if your password contains the # character, you must escape it using a backslash like `ROOT_PASSWD = pass\#word`. ```bash # Base board BOARD = rpi4 # Hardware configuration PLATFORM = v2-hdmi # Target hostname HOSTNAME = pikvm # ru_RU, etc. UTF-8 only LOCALE = en_US # See /usr/share/zoneinfo TIMEZONE = Europe/Nicosia # For SSH root user ROOT_PASSWD = rootpass # Web UI credentials: user=admin, password=adminpass WEBUI_ADMIN_PASSWD = adminpass # IPMI credentials: user=admin, password=adminpass IPMI_ADMIN_PASSWD = adminpass ``` 4. Build the OS. It may take about one hour depending on the Internet connection: ```console [user@localhost os]$ make os ``` !!! tip If you get an error about failing to retrieving a file, please edit the Makefile and remove `de3.` from the repo URL. 5. Create an image. It will be stored in the `images` directory as a file with `*.img` extension: ```console [user@localhost os]$ make image ``` 6. [Flash the result image to SD card](flashing_os.md#flashing-the-image).