As an alternative to the web interface, you can use VNC with various desktop clients. The main advantage of VNC over the browser is the ability to expand the image to the full screen, as well as complete interception of all keyboard keys. In some cases, VNC will be more responsive than the browser, especially on weak computers.
!!! warning
Don't use VNC without X.509 or TLS encryption on untrusted networks! Otherwise your password will be transmitted over the network in plain text. Unfortunately, this is the reality of the VNC protocol.
VNC and its varients/TeamViewer/RDP to a system uses the target systems framebuffer IE local display, VNC usage for PiKVM accesses the stream, there will still be a 100-200ms latency and cannot be compared with the other software solutions.
1. Switch PiKVM filesystem to read-write mode using command `rw`.
2.*Optional:* Change client's keyboard layout if you're using an non-US keyboard. To do this edit file `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`:
keymap: /usr/share/kvmd/keymaps/ru
All available keymaps are located in `/usr/share/kvmd/keymaps`:
3.*Optional:* This step is not nessessory if using TigerVNC. Some VNC clients (for example TightVNC) can't use user/password authentication. In this case you can enable passphrases mode in `/etc/kvmd/override.yaml`:
enabled: true
To set passphrases edit file `/etc/kvmd/vncpasswd`.
4. Enable `kvmd-vnc` daemon. VNC will be available on the port 5900: `systemctl enable --now kvmd-vnc`.
With enabled [2FA](, you will need to add the one-time code to the password without spaces. That is, if the password is `foobar` and the code is `123456`, then you need to use `foobar123456` as the password. Also note that `vncauth` (step 3) will not work with 2FA.
If you are using PiKVM V3+ or DIY based on CSI bridge, you can try the [beta version of TigerVNC with H.264 support]( It will improve performance and save traffic.
H.264 is available in binary builds for Windows, for other OS it needs to be compiled manually (before that, you need to install ffmpeg libraries).