Specifically to V2+. When combined with configuring a DNS server, FTP, or SMB (for example), this is a powerful way to extend the capabilities of PiKVM.
The `host_mac` address will be used on the server's network interface. The `kvm_mac` means the address that will be assigned to the local interface on the PiKVM. The KVM interface will be called `usb0`network interface. If the `host_mac` or `kvm_mac` is not specified, a random value will be used. The `driver` parameter means the protocol that will be used for the USB network. The default value is `ecm` so it can be passed it this example. Other possible values are `eem`, `ncm`, `rndis` and `rndis5`.
2. To automatically configure the USB network on the server recommended using the service `kvmd-otgnet`. It configures the firewall, assigns an address to the local PiKVM interface `usb0` and starts DHCP so the managed server can get the IPv4 address. By default, the address `` to interface `usb0` will be assigned. One of the other addresses from the network `` will be assigned to the server when it requests it via DHCP. For security reasons, all incoming connections from the server to the PiKVM side are blocked (except for ICMP and UDP port 67 which is used for DHCP). If you want to allow access from the server to the PiKVM interface, then you need to add ports 80 and 443 to the whitelist using `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml` file like this:
By default, `kvmd-otgnet` will configure network connection between PiKVM and the server host only. The server host will not be able to reach other hosts beyond PiKVM. If the full network access is required from the server host through the USB-Ethernet feature (access all hosts PiKVM can access), additional settings are needed in `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`.
2. Add network interface to forward requests to (default gateway) by adding a line `forward_iface: <interface name>` under `firewall:`. Typically it would be `eth0` if the built-in ethernet port is used::
3. Add DNS server to provide host name resolution service. For example, adding `` as DNS server requires addition of `dnsmasq` dhcp options. This can be done by adding following lines to `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`:
5. To enable internet access for the server host, add the following to the otgnet configuration::
The 'net' parameter defines the network address range of the usb0 network. The server host will automatically receive an IP address within this network including the DNS servers defined under 'post_start_cmd_append'. Note: This network should *not* be same as the network PiKVM is connected to.
2. Download [this driver](https://modclouddownloadprod.blob.core.windows.net/shared/mod-rndis-driver-windows.zip) on the Windows machine and unzip it somewhere.