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5 years ago
# DIY IP KVM System with WEB-interface using Raspberry Pi
Stand-alone IP KVM device with web interface with various video capture options and bunch of features like keyboard/mouse control, ATX control (power/reset/ HDD load), Mass-Storage Device.
5 years ago
5 years ago
## Minimal hardware implementation
- Raspberry Pi 2, 3 or 4(work in progress)
- MicroSD card
- Raspberry Pi power supply
5 years ago
5 years ago
**Video capture side for lowcost S-Video**
5 years ago
- Easycap UTV007 device (
- HDMI to S-Video (not all options work, but these two have been tested) ( or
5 years ago
5 years ago
**Video capture side for HDMI**
5 years ago
- B101 HDMI to CSI-2 Bridge (
5 years ago
**HID Subsystem and ATX control**
5 years ago
- Arduino Pro Micro with hardware USB for HID sub-system
- GPIO cables
- 2-Channel Relay Module
- Optocouplers
5 years ago
5 years ago
## Setting up the hardware
Here is a diagram of how you connect all of the pieces:
5 years ago
5 years ago
## Quick Install
The quick method of installation is to simply run the install script on the Pi3 as the `pi` user:
5 years ago
git clone
make binfmt os BOARD=rpi3 STAGES="__init__ os watchdog ro __cleanup__"
cat .build/Dockerfile
find .build/stages
можешь запустить make shell
оно тебе даст поковыряться в армовом корне
CARD ?= /dev/sdb
попробуешь снова собрать?
git checkout .
git pull
<поправить путь к карточке в Makefile>
make binfmt os BOARD=rpi3 BUILD_OPTS=--no-cache STAGES="__init__ os watchdog ro sshkeygen __cleanup__"
make install
git clone
отредактируй мейкфайл
потом делай make v1-vga-rpi3
потом make install
в начале файла будет пачка переменных
CARD ?= /dev/sdb
BOARD ?= rpi2
PLATFORM ?= v1-vga
STAGES ?= "__init__ os watchdog ro pikvm-common-init pikvm-$(PLATFORM) pikvm-common-final rootssh sshkeygen __cleanup__"
HOSTNAME ?= pikvm
TIMEZONE ?= Europe/Moscow
заменяешь CARD, в STAGES убираешь rootssh, потом билдишь
make v1-vga-rpi3
make install
пользователь в морду admin, пароль admin
mdevaevВчера в 17:36
если есть время - попробуй пересобрать квм
я там всякой мелочи прикольной допилил
только надо в os сделать make clean-all
и в самом репе сделать git pull
много перепилил
чекни урл /extras/webterm/gotty/
там консоль
make clean-all
git checkout .
git pull
nano Makefile
CARD ?= /dev/sdb
make v1-vga-rpi3
make install
make clean-all
git pull --rebase
make v1-vga-rpi3
make install
make v1-vga-rpi3 install
5 years ago
Everything will be done on the Pi3 and Pi0 automatically with the video input defaulting to s-video.
If you would like to manage multiple servers with one IPMI system, please see the [Managing multiple servers](#managing-multiple-servers) section below.
Be sure to check the bottom of this README for [Tips](#tips) and [Troubleshooting](#troubleshooting)!
## The long way
If you would like to do things step by step to understand how things work, the following instructions can be used.
#### Setting up the Pi 3
First, let's get all the software we need:
sudo apt-get update
#### Access the IPMI
You should now be able to access the IPMI console at `http://<RaspberryPi3IP>/`. From here you can set up SSL and port forwarding to the device as your situation requires.
## Managing multiple servers
## Tips
## Troubleshooting